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Last active September 25, 2024 03:44
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  • Save satmandu/a507c59d84737f6d29ff353395819d51 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save satmandu/a507c59d84737f6d29ff353395819d51 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Make arm64 deb packages for the offical Raspberry Pi Foundation arm64 kernels, tested with ubuntu 23.04
#!/bin/bash -x
# Builds arm64 debian packages from the CURRENT rpi firmware repository kernel which is installed by:
# sudo rpi-update
# This runs on an arm64 host with arm64 compilation tools...
# or with some sort of cross-compilation setup.
# Debs are put in $workdir/build
# This will NOT work in Raspbian unless you have an arm64 compilation
# environment setup. Appears to work on
# Raspberry Pi OS (64 bit) beta test version
# Install packages you should probably have if you are needing to install kernel headers.
arch=$(uname -m)
if [[ $arch == 'aarch64' ]]; then
echo ""
echo "This needs to be run when booted into 64-bit mode."
exit 1
# sudo apt install -f -y build-essential flex gawk bison libssl-dev bc dkms autoconf libtool || (sudo apt install -f -y || true)
[[ ! -d "$workdir" ]] && ( mkdir -p "$workdir" || exit 1)
[[ ! -d "$workdir"/tmp ]] && ( mkdir -p "$workdir"/tmp || exit 1)
[[ ! -d "$workdir"/build ]] && ( mkdir -p "$workdir"/build || exit 1)
echo "workdir is ${workdir}"
tmpdir=$(mktemp -d deb_XXXX -p "$workdir"/tmp)
echo "tmpdir is ${tmpdir}"
src_temp=$(mktemp -d rpi_src_XXXi -p "$workdir"/tmp)
FIRMWARE_REV=$(git ls-remote "" refs/heads/$git_branch | awk '{print $1}')
cd "$src_temp" && curl -OLf$git_branch/git_hash
KERNEL_REV=$(cat "$src_temp"/git_hash)
SHORT_HASH=$(echo ${KERNEL_REV:0:7})
setup_git_fw() {
if [[ -d "$workdir/rpi-firmware" ]]; then
( sudo rm -rf "$workdir"/rpi-firmware.old || true )
( sudo mv "$workdir"/rpi-firmware "$workdir"/rpi-firmware.old || true )
( sudo rm -rf "$workdir"/rpi-firmware.old || true )
cd "$workdir" && git clone --depth=1 -b $git_branch $git_base
update_git_fw() {
[[ ! -d "$workdir/rpi-firmware" ]] && setup_git_fw
( cd "$workdir"/rpi-firmware && git fetch && git reset --hard origin/$git_branch ) || setup_git_fw
cd "$workdir"/rpi-firmware && git config pull.ff only
cd "$workdir"/rpi-firmware && git pull
#cd "$workdir"/rpi-firmware && git_hash=$(git rev-parse origin/$git_branch)
check_zfs() {
# Install zfs prerequisites
sudo apt install -f -y autoconf libtool uuid-dev libudev-dev \
libssl-dev zlib1g-dev libaio-dev libattr1-dev python3 python3-dev \
python3-setuptools autoconf automake libtool gawk dkms libblkid-dev \
uuid-dev libudev-dev libssl-dev libelf-dev python3-cffi libffi-dev || true
make_headers_deb_files() {
installed_size_headers=$(du -a "$dhpath" | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $1}')
mkdir -p "$dhpath"/DEBIAN
chmod 777 "$dhpath"/DEBIAN
cat <<-EOF | dd status=none of="$dhpath"/DEBIAN/control
Source: linux-$kver
Section: kernel
Priority: optional
Maintainer: root <root@$SHORT_HASH>
Standards-Version: 4.1.3
Package: linux-headers-$kver
Architecture: all
Version: $kver-1
Depends: build-essential, flex, bison, bc
Installed-Size: $installed_size_headers
Description: Linux kernel headers for $kver on arm64
This package provides kernel header files for $kver on arm64
built from:$FIRMWARE_REV
This is useful for people who need to build external modules
cat <<-EOF | dd status=none of="$dhpath"/DEBIAN/preinst
set -e
if [ "\$1" = abort-upgrade ]; then
exit 0
if [ "\$1" = install ]; then
mkdir -p /lib/modules/\$version
mkdir -p /usr/src/linux-headers-\$version || true
cd /lib/modules/\$version && ln -snrvf /usr/src/linux-headers-\$version build
if [ -d /etc/kernel/header_preinst.d ]; then
DEB_MAINT_PARAMS="\$*" run-parts --report --exit-on-error --arg=\$version \\
--arg=\$image_path /etc/kernel/header_preinst.d
exit 0
chmod +x "$dhpath"/DEBIAN/preinst
cat <<-EOF | dd status=none of="$dhpath"/DEBIAN/postinst
set -e
[[ -f /etc/environment ]] && . /etc/environment
if [ "\$1" != configure ]; then
exit 0
if [ -d /etc/kernel/header_postinst.d ]; then
DEB_MAINT_PARAMS="\$*" run-parts --report --exit-on-error --arg=\$version \\
exit 0
chmod +x "$dhpath"/DEBIAN/postinst
chmod -R 0755 "$dhpath"/DEBIAN
cd "$tmpdir" && sudo nice -n 20 dpkg-deb -b headers/
sudo mv "$tmpdir"/headers.deb "$workdir"/build/linux-headers-"${kver}"_all.deb
make_image_deb_files() {
installed_size_image=$(du -a "$dipath" | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $1}')
mkdir -p "$dipath"/DEBIAN
chmod 777 "$dipath"/DEBIAN
cat <<-EOF | dd status=none of="$dipath"/DEBIAN/control
Package: linux-image-$kver
Source: linux-$kver
Version: $kver-1
Architecture: arm64
Maintainer: root <root@$SHORT_HASH>
Installed-Size: $installed_size_image
Section: kernel
Priority: optional
Description: Linux kernel, version $kver
This package contains the Linux kernel, modules and corresponding other
files, version: $kver.
cat <<-EOFF | dd status=none of="$dipath"/DEBIAN/postinst
set -e
bootfsmount=\$(mount | grep boot | awk '{print \$3}')
