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Created November 22, 2024 00:02
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// ep1 - ep0 >= 0: four-interpolated color mode
// ep1 - ep0 < 0: six-interpolated-color mode
// we want to avoid ep0 = ep1 in general (because it gives us no useful
// interpolated values). That means in four-interp mode we want ep1 - ep0 > 0,
// and in six-interp mode we want ep1 - ep0 < 0. If they're identical or
// have the wrong sign, we need to fix it!
int ep_diff = ((ep1_int - ep0_int) ^ target_sign) - target_sign;
if (ep_diff <= 0)
// Degenerate case is hit in three circumstances:
// 1. the original LLS system was singular. In that case, init_index_cache
// sets us up with a linear system that ensures we end up here.
// 2. the LLS solution gave two endpoints that are close enough together to
// quantize to the same number.
// 3. the LLS solution gave us two endpoints that are ordered so they don't
// give the mode we want to hit.
// The third case is the most interesting one: it means the linear inequality
// constraint implied by the endpoint ordering is active. The non-degenerate
// cases (i.e. we never allow ep0==ep1) are:
// Four-interp: ep0 + 1 <= ep1
// Six-interp: ep1 + 1 <= ep0
// This is a quadratic problem and the constraint volume implied by these linear
// inequalities is just a half-space. If the constraint is active, that means
// the minimum is attained on the boundary, i.e. on the ep0 + 1 = ep1 (or
// respectively ep1 + 1 = ep0) line.
// So we need to find the values for ep0 and ep1 that are 1 apart from each
// other, in the right mode, and minimize the quadratic error. This least-squares
// problem is (here the version for four-interp)
// min || [ e ] ||^2
// e ||A * [e+1] - scale*k*b||
// where scale = max_quant / max_dequant and the nonzero rows of A all sum
// to k, the denominator of the interpolation weights (constant per mode).
// Split A into its two columns A=[a_0 a_1], then a_0 + a_1 = k (in the
// rows that are not zero) and this simplifies to
// min ||k * e + a_1 - scale*k*b||^2
// e
// Dividing by k yields
// min ||e - (scale*b - (1/k)*a_1)||^2
// e
// which is clearly minimized when e = mean(scale*b - a_1/k) = (scale/k)*mean(k*b) - mean(a_1)/k
// ABsum is sum(k*b), -mean(a_1)/k can be precomputed in the index cache (this is degen_bias).
// Six-interp mode works the same way but degen_bias has the opposite sign.
F32 mean = static_cast<F32>(ABsum) * ic->inv_ata[3] + ic->degen_bias;
ep0_int = rr_round_to_int(mean);
if (target_sign == 0)
ep0_int = RR_CLAMP(ep0_int, info.enc.min_q, info.enc.max_q - 1);
ep1_int = ep0_int + 1;
ep0_int = RR_CLAMP(ep0_int, info.enc.min_q + 1, info.enc.max_q);
ep1_int = ep0_int - 1;
// and if that violates our constraints, we need to enforce them again,
// no matter how much it hurts
if ( blki.constraints.mask & 0x0000ffffu ) ep1_int = info.enc.min_q;
if ( blki.constraints.mask & 0xffff0000u ) ep0_int = info.enc.max_q;
RR_ASSERT(ep0_int >= info.enc.min_q && ep0_int <= info.enc.max_q);
RR_ASSERT(ep1_int >= info.enc.min_q && ep1_int <= info.enc.max_q);
RR_ASSERT(((ep1_int - ep0_int) ^ target_sign) >= 0);
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