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roxlu/janus.log Secret

Created March 19, 2018 11:32
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Output from Janus that only creates video files of 8 bytes.
Janus commit: 6c439e7f4b469b001222bfe35724586487dfee55
Compiled on: Wed Mar 14 14:56:58 CET 2018
Starting Meetecho Janus (WebRTC Gateway) v0.3.1
Checking command line arguments...
Debug/log level is 4
Debug/log timestamps are disabled
Debug/log colors are enabled
Adding 'vmnet' to the ICE ignore list...
Using as local IP...
[WARN] Token based authentication disabled
Initializing recorder code
Initializing ICE stuff (Full mode, ICE-TCP candidates disabled, half-trickle, IPv6 support disabled)
[WARN] Janus is deployed on a private address ( but you didn't specify any STUN server! Expect trouble if this is supposed to work over the internet and not just in a LAN...
ICE handles watchdog started
Crypto: OpenSSL pre-1.1.0
[WARN] The libsrtp installation does not support AES-GCM profiles
Fingerprint of our certificate: D2:B9:31:8F:DF:24:D8:0E:ED:D2:EF:25:9E:AF:6F:B8:34:AE:53:9C:E6:F3:8F:F2:64:15:FA:E8:7F:53:2D:38
[WARN] Event handlers support disabled
Plugins folder: /srv/http/kyle-how-we-act-together/janus/installed/lib/janus/plugins
Joining Janus requests handler thread
Loading plugin ''...
Sessions watchdog started
JANUS VoiceMail plugin initialized!
Loading plugin ''...
VoiceMail watchdog started
JANUS AudioBridge plugin initialized!
Loading plugin ''...
AudioBridge watchdog started
[WARN] No codec found...
[WARN] No codec found...
[WARN] No codec found...
[WARN] No codec found...
[WARN] No codec found...
[WARN] No codec found...
[WARN] No codec found...
[WARN] No codec found...
[WARN] No codec found...
[WARN] No codec found...
[WARN] No codec found...
[WARN] No codec found...
[WARN] No codec found...
[WARN] No codec found...
[WARN] No codec found...
[WARN] No codec found...
[WARN] No codec found...
[WARN] No codec found...
[WARN] No codec found...
[WARN] No codec found...
[WARN] No codec found...
[WARN] No codec found...
[WARN] No codec found...
[WARN] No codec found...
[WARN] No codec found...
[WARN] No codec found...
[WARN] No codec found...
[WARN] No codec found...
[WARN] No codec found...
[WARN] No codec found...
[WARN] No codec found...
[WARN] No codec found...
[WARN] No codec found...
[WARN] No codec found...
[WARN] No codec found...
[WARN] No codec found...
[WARN] No codec found...
[WARN] No codec found...
[WARN] No codec found...
[WARN] No codec found...
[WARN] No codec found...
[WARN] No codec found...
[WARN] No codec found...
[WARN] No codec found...
[WARN] No codec found...
[WARN] No codec found...
[WARN] No codec found...
[WARN] No codec found...
[WARN] No codec found...
[WARN] No codec found...
JANUS Record&Play plugin initialized!
Loading plugin ''...
Record&Play watchdog started
JANUS TextRoom plugin initialized!
Loading plugin ''...
TextRoom watchdog started
JANUS VideoRoom plugin initialized!
Loading plugin ''...
VideoRoom watchdog started
JANUS VideoCall plugin initialized!
Loading plugin ''...
VideoCall watchdog started
JANUS NoSIP plugin initialized!
Loading plugin ''...
NoSIP watchdog started
Streaming watchdog started
JANUS Streaming plugin initialized!
Loading plugin ''...
JANUS EchoTest plugin initialized!
Transport plugins folder: /srv/http/kyle-how-we-act-together/janus/installed/lib/janus/transports
Loading transport plugin ''...
EchoTest watchdog started
HTTP webserver started (port 8088, /janus path listener)...
HTTPS webserver started (port 8089, /janus path listener)...
[WARN] Admin/monitor HTTP webserver disabled
[WARN] Admin/monitor HTTPS webserver disabled
JANUS REST (HTTP/HTTPS) transport plugin initialized!
Loading transport plugin ''...
HTTP/Janus sessions watchdog started
[WARN] Unix Sockets server disabled (Janus API)
[WARN] Unix Sockets server disabled (Admin API)
[WARN] No Unix Sockets server started, giving up...
[WARN] The 'janus.transport.pfunix' plugin could not be initialized
Creating new session: 641153446213870
Creating new handle in session 641153446213870: 4159500443362489
[WARN] [4159500443362489] No stream, queueing this trickle as it got here before the SDP...
[WARN] [4159500443362489] No stream, queueing this trickle as it got here before the SDP...
[WARN] [4159500443362489] No stream, queueing this trickle as it got here before the SDP...
[WARN] [4159500443362489] No stream, queueing this trickle as it got here before the SDP...
[WARN] [4159500443362489] No stream, queueing this trickle as it got here before the SDP...
[WARN] [4159500443362489] No stream, queueing this trickle as it got here before the SDP...
[WARN] [4159500443362489] No stream, queueing this trickle as it got here before the SDP...
[4159500443362489] Creating ICE agent (ICE Full mode, controlled)
[WARN] Video codec: vp8
No WebRTC media anymore
File is 8 bytes: rec-1680199067030802-video.mjr
Closed video recording rec-1680199067030802-video.mjr
^CStopping gateway, please wait...
Ending watchdog mainloop...
Closing transport plugins:
Stopping webserver(s)...
HTTP/Janus sessions watchdog stopped
JANUS REST (HTTP/HTTPS) transport plugin destroyed!
Ending requests thread...
Leaving Janus requests handler thread
Destroying sessions...
Freeing crypto resources...
De-initializing SCTP...
Ending ICE handles watchdog mainloop...
Closing plugins:
VoiceMail watchdog stopped
JANUS VoiceMail plugin destroyed!
AudioBridge watchdog stopped
JANUS AudioBridge plugin destroyed!
EchoTest watchdog stopped
JANUS EchoTest plugin destroyed!
Record&Play watchdog stopped
JANUS Record&Play plugin destroyed!
TextRoom watchdog stopped
JANUS TextRoom plugin destroyed!
VideoRoom watchdog stopped
JANUS VideoRoom plugin destroyed!
VideoCall watchdog stopped
JANUS VideoCall plugin destroyed!
Streaming watchdog stopped
JANUS Streaming plugin destroyed!
NoSIP watchdog stopped
JANUS NoSIP plugin destroyed!
Closing event handlers:
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