[[ \$(echo \$bootfsmount | wc -w) == "1" ]] && BOOTFS=\${bootfsmount}
# Install kernel (This avoids an issue if /boot is fat32.)
mount -o remount,rw /boot 2>/dev/null || true
cp /usr/share/rpikernelhack/vmlinuz-"$kver" \$image_path || true
# If custom kernel= line is being used don't replace kernel8.img,
# overlays, or dtb files.
if ! vcgencmd get_config str | grep -q kernel ; then
cp /usr/share/rpikernelhack/vmlinuz-"$kver" /boot/kernel8.img
cp /usr/lib/linux-image-"$kver"/broadcom/*.dtb \$BOOTFS/
cp /usr/lib/linux-image-"$kver"/overlays/* \$BOOTFS/overlays/
# This is needed to keep flash-kernel from throwing an error.
cp /usr/lib/linux-image-"$kver"/broadcom/*.dtb /etc/flash-kernel/dtbs/
# Make sure flash-kernel db allows for any kernel flavor
if ! grep -q 'Kernel-Flavors: any' /etc/flash-kernel/db ; then
mkdir -p /etc/flash-kernel/
cat <<FLASHDBRPI4 >> /etc/flash-kernel/db
Machine: Raspberry Pi 4 Model B
Machine: Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.1
Machine: Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.2
Machine: Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.4
Machine: Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 Rev 1.0
Machine: Raspberry Pi 400 Rev 1.0
Machine: Raspberry Pi 400 Rev 1.1
Machine: Raspberry Pi *
Kernel-Flavors: any
# When we install linux-image we have to run kernel postinst.d support to
# generate the initramfs, create links etc. Should it have an associated
# linux-image-extra package and we install that we also need to run kernel
# postinst.d, to regenerate the initramfs. If we are installing both at the
# same time, we necessarily trigger kernel postinst.d twice. As this includes
# rebuilding the initramfs and reconfiguring the boot loader this is very time
# consuming.
# Similarly for removal when we remove the linux-image-extra package we need to
# run kernel postinst.d handling in order to pare down the initramfs to
# linux-image contents only. When we remove the linux-image need to remove the
# now redundant initramfs. If we are removing both at the same time, then
# we will rebuilt the initramfs and then immediatly remove it.
# Switches to using a trigger against the linux-image package for all
# postinst.d and postrm.d handling. On installation postinst.d gets triggered
# twice once by linux-image and once by linux-image-extra. As triggers are
# non-cumulative we will only run this processing once. When removing both
# packages we will trigger postinst.d from linux-image-extra and then in
# linux-image postrm.d we effectivly ignore the pending trigger and simply run
# the postrm.d. This prevents us from rebuilding the initramfs.
if [ "\$1" = triggered ]; then
if [ -f "\$trigger" ]; then
sh "\$trigger"
rm -f "\$trigger"
exit 0
if [ "\$1" != configure ]; then
exit 0
depmod \$version
if [ -f /lib/modules/\$version/.fresh-install ]; then
# linux-update-symlinks \$change \$version \$image_path
rm -f /lib/modules/\$version/.fresh-install
if [ -d /etc/kernel/postinst.d ]; then
mkdir -p /usr/lib/linux/triggers
cat - >/usr/lib/linux/triggers/\$version <<EOF
DEB_MAINT_PARAMS="\$*" run-parts --report --exit-on-error --arg=\$version \\
--arg=\$image_path /etc/kernel/postinst.d
dpkg-trigger --no-await linux-update-\$version
exit 0
chmod +x "$dipath"/DEBIAN/postinst
cat <<-EOF | dd status=none of="$dipath"/DEBIAN/triggers
interest linux-update-$kver
cat <<-EOF | dd status=none of="$dipath"/DEBIAN/postrm
set -e
rm -f /lib/modules/\$version/.fresh-install
#if [ "\$1" != upgrade ] && command -v linux-update-symlinks >/dev/null; then
# linux-update-symlinks remove \$version \$image_path
if [ -d /etc/kernel/postrm.d ]; then
# We cannot trigger ourselves as at the end of this we will no longer
# exist and can no longer respond to the trigger. The trigger would
# then become lost. Therefore we clear any pending trigger and apply
# postrm directly.
if [ -f /usr/lib/linux/triggers/\$version ]; then
echo "\$0 ... removing pending trigger"
rm -f /usr/lib/linux/triggers/\$version
DEB_MAINT_PARAMS="\$*" run-parts --report --exit-on-error --arg=\$version \\
--arg=\$image_path /etc/kernel/postrm.d
if [ "\$1" = purge ]; then
for extra_file in modules.dep modules.isapnpmap modules.pcimap \\
modules.usbmap modules.parportmap \\
modules.generic_string modules.ieee1394map \\
modules.ieee1394map modules.pnpbiosmap \\
modules.alias modules.ccwmap modules.inputmap \\
modules.symbols modules.ofmap \\
modules.seriomap modules.\\*.bin \\
modules.softdep modules.devname; do
eval rm -f /lib/modules/\$version/\$extra_file
rmdir /lib/modules/\$version || true
exit 0
chmod +x "$dipath"/DEBIAN/postrm
cat <<-EOF | dd status=none of="$dipath"/DEBIAN/preinst
set -e
if [ "\$1" = abort-upgrade ]; then
exit 0
if [ "\$1" = install ]; then
# Create a flag file for postinst
mkdir -p /lib/modules/\$version
touch /lib/modules/\$version/.fresh-install
if [ -d /etc/kernel/preinst.d ]; then
DEB_MAINT_PARAMS="\$*" run-parts --report --exit-on-error --arg=\$version \\
--arg=\$image_path /etc/kernel/preinst.d
if [ ! -e /lib/modules/\$version/build ]; then
mkdir -p /usr/src/linux-headers-\$version || true
