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Created August 10, 2011 03:16
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A Small Score, Delmore Schwartz
Meek, sang the crickets, wheat, meet, creek,
And the birds sang tutti, all of them:
"Bubble, little,
Whistle, pretty,
Trickle, whittle,
Lipping and dripping
Sipping the well
Where the fawn dipped
Before dawn descended
And darkness surrendered
To the rising of the sovereign splendor,
The great bell and ball
Of supreme abundance and blazing radiance."
Thus, thus, the little birds sang in charming disorder and full chorus
To greet gravely, sweetly and most meetly
The blaze of majesty soaring in great oars,
And their twinkling and carolling grew more and more
sure as they saw the great roar of awe
arising surely all over the great blue
bay above them.
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