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Ross Kukulinski rosskukulinski

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Here are 3 resources about running Elasticsearch on AWS. I recommend going through them in order:

  1. Webinar (by Elastic employees) about running Elasticsearch on AWS: Its a bit long (~1 hour) but I'd start here.

  2. These two blog posts cover setting up the AWS environment, then installing and configuring Elasticsearch on it:

  1. And this is a deeper technical dive into various configuration settings - primarily to do with HA and security - that might be useful when setting up Elasticsearch on AWS:
function reviewed(){
docker run -t --rm -e IDT_USERNAME -e IDT_PASSWORD -e IDT_ADDRESS jess/idonethis "reviewed #${1}"
function http(){
docker run -t --rm jess/httpie "$@"
function aws(){
docker run -t --rm -v $HOME/.aws:/root/.aws jess/awscli "$@"
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