cd /lib/modules/\$version && ln -snrvf /usr/src/linux-headers-\$version build || true
exit 0
chmod +x "$dipath"/DEBIAN/preinst
cat <<-EOF | dd status=none of="$dipath"/DEBIAN/prerm
set -e
if [ "\$1" != remove ]; then
exit 0
linux-check-removal \$version
if [ -d /etc/kernel/prerm.d ]; then
DEB_MAINT_PARAMS="\$*" run-parts --report --exit-on-error --arg=\$version \\
--arg=\$image_path /etc/kernel/prerm.d
exit 0
chmod +x "$dipath"/DEBIAN/prerm
chmod -R 0755 "$dipath"/DEBIAN
cd "$tmpdir" && sudo nice -n 20 dpkg-deb -b image/
sudo mv "$tmpdir"/image.deb "$workdir"/build/linux-image-"${kver}"_arm64.deb
make_debs() {
cd "$src_temp" && curl -L"${KERNEL_REV}".tar.gz >rpi-linux.tar.gz
cd "$src_temp" && curl --retry 3 -OL "${FIRMWARE_REV}/Module8.symvers"
mv $src_temp/Module8.symvers $src_temp/Module.symvers
kver=$(find "$workdir"/rpi-firmware/modules/ -type d -name '*v8+' -printf "%P\n")
# Build kernel header package
# Adapted from scripts/package/builddeb
mkdir -p $src_temp/header_tmp/debian
cd $src_temp/header_tmp && tar --strip-components 1 -xf "${src_temp}"/rpi-linux.tar.gz
(cd $src_temp/header_tmp; cp $src_temp/header_tmp/arch/arm64/configs/bcm2711_defconfig $src_temp/header_tmp/.config) # copy .config manually to be where it's expected to be
cd "$src_temp/header_tmp" && (yes "" | sudo make oldconfig)
mkdir -p "$dhpath"/boot
cp "$src_temp/header_tmp"/.config "$dhpath"/boot/config-"${kver}"
cd "$src_temp/header_tmp" && (yes "" | sudo make modules_prepare) && sudo chown -R `id -u` .
#cd "$src_temp/header_tmp" && (yes "" | sudo make scripts) && sudo chown -R `id -u` .
(cd $src_temp/header_tmp; find . -name Makefile\* -o -name Kconfig\* -o -name \*.pl) > "$src_temp/header_tmp/debian/hdrsrcfiles"
(cd $src_temp/header_tmp; find arch/*/include include scripts -type f -o -type l) >> "$src_temp/header_tmp/debian/hdrsrcfiles"
(cd $src_temp/header_tmp; find arch/$SRCARCH -name -o -name Kbuild.platforms -o -name Platform) >> "$src_temp/header_tmp/debian/hdrsrcfiles"
(cd $src_temp/header_tmp; find $(find arch/$SRCARCH -name include -o -name scripts -type d) -type f) >> "$src_temp/header_tmp/debian/hdrsrcfiles"
(cd $src_temp/header_tmp; find tools/objtool -type f -executable) >> "$src_temp/header_tmp/debian/hdrobjfiles"
(cd $src_temp/header_tmp; find arch/$SRCARCH/include modules.builtin.modinfo Module.symvers include scripts -type f) >> "$src_temp/header_tmp/debian/hdrobjfiles"
(cd $src_temp/header_tmp; find scripts/gcc-plugins -name \*.so -o -name gcc-common.h) >> "$src_temp/header_tmp/debian/hdrobjfiles"
mkdir -p "$destdir"
(cd $src_temp/header_tmp; tar -c -f - -T -) < "$src_temp/header_tmp/debian/hdrsrcfiles" | (cd $destdir; tar -xf -)
(cd $src_temp/header_tmp; tar -c -f - -T -) < "$src_temp/header_tmp/debian/hdrobjfiles" | (cd $destdir; tar -xf -)
(cd $src_temp/header_tmp; cp $src_temp/header_tmp/arch/arm64/configs/bcm2711_defconfig $destdir/.config) # copy .config manually to be where it's expected to be
rm -rf "$src_temp/header_tmp/debian/hdrsrcfiles" "$src_temp/header_tmp/debian/hdrobjfiles"
cp "$src_temp"/Module.symvers "$destdir"/Module.symvers
mkdir -p "$dipath"/usr/share/rpikernelhack/
cp "$workdir"/rpi-firmware/kernel8.img "$dipath"/usr/share/rpikernelhack/vmlinuz-"$l"
mkdir -p "$dipath"/lib/modules/
cp -r "$workdir"/rpi-firmware/modules/"$l" "$dipath"/lib/modules/
mkdir -p "$dipath"/usr/lib/linux-image-"$l"/broadcom && mkdir -p "$dipath"/usr/lib/linux-image-"$l"/overlays
cp -f "$workdir"/rpi-firmware/*.dtb "$dipath"/usr/lib/linux-image-"$l"/broadcom/
cp -f "$workdir"/rpi-firmware/overlays/* "$dipath"/usr/lib/linux-image-"$l"/overlays/
[[ ! -e "$dipath/lib/firmware/$l/device-tree" ]] && mkdir -p "$dipath"/lib/firmware/"$l"/device-tree
# Clean up.
cd "$workdir"
sudo rm -rf "$src_temp"
sudo rm -rf "$tmpdir"
install_headers() {
if [[ $(uname -m) == "aarch64" ]]; then
bootfsmount=$(mount | grep boot | awk '{print $3}')
[[ $(echo $bootfsmount | wc -w) == "1" ]] && BOOTFS=${bootfsmount}
sudo mount -o remount,rw $BOOTFS
sudo nice -n 20 dpkg -i "$workdir"/build/linux-headers-"${kver}"*.deb || sudo apt install -f -y
install_image() {
if [[ $(uname -m) == "aarch64" ]]; then
bootfsmount=$(mount | grep boot | awk '{print $3}')
[[ $(echo $bootfsmount | wc -w) == "1" ]] && BOOTFS=${bootfsmount}
sudo mount -o remount,rw $BOOTFS
sudo nice -n 20 dpkg -i "$workdir"/build/linux-image-"${kver}"*.deb || sudo apt install -f -y
mkdir -p "$workdir"/kernel-test
cp "$workdir"/build/linux-image-"${kver}"*.deb "$workdir"/kernel-test/
cp "$workdir"/build/linux-headers-"${kver}"*.deb "$workdir"/kernel-test/
#sudo flash-image --force ${kver}
#trap '' HUP
#if [[ $(uname -m) == "aarch64" ]]; then
#bootfsmount=$(mount | grep boot | awk '{print $3}')
#[[ $(echo $bootfsmount | wc -w) == "1" ]] && BOOTFS=${bootfsmount}
#sudo mount -o remount,rw $BOOTFS
#mkdir "$workdir"/bin
#curl -Lf -o "$workdir"/bin/rpi-update && chmod +x "$workdir"/bin/rpi-update
#sudo touch $BOOTFS/kernel7l.img && sudo WANT_32BIT=0 WANT_64BIT=1 WANT_PI4=1 SKIP_WARNING=1 BOOT_PATH=$BOOTFS ROOT_PATH=/ BRANCH=master "$workdir"/bin/rpi-update
echo "done."
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satmandu commented Jun 7, 2020

