Just recently I've been reflecting on practices and things that have or have not worked well for me as a developer at Automattic and I wanted to share a couple of things that I have perceived in my behaviours and the behaviours of others around me, that positively impacted PR reviews. These are things that if I could print them on a check list for every dev to read as they approach a PR review I would. I bet you can find many instances where I didn't live up to this too! This is aspirational for myself as well, a goal to continually strive towards.
- use github pr comments to tell people what i did and why. received universally positive feedback on this, why don't we all do it? Sometimes a code comment does not belong, but spending time helping the reviewer get context is valuable
- when reviewing any kind of UX behaviour, give me repro steps, give me a video of the behaviour. we really slow each other down async when we dont give enough detail of bugs we found or how we found them.
- Nit picking: nit pick