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Forked from xunker/borg.rb
Last active December 17, 2015 23:09
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#not quite the same but still...
#(voices are limited on Windows 7)
#voices = %w[Agnes Alex Bruce Bubbles Fred Junior Kathy Princess Ralph Vicki Victoria]
$phrases = @(
"We are the Borg.",
"Lower your shields and surrender your ships.",
"We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own.",
"Your culture will adapt to service us.",
"Resistance is futile."
$sapi = New-Object -ComObject SAPI.SpVoice
$phrases | % { $sapi.speak($_, 1) | Out-Null }
#Try $sapi.getVoices() | % {$_.getDescription()} to see if other voices are available.
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