@eggixxl I'll add those to the requirements.

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kevindekemele commented Jun 26, 2020


I have encountered an error:

+ mkdir -p /root/workdir/tmp/deb_YhkV/headers/boot/
+ cd /root/workdir/tmp/deb_YhkV/headers/usr/src/linux-headers-5.4.47-v8+
+ yes ''
+ make modules_prepare
make: gcc: Command not found
  HOSTCC  scripts/basic/fixdep
/bin/sh: 1: gcc: not found
make[2]: *** [scripts/ scripts/basic/fixdep] Error 127
make[1]: *** [Makefile:500: scripts_basic] Error 2
Makefile:659: include/config/auto.conf.cmd: No such file or directory
make: *** [Makefile:677: include/config/auto.conf.cmd] Error 2

If I do sudo apt install gcc it says it is already installed

These are the gcc folders/files /usr/bin


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What happens when you run which gcc?

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kevindekemele commented Jun 27, 2020

I've managed to run the bash script, after reinstalling the image. The script output suggests that 5.4.49-v8+ in installed. However, in the module folder (even after reboot)
pi@raspberrypi:/lib $ ls modules 5.4.42+ 5.4.42-v7+ 5.4.42-v7l+ 5.4.42-v8+

The main reason I used this script, is such that I can run v4l2loopback (
A sudo apt-get of the package revealed this package is installed.

However when I want to load it into the kernel:

pi@raspberrypi:/lib $ sudo modprobe v4l2loopback
modprobe: FATAL: Module v4l2loopback not found in directory /lib/modules/5.4.42-v8+

Or, when downloading the package from git and trying to build

pi@raspberrypi:~/v4l2loopback $ make && sudo make install
Building v4l2-loopback driver...
make -C /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build M=/home/pi/v4l2loopback modules
make[1]: *** /lib/modules/5.4.42-v8+/build: No such file or directory.  Stop.
make: *** [Makefile:43: v4l2loopback.ko] Error 2

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I've managed to run the bash script,

Did you install the headers deb file the script makes? You need to install that to get that symlink made.

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kevindekemele commented Jun 28, 2020

I managed to install the image and the headers, but I had to do --force-all or else I got an error


pi@raspberrypi:~/workdir/build $ sudo dpkg -i  --force-all linux-image-5.4.49-v8                                                                                                                                                             +_arm64.deb
(Reading database ... 90817 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack linux-image-5.4.49-v8+_arm64.deb ...
Unpacking linux-image-5.4.49-v8+ (5.4.49-v8+-1) ...
Setting up linux-image-5.4.49-v8+ (5.4.49-v8+-1) ...
I: /vmlinuz.old is now a symlink to boot/vmlinuz-5.4.49-v8+
I: /initrd.img.old is now a symlink to boot/initrd.img-5.4.49-v8+
I: /vmlinuz is now a symlink to boot/vmlinuz-5.4.49-v8+
I: /initrd.img is now a symlink to boot/initrd.img-5.4.49-v8+
Processing triggers for linux-image-5.4.49-v8+ (5.4.49-v8+-1) ...
update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-5.4.49-v8+

The headers also gave me an error first:

Selecting previously unselected package linux-headers-5.4.49-v8+.
(Reading database ... 92983 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack linux-headers-5.4.49-v8+_arm64.deb ...
'build' -> '../../../usr/src/linux-headers-5.4.49-v8+'
Unpacking linux-headers-5.4.49-v8+ (5.4.49-v8+-1) ...
dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of linux-headers-5.4.49-v8+:
 linux-headers-5.4.49-v8+ depends on autoconf; however:
  Package autoconf is not installed.
 linux-headers-5.4.49-v8+ depends on automake; however:
  Package automake is not installed.
 linux-headers-5.4.49-v8+ depends on libtool; however:
  Package libtool is not installed.
 linux-headers-5.4.49-v8+ depends on gawk; however:
  Package gawk is not installed.
 linux-headers-5.4.49-v8+ depends on dkms; however:
  Package dkms is not installed.
 linux-headers-5.4.49-v8+ depends on libblkid-dev; however:
  Package libblkid-dev is not installed.
 linux-headers-5.4.49-v8+ depends on uuid-dev; however:
  Package uuid-dev is not installed.
 linux-headers-5.4.49-v8+ depends on libudev-dev; however:
  Package libudev-dev is not installed.
 linux-headers-5.4.49-v8+ depends on libaio-dev; however:
  Package libaio-dev is not installed.
 linux-headers-5.4.49-v8+ depends on libattr1-dev; however:
  Package libattr1-dev is not installed.
 linux-headers-5.4.49-v8+ depends on libelf-dev; however:
  Package libelf-dev is not installed.
 linux-headers-5.4.49-v8+ depends on python3-cffi; however:
  Package python3-cffi is not installed.
 linux-headers-5.4.49-v8+ depends on libffi-dev; however:
  Package libffi-dev is not installed.

