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Last active June 20, 2018 00:30
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Given a sorted file where each line is a key and a count, merge adjacent lines with the same key by adding their counts.
# Given a tab-separated, sorted file where each line is a key and a count,
# merge adjacent lines with the same key by adding their counts.
# Initialize the current count.
# We use the empty string as a sentinel value, indicating that we haven't
# seen a key yet. We won't output a total for the empty string.
key = ""
count = 0
# This block has no condition, so it runs on every line.
if ($1 == key) {
# The key matches the current key, so add to the count.
count += $2
} else {
# This is a new key. First, output the old key and its count.
if (key != "") {
print key, count
# Now set the key to the new key, with the count we've just seen.
# Concatenate the key with the empty string to force it to have string
# type; otherwise, for example, "0" and "00" would be considered the
# same key.
key = $1""
count = $2
# Output the final key and its count.
print key, count
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