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Last active October 28, 2024 16:00
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Convert winget output to PowerShell objects
# this is one of Stéphane BARIZIEN's public domain scripts
# the most recent version can be found at:
#requires -version 7
# This crude script converts the output of the winget.exe executable into an array of PowerShell objects
# usage: winget <args> | ConvertFrom-WingetStdout.ps1
# examples of application:
# 1. Upgrade everything except some apps (e.g. managed by your employer's IT,
# or you know winget doesn't handle them properly yet)
# winget upgrade | ConvertFrom-WingetStdout.ps1 | ? { $_.Id -notin ('VideoLAN.VLC', 'Microsoft.Office', 'Kitware.CMake') } | % { winget upgrade --id $_.Id }
# If this code doesn't work, I dunno who wrote it.
# Stéphane BARIZIEN <[email protected]>
param([string] $DebugCmd = 'upgrade')
# winget now outputs UTF-8 e.g. for '…' in the 'Available' column, we need to account for this
[Console]::InputEncoding = [Console]::OutputEncoding = $InputEncoding = $OutputEncoding = [System.Text.Utf8Encoding]::new()
# get rid of PSSA warning
$null = $InputEncoding
$index = 0
$fieldnames = @()
$fieldoffsets = @()
$offset = 0
$re = ""
$objcount = 0
# regex for matching progress information such as
# ██████████████████▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ 2.00 MB / 3.20 MB
# ████████████████████████████▒▒ 3.00 MB / 3.20 MB
# ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ 0%
# add U+2589..U+258F to account for
# first part of $progress_re within first () is
# U+00d4 U+00fb U+00ea U+007c
# U+00d4 U+00fb U+00c6 U+007c
# U+0393 U+00fb U+00ea U+007c
# U+0393 U+00fb U+00c6 U+007c
# U+005b U+2588 U+2589 U+258a U+258b U+258c U+258d U+258e U+258f U+2592 U+005d
$progress_re = '(Ôûê|ÔûÆ|Γûê|ΓûÆ|[█▉▊▋▌▍▎▏▒])+\s+([\d\.]+\s+.B\s+/\s+[\d\.]+\s+.B|[\d\.]+%)'
# logfile for debugging
$logfile = Join-Path -Path $env:TEMP -ChildPath ($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name -replace '\.ps1', '.log')
# for debugging within VScode
if ($Host.Name -eq 'Visual Studio Code Host')
Write-Debug ("Debugging with output from 'winget {0}'" -f $DebugCmd)
$data = & winget $DebugCmd
$data = $input
function DumpString([string] $string)
$result = "hex: "
for ($index = 0; $index -lt $string.Length; $index++)
$result += ("{0:x2} " -f [int]$string[$index])
return ($result -replace '\s+$', '')
foreach ($line in $data)
Write-Debug("index={0}, fieldcount={1}, fieldnames={3}, re='{2}'" -f `
$index, `
$fieldnames.Count, `
$re, `
($fieldnames -join ':') `
Write-Debug ("line='{0}'" -f ($line -replace '[\x01-\x1F]', '.'))
# skip lines before the column headers
if ($line -notmatch '^\s+\x08' -and $line -notmatch $progress_re -and $line -notmatch '^\s*$')
# build regex from line with field names
if ($index -eq 0)
$line0 = $line
while ($line -ne '')
if ($line -match '^(\S+)(\s+)(.*)')
$fieldnames += $Matches[1]
$fieldoffsets += $offset
$offset += $Matches[1].Length + $Matches[2].Length
$line = $Matches[3]
$fieldnames += $line
$fieldoffsets += $offset
$line = ''
$re = '^'
for ($fieldindex = 0; $fieldindex -lt ($fieldnames.Count - 1); $fieldindex++)
$re += ('(.{{{0},{0}}})' -f ($fieldoffsets[$fieldindex + 1] - $fieldoffsets[$fieldindex]))
$re += '(.*)'
# skip separator line
elseif ($index -eq 1)
if ($line -notmatch '^-+$')
if ($line -match $progress_re -or $line0 -match $progress_re) # progress info, skip and reset index
$msg = ("Skipping:`n{0}`n{1}" -f $line0, $line)
$msg | Out-File -Encoding utf8BOM -Append -LiteralPath $logfile
$index = -1
$msg = ("Unexpected input:`n{0}`n{1}" -f $line0, $line)
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red $msg
$msg | Out-File -Encoding utf8BOM -Append -LiteralPath $logfile
# if line matches regex, turn into object and output said object to pipeline
if ($line -match $re)
$obj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
for ($fieldindex = 0; $fieldindex -lt ($Matches.Count - 1); $fieldindex++)
Add-Member -InputObject $obj -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $fieldnames[$fieldindex] -Value ($Matches[$fieldindex + 1] -replace '\s+$', '')
Write-Debug ("Cannot match input based on field names: '{0}' 're='{1}')" -f $line, $re)
# skip
Write-Debug ("Skipped '{0}' ({1})" -f ($line -replace '[\x01-\x1F]', '.'), (DumpString -string $line))
Write-Debug("Output {0} object(s)" -f $objcount)
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sba923 commented May 11, 2022

Sure. Will file a feature request for that (something like a --autocolumnwidth option).

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sba923 commented May 15, 2022

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tig commented Nov 9, 2022

Hero level stuff here.

I found this script and it gave me joy.

I use it with Out-ConsoleGridView:

 winget list | ./ConvertFrom-WingetStdout.ps1 | ? { $_.Source -in ('winget') } | ocgv | % { winget uninstall --id $_.Id }

bpQamO3 1

This example just selected one package, but OCGV and the command line supports multiple. Great way to select all the sh*t you want to uninstall or upgrade or whatever.

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sba923 commented Nov 10, 2022

Hero level stuff here.

Thanks @tig for the praise! I'm glad this is helpful to you (and hopefully to others!).

As you probably know, this is a temporary solution until winget sports a mechanism that outputs structured data instead of stdout text.

@denelon do you want to comment on this / share info on where you stand?

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