dpkg: error processing package linux-headers-5.4.49-v8+ (--install):
 dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
Errors were encountered while processing:

Which I fixed by entering the command sudo apt --fix-broken install

Then again installing the headers:

sudo dpkg -i  linux-headers-5.4.49-v8+_arm64.deb
(Reading database ... 169391 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack linux-headers-5.4.49-v8+_arm64.deb ...
Unpacking linux-headers-5.4.49-v8+ (5.4.49-v8+-1) over (5.4.49-v8+-1) ...
Setting up linux-headers-5.4.49-v8+ (5.4.49-v8+-1) ...

However, after a reboot, the kernel still shows up as 5.4.42

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ uname -a
Linux raspberrypi 5.4.42-v8+ #1319 SMP PREEMPT Wed May 20 14:18:56 BST 2020 aarch64 GNU/Linux

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Update, with dpkg -l | grep linux-imag it does show I have 5.4.49, but uname -r still shows 5.4.42

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ dpkg -l | grep linux-imag
ii  linux-image-5.4.49-v8+               5.4.49-v8+-1                        arm                                        64        Linux kernel, version 5.4.49-v8+

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ uname -r

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so check /boot to see what the file for the kernel version is, and then modify config.txt to point kernel to that.


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#Has not been tested yet on Raspberry Pi OS (64 bit) beta test version

Tested, works fine! Thanks!

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T-Birth commented Aug 2, 2020

For everyone landing on this Page.
I used the following Guide ->
and had many troubles installing Wireguard on Pi OS64.

With this solution it finally worked:

Don't use something like "sudo rpi-update" with the current OS64 Beta if u want to get Wireguard working. Had so many troubles with this command.

Don't install raspberrypi-kernel-headers (its mentioned in the Guide above in the category "Setting Up a VPN with WireGuard". Just use this command instead ->
sudo apt install libelf-dev libmnl-dev build-essential git

Installed Pi OS64 from scratch

Used my little update command -> sudo apt update && sudo apt-get -y upgrade && sudo apt-get -y dist-upgrade && sudo apt-get -y autoremove && sudo apt-get -y autoclean

Used this script to build the kernel headers ->

Installed the builded image with -> sudo dpkg -i --force-all linux-image-5.4.51-v8+_arm64.deb (some error messages appeard but wayne)

Installed the builded headers with -> sudo dpkg -i --force-all linux-headers-5.4.51-v8+_arm64.deb

If dependencies are missing use -> sudo apt --fix-broken install

Now Proceed with the Guide above and the installation of Wireguard should work, even on 64.

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satmandu commented Aug 6, 2020

@T-Birth I made some changes to make those steps simpler. The script now automatically installs the headers, but you might want to install the updated kernel via rpi-update. Dependencies should be automatically installed.

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Now updated to create a headers package with just the headers, and not the entire kernel source. :/

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heini commented Sep 20, 2020

I really like these ones:

cat <<-EOF | dd status=none of=/some/file

Never seen a construct like this before, since I only use

cat >/some/file <<-EOF

What's the sense of using | dd here?

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I really like these ones:

cat <<-EOF | dd status=none of=/some/file

Never seen a construct like this before, since I only use

cat >/some/file <<-EOF

What's the sense of using | dd here?

If you're tailing the output of the script, it is nice not to have all the cat concatenations also echoed back into the tail output. Using dd avoids this, whereas using cat or tee does not!

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heini commented Sep 20, 2020

OK. Thanks a lot for clarifying.
Script works fine, btw. Could finally install openafs-modules-dkms.

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OK. Thanks a lot for clarifying.
Script works fine, btw. Could finally install openafs-modules-dkms.

NIce. I was also successful in getting openafs-modules-dkms to install.

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FYI, if you're using 64-bit beta Pi OS 'lite' version, you have to manually install git before running this gist script... that was tripping me up as there aren't any obvious errors in the script and it completes with some strange errors caused the the initial clone not working.

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FYI, if you're using 64-bit beta Pi OS 'lite' version, you have to manually install git before running this gist script... that was tripping me up as there aren't any obvious errors in the script and it completes with some strange errors caused the the initial clone not working.

Thanks! I'll add that!

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benni-tec commented Mar 24, 2022

Hey, this script seems to do what I need. I want to install v4l2-loopback but 'am missing header files.

As I understand it this script builds headers for the most current version. My problem is that uname -r shows I'm running 5.10.103-v8+ however the script builds headers for 5.10.73-v8+ which to me seems like a lower version.

Is this a bug or does this mean the script is outdated?
Any help would be greatly appriciated!

Secondly I was wondering, if it is relativly simple to build these headers shouldn't it be possible to make these available through a raspberrypi-kernel-headers style package for 64-bit raspbian?

EDIT: welp I'm an idiot. I didn't install the image.deb along with the headers. v4l2loopback now shows up in modprobe. However the raspberrypi-camera is gone. Anyway I belive this isn't really the solution to my problem since I think I just changed kernels (which is an older version than before)

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Here is my current version, which builds the 5.15 kernel images...

