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Last active June 20, 2016 12:47
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Awesome use of arguments and prototypal inheritance in javascript
// It's worthy of note that Javascript is not a class-oriented language. It's strength is in its native nature.
// Basically, Javascript is a prototypal language and thus uses prototypal inheritance for its operations.
// The example below is a tip of how the prototypal nature of javascript can be utilized
// Implementing the use of 'arguments' object to pass arguments to a funcion
function foo() {
bar.apply(null, arguments)
function bar(){
var total = 1;
for(var i = 0; i< arguments.length; i++){
console.log(total *= arguments[i])
foo(3, 4, 5, 6, 4, 4, 7, 7);
// Returns
// 12
// 60
// 360
// 1440
// 5760
// 40320
// 282240
// Implementing class for a Person constructor and leveraging call and apply function on Function
function Person (first, last){
this.first = first;
this.last = last;
Person.prototype.fullname = function(seperator, race) {
race = race || { type: "western" };
var first = options.type === "western" ? this.first : this.last;
var last = options.type === "western" ? this.last : this.first;
return first + (separator || " ") + last;
Person.fullname = function(){
// This returns unbound version of fullname method.
// Basically, it returns, separator, args)
return, arguments);
var newPerson = new Person('Bushimu', 'Ababdik');
newPerson.fullname(); // Returns Bushimu Ababdik
Person.fullname({first: 'Cruzzy', last: 'Wambulla'}, '-', {type: 'easten'}); // Returns Wambulla-Cruzzy
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