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Created November 21, 2011 03:28
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Random color scheme for vim
function RandomColorScheme()
let mycolors = split(globpath(&rtp,"**/colors/*.vim"),"\n")
exe 'so ' . mycolors[localtime() % len(mycolors)]
unlet mycolors
call RandomColorScheme()
:command NewColor call RandomColorScheme()
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kostaz commented Apr 24, 2022

To use random color from a list of your favorite colors do this (tested in neovide):

function RandomColorSchemeMyPicks()
    let mypicks = ["pyte", "fokus", "github", "peachpuff", "morning", "simple256", "xcode", "gruvbox"]
    let mypick = mypicks[localtime() % len(mypicks)]
    echom mypick
    execute 'colo' mypick

command NewColor call RandomColorSchemeMyPicks()

let s:use_gui = exists('g:neovide') || has('gui_running') || (has('termguicolors') && &termguicolors)
if (s:use_gui)
    call RandomColorSchemeMyPicks()

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vegerot commented Sep 9, 2024

This takes about 400ms on my machine which is too slow. I optimized this in vegerot/dotfiles@53e6b26 by simply changing "**/colors/*.vim to colors/*.vim

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