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Using the translation table from the Jabref program, finds and replaces all scientific journal names to their standardized abbreviated form. First argument is the file to be processed; outputs safely to 'abbreviated.bib'
#!/usr/bin/env python
#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Supporting Python 3
import sys, os, re
try: bibtexdb = open(sys.argv[1]).read()
except: print("Error: specify the file to be processed!")
if not os.path.isfile('journalList.txt'):
import urllib
rulesfile = open('journalList.txt')
for rule in rulesfile.readlines()[::-1]: ## reversed alphabetical order matches extended journal names first
pattern1, pattern2 = rule.strip().split(" = ")
if pattern1 != pattern1.upper() and (' ' in pattern1): ## avoid mere abbreviations
#bibtexdb = bibtexdb.replace(pattern1.strip(), pattern2.strip()) ## problem - this is case sensitive
repl = re.compile(re.escape(pattern1), re.IGNORECASE) ## this is more robust, although ca. 10x slower
(bibtexdb, num_subs) = repl.subn(pattern2, bibtexdb)
if num_subs > 0:
print "Replacing '%s' FOR '%s'" % (pattern1, pattern2)
with open('abbreviated.bib', 'w') as outfile:
print "Bibtex database with abbreviated files saved into 'abbreviated.bib'"
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