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saidinesh5 / nestedjson.cpp
Last active December 9, 2023 02:43
Get/Set values in nested QJsonObjects using "/path/to/key" syntax
#include <QJsonDocument>
#include <QJsonObject>
#include <QDebug>
static QString const &data = R"(
"persistentData": {
"module": {
"name": "fancy module",
"options": {}
saidinesh5 / act-login
Created November 4, 2017 21:36
The script I use to automatically login to my Act Fibernet
LOGIN_USERNAME="<your mail id>%40<your mail provider>.com"
LOGIN_PASSWORD="<your password>"
saidinesh5 /
Last active September 28, 2016 23:47
A silly little watchdog script to monitor my wifi connection and reset it
#Host to ping to check pingability, by default it is the default gateway
PING_HOST=$(ip route show default | awk '/default/ {print $3}')
#Number of consecutive ping successes to note that the server is up
# Automatically generated by qmake (3.0) Sat Jan 24 06:11:57 2015
TARGET = benchmark
CONFIG += c++11
QT += testlib
QT -= gui quick qml
* Perfect Hash implementation as described in:
* Copyright 2015-2020 Dinesh Manajipet <[email protected]>
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
* met:
saidinesh5 / Complex.js
Created March 6, 2014 05:02
Rewrote the code from such that the arithematic operatioins wont modify the Original object. Trading off performance for cleaner code.
.pragma library
// Originally taken from:
var Complex = function(real, imag) {
if (!(this instanceof Complex)) {
return new Complex (real, imag);
saidinesh5 / minesweeper.c
Created November 9, 2012 23:13
One of the very first programs I have written... Here for purely its nostalgic value :D The clearmine(int rx,int ry) function is what taught me the basics of recurssion!
int main_array[10][10],disp_array[10][10],i,j,x,y,marked=0,correct=0;
//left over items :
//Game menu.
void new_random_board()
saidinesh5 / audioclass.h
Created September 10, 2012 18:29
A simple test app to test Phonon's Audio data out: To Compile: qmake && make , To Run: ./audiodataout /path/to/audiofile
#include <QtGui>
#include <phonon/audiodataoutput.h>
class AudioClass: public QWidget{
QMap<Phonon::AudioDataOutput::Channel, QVector<qint16> > m_audiodata;
public slots:
void dataReceived(const QMap<Phonon::AudioDataOutput::Channel, QVector<qint16> >& data){
saidinesh5 / Makefile
Created May 18, 2012 21:35
A nice Makefile for my Node.js projects.
# My Fancy Node.js project
PROJECT = "My Fancy Node.js project"
all: install test server
debug: ;@echo "Debugging ${PROJECT}..... to start debugging"; \
saidinesh5 /
Created February 19, 2012 23:29
A simple benchmark for node-mongoskin
mongoskin = require 'mongoskin'
server = 'localhost'
db = 'foobar'
timeElapsed = 0
timeLimit = 10 #total time the benchmark should run in seconds
docsRetrieved = { 0 : 0 }
ids = []