#!/bin/bash -x
# Builds arm64 debian packages from the CURRENT rpi firmware repository kernel which is installed by:
# sudo rpi-update
# This runs on an arm64 host with arm64 compilation tools... 
# or with some sort of cross-compilation setup.
# Debs are put in $workdir/build
# This will NOT work in Raspbian unless you have an arm64 compilation
# environment setup. Appears to work on
# Raspberry Pi OS (64 bit) beta test version
# Install packages you should probably have if you are needing to install kernel headers.
arch=$(uname -m)
if [[ $arch == 'aarch64' ]]; then
    echo ""
    echo "This needs to be run when booted into 64-bit mode."
    exit 1

# sudo apt install -f -y build-essential flex gawk bison libssl-dev bc dkms autoconf libtool   || (sudo apt install -f -y || true)
[[ ! -d "$workdir" ]] && ( mkdir -p "$workdir" || exit 1)
[[ ! -d "$workdir"/tmp ]] && ( mkdir -p "$workdir"/tmp || exit 1)
[[ ! -d "$workdir"/build ]] && ( mkdir -p "$workdir"/build || exit 1)
echo "workdir is ${workdir}"

tmpdir=$(mktemp -d deb_XXXX -p "$workdir"/tmp)
echo "tmpdir is ${tmpdir}"
src_temp=$(mktemp -d rpi_src_XXXi -p "$workdir"/tmp)


FIRMWARE_REV=$(git ls-remote "" refs/heads/$git_branch | awk '{print $1}')
cd "$src_temp" && curl -OLf$git_branch/git_hash
KERNEL_REV=$(cat "$src_temp"/git_hash)
SHORT_HASH=$(echo ${KERNEL_REV:0:7})

setup_git_fw() {
if [[ -d "$workdir/rpi-firmware" ]]; then
    (  sudo rm -rf "$workdir"/rpi-firmware.old || true )
    (  sudo mv "$workdir"/rpi-firmware "$workdir"/rpi-firmware.old || true )
    (  sudo rm -rf "$workdir"/rpi-firmware.old || true )
    cd "$workdir" && git clone --depth=1 -b $git_branch $git_base

update_git_fw() {
[[ ! -d "$workdir/rpi-firmware" ]] && setup_git_fw

( cd "$workdir"/rpi-firmware && git fetch && git reset --hard origin/$git_branch ) || setup_git_fw
    cd "$workdir"/rpi-firmware && git config pull.ff only
    cd "$workdir"/rpi-firmware && git pull
    #cd "$workdir"/rpi-firmware && git_hash=$(git rev-parse origin/$git_branch)

check_zfs() {
        # Install zfs prerequisites
        sudo apt install -f -y  autoconf libtool  uuid-dev libudev-dev \
    libssl-dev zlib1g-dev libaio-dev libattr1-dev python3 python3-dev \
    python3-setuptools autoconf automake libtool gawk dkms libblkid-dev \
    uuid-dev libudev-dev libssl-dev libelf-dev python3-cffi libffi-dev || true

make_headers_deb_files() {
installed_size_headers=$(du -a "$dhpath" | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $1}')
mkdir -p "$dhpath"/DEBIAN
chmod 777 "$dhpath"/DEBIAN
cat <<-EOF | dd status=none of="$dhpath"/DEBIAN/control
Source: linux-$kver
Section: kernel
Priority: optional
Maintainer: root <root@$SHORT_HASH>
Standards-Version: 4.1.3
Package: linux-headers-$kver
Architecture: all
Version: $kver-1
Depends: build-essential, flex, bison, bc
Installed-Size: $installed_size_headers
Description: Linux kernel headers for $kver on arm64
 This package provides kernel header files for $kver on arm64
 built from:$FIRMWARE_REV
 This is useful for people who need to build external modules
cat <<-EOF | dd status=none of="$dhpath"/DEBIAN/preinst
set -e


if [ "\$1" = abort-upgrade ]; then
    exit 0

if [ "\$1" = install ]; then
    mkdir -p /lib/modules/\$version
    mkdir -p /usr/src/linux-headers-\$version || true
    cd /lib/modules/\$version && ln -snrvf /usr/src/linux-headers-\$version build

if [ -d /etc/kernel/header_preinst.d ]; then
    DEB_MAINT_PARAMS="\$*" run-parts --report --exit-on-error --arg=\$version \\
          --arg=\$image_path /etc/kernel/header_preinst.d

exit 0
chmod +x "$dhpath"/DEBIAN/preinst
cat <<-EOF | dd status=none of="$dhpath"/DEBIAN/postinst

set -e

[[ -f /etc/environment ]] && . /etc/environment
if [ "\$1" != configure ]; then
    exit 0

if [ -d /etc/kernel/header_postinst.d ]; then
    DEB_MAINT_PARAMS="\$*" run-parts --report --exit-on-error --arg=\$version \\

exit 0
chmod +x "$dhpath"/DEBIAN/postinst
chmod -R 0755 "$dhpath"/DEBIAN
cd "$tmpdir" && sudo nice -n 20 dpkg-deb -b headers/
sudo mv "$tmpdir"/headers.deb "$workdir"/build/linux-headers-"${kver}"_all.deb

make_image_deb_files() {
installed_size_image=$(du -a "$dipath" | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $1}')
mkdir -p "$dipath"/DEBIAN
chmod 777 "$dipath"/DEBIAN
cat <<-EOF | dd status=none of="$dipath"/DEBIAN/control
Package: linux-image-$kver
Source: linux-$kver
Version: $kver-1
Architecture: arm64
Maintainer: root <root@$SHORT_HASH>
Installed-Size: $installed_size_image
Section: kernel
Priority: optional
Description: Linux kernel, version $kver
 This package contains the Linux kernel, modules and corresponding other
 files, version: $kver.
cat <<-EOFF | dd status=none of="$dipath"/DEBIAN/postinst
set -e


# Install kernel (This avoids an issue if /boot is fat32.)
mount -o remount,rw /boot 2>/dev/null || true
cp /usr/share/rpikernelhack/vmlinuz-"$kver" \$image_path || true
# If custom kernel= line is being used don't replace kernel8.img,
# overlays, or dtb files.
if ! vcgencmd get_config str | grep -q kernel ; then
    cp /usr/share/rpikernelhack/vmlinuz-"$kver" /boot/kernel8.img
    cp /usr/lib/linux-image-"$kver"/broadcom/*.dtb /boot/
    cp /usr/lib/linux-image-"$kver"/overlays/* /boot/overlays/

