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Rodrigo Nascentes ronascentes

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ronascentes / ClockObserverPattern.ps1
Created July 30, 2024 13:54 — forked from dfinke/ClockObserverPattern.ps1
PowerShell implementation of the Observer Pattern with a Clock Timer example, featuring Digital and Analog clocks.
class Subject {
hidden [System.Collections.ArrayList]$observers
Subject() {
$this.observers = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
Attach([Observer]$o) { $this.observers.Add($o) }
ronascentes / Logger-DecoratorPattern.ps1
Created July 30, 2024 13:54 — forked from dfinke/Logger-DecoratorPattern.ps1
PowerShell Decorator Pattern: Enhance Logger with Timestamp and Uppercase
class Logger {
log($message) { # Define a method called "log" that takes a message as input
$message | Out-Host # Output the message to the console
class TimeStampingLogger : Logger { # Define a class called "TimeStampingLogger" that inherits from "Logger"
$logger # Declare a variable called "logger"
TimeStampingLogger($logger) { # Define a constructor that takes a "logger" as input
class Command {
execute() {
"[$(get-date)] Logging execute of command [$this]" | Out-Host # Logs the execution of the command
class Loony : Command {
execute() {
([Command]$this).execute() # Calls the execute method of the base class (Command)
"You're a loony." | Out-Host # Outputs "You're a loony."
ronascentes / StartComputer.ps1
Created July 30, 2024 13:53 — forked from dfinke/StartComputer.ps1
PowerShell example demonstrating the Facade Design Pattern implementation
class CPU {
freeze() { "$this freezing" | Out-Host }
jump($position) { "$this jump to $position" | Out-Host }
execute() { "$this execute" | Out-Host }
class Memory {
load($position, $data) {
"$this load $position $data" | Out-Host
ronascentes / ChatMediator.ps1
Created July 30, 2024 13:53 — forked from dfinke/ChatMediator.ps1
Demonstrates the implementation of the Mediator Design Pattern in PowerShell
Define an object that encapsulates how a set of objects interact.
Mediator promotes loose coupling by keeping objects from referring to each other explicitly, and it lets you vary their interaction independently.
class ChatMediator {
ChatMediator() {
$this.users = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
ronascentes / Singleton.ps1
Created July 30, 2024 13:51 — forked from dfinke/Singleton.ps1
PowerShell Singleton Pattern: Ensure single instance for shared resource management
# Singleton
class Product {
Product($name) {
$this.Name = $name
ronascentes / ConnectionPoolDebuggingLogicForMongoDB.cs
Created February 16, 2022 18:55
How to enable C# connection pool debugging logic for MongoDB
var clientSettings = new MongoClientSettings();
var traceSource = new TraceSource("MongoDB-CMAP-SDAM", SourceLevels.All);
traceSource.Listeners.Clear(); // remove the default listener
var logFileName = "<should be updated on the real path to a log file>";
var listener = new TextWriterTraceListener(new FileStream(logFileName, FileMode.Append));
listener.TraceOutputOptions = TraceOptions.DateTime;
var eventSubscriber = new TraceSourceEventSubscriber(traceSource);
Action<ClusterBuilder> clusterConfigurator = builder => builder.Subscribe(eventSubscriber); // if you don't use a MongoClient as singletone, it's better to share the same instance(so object.ReferenceEquals for them should return true) of this configurator, between all mongo clients
clientSettings.ClusterConfigurator = clusterConfigurator;
ronascentes / PSTop.ps1
Created January 7, 2022 17:38
Poor man's "top" for Windows
while($true) { cls ; '' ; ps | sort cpu -Descending | select -first 20 | ft -auto; Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 1000 }
ronascentes / digon.json
Created September 24, 2021 18:50
Windows Terminal Digon Color Scheme
"background": "#1B1D1E",
"black": "#222D3F",
"blue": "#3167AC",
"brightBlack": "#a4eeb7",
"brightBlue": "#3C7DD2",
"brightCyan": "#35B387",
"brightGreen": "#2D9440",
"brightPurple": "#8230A7",
"brightRed": "#D4312E",
ronascentes / if_null.ps1
Created April 20, 2021 19:46
Validating null value in powershell
# If $value is not $null or 0 or $false or an empty string
if ($null -ne $value -and $value -ne 0 -and $value -ne '' -and $value -ne $false ){