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Created October 23, 2013 16:33
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Advanced Multithreading talk at Cascadia Ruby
Jerry D'Antonio (all code, slides, and notes in a repo on github)
From Ohio
Works at a Ruby and Erlang shop.
The old way is to use locks around resources.
Better paradigm is to use asynchronous concurrency.
This paradigm is being built into most languages but not Ruby.
Shared mutable state is really bad.
One good concurrency concept is a "Future" from clojure
There is a "concurrent" gem that implements this pattern in Ruby.
Ruby's observable library is useful here.
Agent is another core concept from clojure
You get the current value from the agent, manipulate it and pass a new value
back. That becomes the new value of the agent.
Also support the Observable pattern.
There are no immutable variables in Ruby which means you have to be careful
not to mutate the internal state of the Agent.
Ideal hash tree - immutable threadsafe data structure.
The hamster gem implements this.
There's also a "thread_safe" library that's written by a jruby core member.
Like a future but it's chainable. Popular in JS.
Used in scala. Concurrent library implements actors.
Supervisor manages actor, which makes erlang very fault tolerant.
"Let it fail"
Pattern first proposed at MIT in 1973
Celluloid is another ruby library that implements the actor pattern in Ruby
event loop runs forever
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