# When we install linux-image we have to run kernel postinst.d support to
# generate the initramfs, create links etc.  Should it have an associated
# linux-image-extra package and we install that we also need to run kernel
# postinst.d, to regenerate the initramfs.  If we are installing both at the
# same time, we necessarily trigger kernel postinst.d twice. As this includes
# rebuilding the initramfs and reconfiguring the boot loader this is very time
# consuming.
# Similarly for removal when we remove the linux-image-extra package we need to
# run kernel postinst.d handling in order to pare down the initramfs to
# linux-image contents only.  When we remove the linux-image need to remove the
# now redundant initramfs.  If we are removing both at the same time, then
# we will rebuilt the initramfs and then immediatly remove it.
# Switches to using a trigger against the linux-image package for all
# postinst.d and postrm.d handling.  On installation postinst.d gets triggered
# twice once by linux-image and once by linux-image-extra.  As triggers are
# non-cumulative we will only run this processing once.  When removing both
# packages we will trigger postinst.d from linux-image-extra and then in
# linux-image postrm.d we effectivly ignore the pending trigger and simply run
# the postrm.d.  This prevents us from rebuilding the initramfs.
if [ "\$1" = triggered ]; then
    if [ -f "\$trigger" ]; then
    sh "\$trigger"
    rm -f "\$trigger"
    exit 0

if [ "\$1" != configure ]; then
    exit 0

depmod \$version

if [ -f /lib/modules/\$version/.fresh-install ]; then
# linux-update-symlinks \$change \$version \$image_path
rm -f /lib/modules/\$version/.fresh-install

if [ -d /etc/kernel/postinst.d ]; then
    mkdir -p /usr/lib/linux/triggers
    cat - >/usr/lib/linux/triggers/\$version <<EOF
DEB_MAINT_PARAMS="\$*" run-parts --report --exit-on-error --arg=\$version \\
      --arg=\$image_path /etc/kernel/postinst.d
    dpkg-trigger --no-await linux-update-\$version

exit 0

chmod +x "$dipath"/DEBIAN/postinst

cat <<-EOF | dd status=none of="$dipath"/DEBIAN/triggers
interest linux-update-$kver

cat <<-EOF | dd status=none of="$dipath"/DEBIAN/postrm
set -e


rm -f /lib/modules/\$version/.fresh-install

#if [ "\$1" != upgrade ] && command -v linux-update-symlinks >/dev/null; then
#    linux-update-symlinks remove \$version \$image_path

if [ -d /etc/kernel/postrm.d ]; then
    # We cannot trigger ourselves as at the end of this we will no longer
    # exist and can no longer respond to the trigger.  The trigger would
    # then become lost.  Therefore we clear any pending trigger and apply
    # postrm directly.
    if [ -f /usr/lib/linux/triggers/\$version ]; then
    echo "\$0 ... removing pending trigger"
    rm -f /usr/lib/linux/triggers/\$version
    DEB_MAINT_PARAMS="\$*" run-parts --report --exit-on-error --arg=\$version \\
          --arg=\$image_path /etc/kernel/postrm.d

if [ "\$1" = purge ]; then
    for extra_file in modules.dep modules.isapnpmap modules.pcimap \\
                      modules.usbmap modules.parportmap \\
                      modules.generic_string modules.ieee1394map \\
                      modules.ieee1394map modules.pnpbiosmap \\
                      modules.alias modules.ccwmap modules.inputmap \\
                      modules.symbols modules.ofmap \\
                      modules.seriomap modules.\\*.bin \\
              modules.softdep modules.devname; do
    eval rm -f /lib/modules/\$version/\$extra_file
    rmdir /lib/modules/\$version || true

exit 0
chmod +x "$dipath"/DEBIAN/postrm
cat <<-EOF | dd status=none of="$dipath"/DEBIAN/preinst
set -e


if [ "\$1" = abort-upgrade ]; then
    exit 0

if [ "\$1" = install ]; then
    # Create a flag file for postinst
    mkdir -p /lib/modules/\$version
    touch /lib/modules/\$version/.fresh-install

if [ -d /etc/kernel/preinst.d ]; then
    DEB_MAINT_PARAMS="\$*" run-parts --report --exit-on-error --arg=\$version \\
          --arg=\$image_path /etc/kernel/preinst.d

if [ ! -e /lib/modules/\$version/build ]; then
    mkdir -p /usr/src/linux-headers-\$version || true
    cd /lib/modules/\$version && ln -snrvf /usr/src/linux-headers-\$version build || true

exit 0
chmod +x "$dipath"/DEBIAN/preinst
cat <<-EOF | dd status=none of="$dipath"/DEBIAN/prerm
set -e


if [ "\$1" != remove ]; then
    exit 0

linux-check-removal \$version

if [ -d /etc/kernel/prerm.d ]; then
    DEB_MAINT_PARAMS="\$*" run-parts --report --exit-on-error --arg=\$version \\
          --arg=\$image_path /etc/kernel/prerm.d

exit 0
chmod +x "$dipath"/DEBIAN/prerm
chmod -R 0755 "$dipath"/DEBIAN
cd "$tmpdir" && sudo nice -n 20 dpkg-deb -b image/
sudo mv "$tmpdir"/image.deb "$workdir"/build/linux-image-"${kver}"_arm64.deb

