You got WD MyCloud Mirror or so, and you don't have some 3rd party apps - like GIT\Antivirus and etc. If you just take an app from other model, like WD MyCloud EX2 and try to install it on WD MyCloud Mirror you'll see: "Failed to install blah-blah-blah" - FAIL! But!
first of all you need some device,file and tool:
- WD MyCloud Mirror.
- App that you need from other model. it my case - it's GIT -
- Hex Editor - WinHex\wxHex\you name it
how to make this works:
- open the file WDMyCloudEX2_git_1.40.bin in Hex Editor
- replace first blocks from 1 to 7
4B 69 6E 67 73 43 61 5A
) to47 72 61 6E 64 54 65 5A
) - save it
- go to WD MyCloud Appstore and install it over manual install
- Logint over ssh and check:
root@WDMyCloudMirror root # git --version
git version 2.0.1
Hello ,
Don't work on my WBMycloudMirror because the OS is and you tips works only with OS.
Any idea ?
Thanks for you help