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Last active December 7, 2017 02:24
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Install + configure minibian from Mac

Prepare SD card

  • Download MiniBian
  • extract MiniBian .img
  • insert SD Card
  • use disk utility to format the card with fat32
  • check from terminal (OSX) which disk the SD Card is using diskutil list
  • unount SD Card: diskutil unmountDisk /dev/diskX where X is what you found out last step
  • copy image to SD Card: sudo dd bs=1m if=<path to the .img file> of=/dev/rdiskX
  • wait until dd is finished
  • diskutil diskutil unmountDisk /dev/diskX

Connect to the Pi

  • Disconnect Power from RPi
  • insert SD into your RPi
  • Connect Power
  • Check your Router which IP the RPi got (for example:
  • login with SSH ssh [email protected] (default password: raspberry)


  • update apt sources: apt-get update
  • install raspbian config tool: apt-get install raspi-config
  • raspi-config (configure everything, expand file system etc ...)

Create a user

  • install sudo: apt-get install sudo
  • create a user: adduser <username> and set a password
  • edit sudoer file: nano /etc/sudoer and add this line: " ALL=(ALL) ALL" under the line "root ALL=(ALL) ALL"
  • logout from ssh exit and then login again using <username>@

Configure Go

  • install golang: sudo apt-get install golang
  • add export GOARM=5 to .bashrc or .zshrc and source it (to make go build use ARMv5)

Direct ethernet connect with internet

  • System preferences > sharing, set it on with, "Share your connection from Wifi" > "To computers using ethernet"
  • Connect the Pi and the mac using their ethernet ports and then turn on the Pi
  • In System preferences > network, the ethernet connection should be green with some random address assigned. Wait a few seconds until the Pi finished its boot process
  • Use arp -a to check arp table entries and get the Pi IP. You should see something similar to :
~  arp -a
? ( at XX:XX:XX:XX:62:a5 on en1 ifscope [ethernet]         #ether interface
? ( at ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff on en1 ifscope [ethernet]       #ether interface broadcast
? ( at XX:XX:XX:XX:7b:63 on bridge100 ifscope [bridge]     #bridge (internet sharing) with Pi assigned IP addr
? ( at ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff on bridge100 ifscope [bridge]   #bridge broadcast
  • Go ahead and ssh to which is the IP that get assigned to the raspberry pi
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