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Last active September 6, 2019 09:24
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const reUnit = /width|height|top|left|right|bottom|margin|padding/i
type setStyleProps = {
node: HTMLElement
att: string
val: string
style: {}
const setStyle = ({ node, att, val, style }: setStyleProps) => {
style = style ||
if (style) {
if (val === null || val === '') {
val = ''
} else if (!isNaN(Number(val)) && reUnit.test(att)) {
val += 'px'
if (att === '') {
att = 'cssText'
val = ''
style[att] = val
export const setStyles = (el: HTMLElement, hash: CSSStyleDeclaration) => {
const hasCSSTextFeature = typeof !== 'undefined'
let originStyleText
const originStyleObj = {}
? originStyleText =
: originStyleText = el.getAttribute('style')
originStyleText!.split(';').forEach(item => {
if (item.indexOf(':') !== -1) {
const obj = item.split(':')
originStyleObj[obj[0].trim()] = obj[1].trim()
const styleObj = {}
Object.keys(hash).forEach(item => setStyle({
node: el,
att: item,
val: hash[item],
style: styleObj
const mergedStyleObj = Object.assign({}, originStyleObj, styleObj)
const styleText = Object.keys(mergedStyleObj)
.map(item => item + ': ' + mergedStyleObj[item] + ';')
.join(' ')
? = styleText
: el.setAttribute('style', styleText)
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