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rofl0r /
Created December 21, 2024 22:51
create git repo from a set of release tarballs
test -z "$2" && {
echo "create a git repository in DIR from tarballs listed in FILELIST"
echo "you can create the FILELIST with ls -1 *.tar* and then edit it"
echo "so the order is correct."
echo "this script abuses the fact that the combination of git rm and"
echo "git add successfully detects renamed files, so the process is"
echo "a lot simpler than it would otherwise be."
rofl0r / mode2.c
Created October 31, 2024 04:23
convert mode 2 cdrom image files (iso) to mode 1 format
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
/* small program to convert mode 2 form 1 (XA) cdrom iso files, as produced
by some windows software - maybe nero - to regular mode 1 iso file format.
because for some reason, linux can only mount mode 1 iso files.
the format encountered is basically a raw dump of the disc, including
checksum bytes, sync markers and header.
the means that the \1CD001 header starts at offset 0x9318 instead of 0x8000.
rofl0r /
Created October 11, 2023 21:54
Using Github 2FA with oathtool

I've been forced by github to enable 2FA with the following banner:

GitHub users are now required to enable two-factor authentication as an additional security measure. Your activity on GitHub includes you in this requirement. You will need to enable two-factor authentication on your account before October 12, 2023, or be restricted from account actions.

Fortunately, i managed to make the switch using the FLOSS oathtool, a non-bloated CLI program written in C.

Once you click the "Enable 2FA" button, github presents you a barcode and a link to uncover the embedded "setup key". All you really need is the setup key, which as it turns out is Base32-encoded. The next step is to enter a 6-digit code supplied by the TOTP app. Here it is extremely important that your system clock is correct, best to sync with NTP directly before use.

urban witch story walkthrough
.. because i imagine not everyone wants to download a 4 hrs youtube video for a single hint ...
leroy's house
talk with leroy (door)
talk with guy to learn he deals drugs and angela is a whore.
go to left (exit)
basketball court
working download location of html help workshop 1.3
$ sha256sum htmlhelp.exe
b2b3140d42a818870c1ab13c1c7b8d4536f22bd994fa90aade89729a6009a3ae htmlhelp.exe
m$ seems to be in the business of removing downloads not targeting their latest operating systems...
rofl0r /
Last active February 3, 2023 07:38
rofl0r /
Last active November 25, 2021 22:55

How to install CodeGear RAD Studio 2009 on wine

As mentioned in Wine's application database, installing Codegear RAD Studio 2009 (Delphi + C++ Builder) fails with the dreaded "Cannot open AVI" error, followed by a bunch of Access Violations in the "InstallAware Wizard".

In order to get it installed anyway, the following needs to be done:

  • get freely available install iso from
fc7b3aa5759369d492d11499523e41beeeb94258b30ad9468ba9a72b102fc59f gcc-3.4.6_x86_64_1.tar.xz
58e5cbfdf4c4b1ae99b27f3fdcb61936ea8f62c42907cb0d5451501fda70d84ba9e49b9ea18e5ace5aa6c5330b140d57060191b0b25d61c849342075bd07d4a7 gcc-3.4.6_x86_64_1.tar.xz
rofl0r / android_file_urls.txt
Created February 1, 2021 01:59
filenames of all files on google android dl server
prefix with
from (might disappear)
Index of /AndroidSDK/
extras/ 10-May-2016 22:13 -
glass/ 10-Apr-2020 23:54 -
sys-img/ 27-Jul-2017 18:38 -
03e20ef07acac3ecac0790dfa946abd98e31bf7e.platfo..> 07-May-2020 00:02 9315273
// re2c $INPUT -o $OUTPUT
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <unistd.h>
static const uint64_t ERROR = ~0lu;
struct match {
size_t so, eo;