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Last active November 13, 2022 20:42
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Schnorr Non-interactive Zero-Knowledge Proof in Rust
//! Unevaluated prototype of IETF RFC 8235 §3.3 with §4.
// [dependencies]
// elliptic-curve = "0.12.3"
// p256 = "0.11.1"
// sha2 = "0.10.6"
use std::cmp::min;
use std::ops::{Add, Mul};
use elliptic_curve::bigint::{Random, UInt};
use elliptic_curve::ops::Reduce;
use elliptic_curve::sec1::ToEncodedPoint;
use elliptic_curve::{Curve, Field};
use p256::ecdsa::signature::rand_core::OsRng;
use p256::{AffinePoint, NistP256, NonZeroScalar, Scalar, U256};
use sha2::{Digest, Sha256};
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn zkp() {
let user_id = UserId::try_from("myUserName".as_bytes()).unwrap();
let spec = ZeroKnowledgeContext::new(user_id, &[]);
let witness = NonZeroScalar::from_uint_reduced(U256::from_be_slice(
let proof = spec.prove_knowledge_of(&witness);
let public_key = spec.public_key(&witness);
assert!(spec.verify(&proof, public_key));
struct ZeroKnowledgeProof {
challenge: Scalar,
response: Scalar, // hidden witness
struct ZeroKnowledgeContext {
generator: AffinePoint,
user_id: UserId,
other_info: Box<[u8]>,
struct UserId(Box<[u8]>);
/// BSI TR-03111 v2.10 § 4.1.1 Algorithm 2
fn choose() -> Scalar {
let value = U256::random(OsRng);
Scalar::from_uint_reduced(value.add_mod(&UInt::ONE, &NistP256::ORDER.min(UInt::ONE)))
impl ZeroKnowledgeContext {
fn new_with_generator(generator: AffinePoint, user_id: UserId, other_info: &[u8]) -> Self {
ZeroKnowledgeContext {
other_info: Box::from(other_info),
fn new(user_id: UserId, other_info: &[u8]) -> Self {
Self::new_with_generator(AffinePoint::GENERATOR, user_id, other_info)
pub fn public_key(self: &Self, secret: &NonZeroScalar) -> AffinePoint {
/// Uses an injective concatenation function to hash the input values.
/// Assumes byte input is not longer than 2^(8*4) bytes
fn challenge(self: &Self, commitment: AffinePoint, public_key: AffinePoint) -> Scalar {
let mut digest = Sha256::new();
for point in [self.generator, commitment, public_key] {
let normalized = point.to_encoded_point(false);
for c in [normalized.x(), normalized.y()] {
let c = c.unwrap();
assert_eq!(c.len(), 32);
for a in [&self.user_id.0, &self.other_info] {
assert!(a.len() < 2 ^ (8 * 4));
let prefix_content = &a.len().to_le_bytes()[..4];
let mut buffer: [u8; 4] = [0; 4];
buffer[..min(prefix_content.len(), 4)].copy_from_slice(&prefix_content);
let c: [u8; 32] = digest.finalize().try_into().unwrap();
pub fn prove_knowledge_of(self: &Self, witness: &NonZeroScalar) -> ZeroKnowledgeProof {
let randomness = choose();
let commitment = self.generator.mul(randomness).to_affine();
let challenge = self.challenge(commitment, self.public_key(witness));
let response = randomness.sub(&challenge.mul(witness.as_ref()));
let c_is_zero: bool = challenge.is_zero().into();
let r_is_zero: bool = response.is_zero().into();
if !c_is_zero && !r_is_zero {
ZeroKnowledgeProof {
} else {
fn verify(self: &Self, proof: &ZeroKnowledgeProof, public_key: AffinePoint) -> bool {
let commitment = self
let x = self.challenge(commitment, public_key);
x == proof.challenge
impl TryFrom<&[u8]> for UserId {
type Error = ();
fn try_from(value: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
if value.is_empty() {
} else {
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