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name: Moes Smart Knob for lights (_TZ3000_qja6nq5z)
description: 'Control lights with a Moes Smart Knob.
You can set functions for a single press. This allows you to assign,
e.g., a scene or anything else.
Rotating left/right will change the brightness smoothly of the selected light.
Not all functionality of the device is available at time of writing, e.g. double press, long press and press and rotate.'
sashaegorov /
Created April 27, 2023 19:32 — forked from litzomatic/
Understanding super and multiple inheritance in Python.
class Bar(object):
def __init__(self, bar='bar', *args, **kwargs): = bar
super(Bar, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
class Foo(object):
def __init__(self, foo='foo', *args, **kwargs): = foo
super(Foo, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
sashaegorov / prime.rb
Created January 11, 2019 10:05
Prime numbers with Ruby endless range
factors = -> (n) { (1..n).select{|x| n % x === 0} }
prime = ->(n){ (factors === n) === [1,n] }
sashaegorov / es60_tags_search.js
Created January 22, 2018 11:55
ElasticSearch setup for searching tags
// DELETE my-index
// PUT my-index
"settings": {
"analysis": {
"analyzer": {
"auto_completion_analyzer": {
"type": "custom",
"filter": [
sashaegorov / sleep.js
Created December 25, 2017 19:26
Await and Sleep
function sleep (time, arg) {
console.log(`Sleep started for ${arg}...`);
return new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, time);
await sleep(1000,
sashaegorov / ar_arel_wrapper.rb
Created February 22, 2017 10:34 — forked from tokland/ar_arel_wrapper.rb
Simple wrapper over arel
require 'active_record'
require 'arel'
# Ruby-like syntax in AR conditions using the underlying Arel layer (Rails >= 3.0).
# What you would usually write like this:
# User.where(["users.created_at > ? AND LIKE ?", Date.yesterday, "Mary"])
# can now be written like this (note those parentheses required by the operators precedences):
sashaegorov / .eslintrc
Created September 18, 2016 16:42 — forked from elycruz/.eslintrc
.eslintrc as yaml file
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Conversion of to an actual .eslintrc file:
# Copied: 04/01/2015
# Updated to yaml format: 05/15/2015
# Copied by: Ely De La Cruz <[email protected]>
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Environemnt Types:
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
sashaegorov / node-cluster-messaging.js
Created May 14, 2016 14:11 — forked from jpoehls/node-cluster-messaging.js
Simple message passing between cluster master and workers in Node.js
var cluster = require('cluster');
if (cluster.isWorker) {
console.log('Worker ' + + ' has started.');
// Send message to master process.
process.send({msgFromWorker: 'This is from worker ' + + '.'})
// Receive messages from the master process.
sashaegorov / ruby_private_inheritance.rb
Created January 13, 2016 16:53
Ruby private inheritance
class Parent
attr_accessor :a, :b
def initialize(a)
@a = a
def set_b
@b = 'b'