make_debs() {
    cd "$src_temp" && curl -L"${KERNEL_REV}".tar.gz >rpi-linux.tar.gz
    cd "$src_temp" && curl --retry 3 -OL "${FIRMWARE_REV}/Module8.symvers"
    mv $src_temp/Module8.symvers $src_temp/Module.symvers
    kver=$(find "$workdir"/rpi-firmware/modules/ -type d -name '*v8+' -printf "%P\n")
    # Build kernel header package
    # Adapted from scripts/package/builddeb
    mkdir -p $src_temp/header_tmp/debian
    cd $src_temp/header_tmp && tar --strip-components 1 -xf "${src_temp}"/rpi-linux.tar.gz
    (cd $src_temp/header_tmp; cp $src_temp/header_tmp/arch/arm64/configs/bcm2711_defconfig $src_temp/header_tmp/.config) # copy .config manually to be where it's expected to be
    cd "$src_temp/header_tmp" && (yes "" | sudo make modules_prepare) && sudo chown -R `id -u` .
    #cd "$src_temp/header_tmp" && (yes "" | sudo make scripts) && sudo chown -R `id -u` .
    (cd $src_temp/header_tmp; find . -name Makefile\* -o -name Kconfig\* -o -name \*.pl) > "$src_temp/header_tmp/debian/hdrsrcfiles"
    (cd $src_temp/header_tmp; find arch/*/include include scripts -type f -o -type l) >> "$src_temp/header_tmp/debian/hdrsrcfiles"
    (cd $src_temp/header_tmp; find arch/$SRCARCH -name -o -name Kbuild.platforms -o -name Platform) >> "$src_temp/header_tmp/debian/hdrsrcfiles"
    (cd $src_temp/header_tmp; find $(find arch/$SRCARCH -name include -o -name scripts -type d) -type f) >> "$src_temp/header_tmp/debian/hdrsrcfiles"
    (cd $src_temp/header_tmp; find tools/objtool -type f -executable) >> "$src_temp/header_tmp/debian/hdrobjfiles"
    (cd $src_temp/header_tmp; find arch/$SRCARCH/include modules.builtin.modinfo Module.symvers include scripts -type f) >> "$src_temp/header_tmp/debian/hdrobjfiles"
    (cd $src_temp/header_tmp; find scripts/gcc-plugins -name \*.so -o -name gcc-common.h) >> "$src_temp/header_tmp/debian/hdrobjfiles"
    mkdir -p "$destdir"
    (cd $src_temp/header_tmp; tar -c -f - -T -) < "$src_temp/header_tmp/debian/hdrsrcfiles" | (cd $destdir; tar -xf -)
    (cd $src_temp/header_tmp; tar -c -f - -T -) < "$src_temp/header_tmp/debian/hdrobjfiles" | (cd $destdir; tar -xf -)
    (cd $src_temp/header_tmp; cp $src_temp/header_tmp/arch/arm64/configs/bcm2711_defconfig $destdir/.config) # copy .config manually to be where it's expected to be
    rm -rf "$src_temp/header_tmp/debian/hdrsrcfiles" "$src_temp/header_tmp/debian/hdrobjfiles"
    cp "$src_temp"/Module.symvers "$destdir"/Module.symvers

    mkdir -p "$dipath"/usr/share/rpikernelhack/
    cp "$workdir"/rpi-firmware/kernel8.img "$dipath"/usr/share/rpikernelhack/vmlinuz-"$l"
    mkdir -p "$dipath"/lib/modules/
    cp -r "$workdir"/rpi-firmware/modules/"$l" "$dipath"/lib/modules/
    mkdir -p "$dipath"/usr/lib/linux-image-"$l"/broadcom && mkdir -p "$dipath"/usr/lib/linux-image-"$l"/overlays   
    cp -f "$workdir"/rpi-firmware/*.dtb "$dipath"/usr/lib/linux-image-"$l"/broadcom/
    cp -f "$workdir"/rpi-firmware/overlays/* "$dipath"/usr/lib/linux-image-"$l"/overlays/
    [[ ! -e "$dipath/lib/firmware/$l/device-tree" ]] && mkdir -p "$dipath"/lib/firmware/"$l"/device-tree
    # Clean up.
    cd "$workdir"
    sudo rm -rf "$src_temp"
    sudo rm -rf "$tmpdir"

install_headers() {
if [[ $(uname -m) == "aarch64" ]]; then
bootfsmount=$(mount | grep boot | awk '{print $3}')
[[ $(echo $bootfsmount | wc -w) == "1" ]] && BOOTFS=${bootfsmount}
sudo mount -o remount,rw $BOOTFS
sudo nice -n 20 dpkg -i "$workdir"/build/linux-headers-"${kver}"*.deb || sudo apt install -f -y
install_image() {
	if [[ $(uname -m) == "aarch64" ]]; then
		bootfsmount=$(mount | grep boot | awk '{print $3}')
		[[ $(echo $bootfsmount | wc -w) == "1" ]] && BOOTFS=${bootfsmount}
		sudo mount -o remount,rw $BOOTFS
	sudo nice -n 20 dpkg -i "$workdir"/build/linux-image-"${kver}"*.deb || sudo apt install -f -y

sudo flash-image --force ${kver} 
echo "done."

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alphafox02 commented May 30, 2022

@satmandu Would you script be okay to generate the image/headers/tools etc for use in a Ubuntu aarch64 20.04 build running on a Pi4? I've been keeping a look out for a 5.15 kernel to come to 20.04 aarch64 like how it's coming to the x86_64 version, but so far all I see is 5.4

I installed a 5.15 kernel from Ubuntu 22.04 aarch64 for testing, which is fine, but the headers/tools can't be installed to do a dependency being to low a version in 20.04.

I have your script running now, so I guess I'll see what happens. I'm not sure how different a Pi OS Kernel vs a Ubuntu aarch64 kernel.

edit: I think I answered my own question as the script doesn't appear to work. It states the following "Ignoring old or unknown version 5.15.43-v8+ (latest is 5.15.0-1008-raspi)" towards the end.

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Here is the current version I use with Ubuntu 22.04:

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@alphafox02 I updated the script to the version I use for generating kernels for Ubuntu 22.04.

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I’ll check it out here shortly. I’m super curious to see if it’ll work on 20.04 Ubuntu aarch64. Thank you for sharing.

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@satmandu both the kernel and headers built and installed and no immediate problem booting. Should I be looking for a way to build the Linux-modules/Linux/modules-extra and Linux-raspi-tools/Linux-tools that typically accompany the kernel and header install on the Pi w/ aarch64 20.04?

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@alphafox02 I have never bothered with those packages.

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