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Created October 4, 2024 21:00
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SLEAP: Get a summary CSV of all slp files in a directory
"""Outline number of labeled frames, recording sessions, and video paths for all SLPs in directory.
This script recursively finds SLP files in a directory and outputs a CSV outlining how many labeled frames, recording
sessions, and videos there are in each slp project within a directory.
import pathlib
import pandas as pd
import sleap
directory = r"path/to/directory/containing/many/project.slp"
# Recursively find all SLP files in directory
slp_files = list(pathlib.Path(directory).rglob("*.slp"))
print(f"Found {len(slp_files)} SLP files in {directory}")
# Keep track of which SLP files reference same video
video_to_slp = {}
# Load each SLP file and get number of labeled frames, recording sessions, and video paths
slp_info = {}
for slp in slp_files:
labels = sleap.load_file(slp.as_posix(), search_paths=r"path/to/find/videos/if/a/different/drive/mapping")
n_user_annotations = len(labels.user_labeled_frames)
recording_sessions = len(labels.sessions)
for video in labels.videos:
video_filename = video.filename
if video_filename not in video_to_slp:
video_to_slp[video_filename] = []
# Record which SLP files reference this
# Record info
slp_info[slp] = (n_user_annotations, recording_sessions)
print(f"{slp}: {n_user_annotations} ground truth, {recording_sessions} recording sessions")
# Output to CSV
df_slps = pd.DataFrame(slp_info, index=["n_user_annotations", "recording_sessions"]).T
df_videos = pd.DataFrame(video_to_slp).T
print(f"Video to slp: {video_to_slp}")
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