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Created September 25, 2024 20:21
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type variance = Bi | Co | Cn | Inv
type ty =
| Unit
| Tvar of int
| Arrow of ty * ty
| TyApp of int * ty array
type injectivity = bool
type tparam = variance * injectivity
type decl = tparam array * ty
let compute_variance =
let compose = function
| Bi, x | x, Bi -> x
| Inv, _ | _, Inv -> Inv
| Co, Co | Cn, Cn -> Co
| _ -> Cn
let inv v = compose (v, Cn) in
let union = function
| Bi, x | x, Bi -> x
| Co, Co -> Co
| Cn, Cn -> Cn
| _ -> Inv
let rec on_type env params v inj = function
| Unit -> ()
| Tvar i ->
let (v', inj') = params.(i) in
params.(i) <- (union (v, v'), inj || inj')
| Arrow (t0, t1) ->
on_type env params (inv v) inj t0;
on_type env params v inj t1
| TyApp (i, ts) ->
let (decl_params, _) = env.(i) in
Array.iter2 (fun ty (v', inj') ->
on_type env params (compose (v ,v')) inj' ty
) ts decl_params
let on_decl env (params, ty) =
let params = Array.copy params in
on_type env params Co true ty;
(params, ty)
let rec fixpoint env =
let env' = (on_decl env) env in
if env = env' then env else fixpoint env'
let show_variance (v, inj) =
match v, inj with
| _, false -> "Bi"
| Bi, _ -> "Bi"
| Co, _ -> "Co"
| Cn, _ -> "Cn"
| Inv, _ -> "Inv"
let pp_variance fmt v =
Format.pp_print_string fmt (show_variance v)
let pp_decl fmt (params, _) =
Format.fprintf fmt "[%a]" (Format.pp_print_array pp_variance) params
let pp_env fmt env =
Format.fprintf fmt "@[%a@]" (Format.pp_print_array pp_decl) env
let run_test test =
let env = (fun (n, ty) ->
let params = Array.make n (Bi, false) in
(params, ty)
) test in
let env = compute_variance env in
Format.printf "%a\n" pp_env env
(* T. T -> () *)
let test1 = [|(1, Arrow (Tvar 0, Unit))|]
(* T. () -> T *)
let test2 = [|(1, Arrow (Unit, Tvar 0))|]
(* T. (T -> ()) -> () *)
let test3 = [|(1, Arrow (Arrow (Tvar 0, Unit), Unit))|]
(* T. () *)
let test4 = [|(1, Unit)|]
(* A[T] = B[T] -> ()
B[U] = A[U] -> () *)
let test5 =
[|(1, Arrow (TyApp (1, [|Tvar 0|]), Unit));
(1, Arrow (TyApp (0, [|Tvar 0|]), Unit))|]
(* A[T] = () -> B[T]
B[U] = () -> U *)
let test6 =
[|(1, Arrow (Unit, TyApp (1, [|Tvar 0|])));
(1, Arrow (Unit, Tvar 0))|]
let () =
run_test test1;
run_test test2;
run_test test3;
run_test test4;
run_test test5;
run_test test6;
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