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Created May 19, 2021 01:30
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How to set up Korean & Hangul in Ubuntu
--- How to type in Korean Hangul On Ubuntu and its derivatives ---
1) set keyboard layout
Korean (101/104 key compatible)
2) language-packages
In case of using Korean, you would probably need to install Korean language packgaes to see Hangul in default applications.
otherwise, just want to type in Hangul , no need to see Korean, you don't need to install Korean language packages.
$ sudo apt install language-pack-gnome-ko
3) Input Method
In case of typing in Korean, You have to install Hangul input method out of these famous input methods.
* dasom
* nabi
* ibus-hangul
* uim-byeoru
* fcitx-hangul
If you use lots of Qt5 applications , I recommend you to install
fcitx-hangul or dasom ,
and my default IM is uim-byeoru.
Default toggle Hangul key or key combinations)
fcitx-hangul : Ctrl + Space , Hangul
nabi : Shift + Space, Hangul
uim-byeoru : Shift + Space
ibus-hangul : Ctrl + Space, Hangul
Want to change toggle key?
try to use Compose Key in keyboard layout.
4) Default input method set up tool
im-config is simple input method set up tool
choose input method and logout and login
$ sudo apt install im-config
$ im-config
or, try to use language support in Ubuntu
it will help you to set up language packages and input method with ease.
$ sudo apt install language-selector-gnome
$ gnome-language-selector
5) font
It doesn't seem to show Hangul, but boxes instead?
you need to install hangul font, in most cases, recommended font is nanum.
$ sudo apt install fonts-nanum
for console users
$ sudo apt install fonts-nanum-coding
and here are the other famous Korean fonts
* fonts-noto-cjk
* fonts-unfonts
fonts-noto-cjk works for Chinese and Japanse too.
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