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Forked from klaude/generateWhmcsUuids.php
Last active September 7, 2020 07:01
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WHMCS UUID Generator for clients and admins. Tested working on WHCMS 7.4.1
* Generate uuids for clients and admins that don't have uuids set.
* The WHMCS 7.4.1 update process automatically inserts uuids, but if your
* installation bypasses WHMCS update routines then this will generate uuids for
* the client and admin users that don't have one yet.
* Warning! Please back up at least your tblclient and tbladmin tables before
* running this!
use Ramsey\Uuid\Uuid;
use WHMCS\User\Admin;
use WHMCS\User\Client;
require_once dirname(__FILE__)."/../init.php";
// Look for client and admin users with empty uuids.
$clients = Client::where('uuid', '')->get();
$admins = Admin::where('uuid', '')->get();
var_dump('Found ' . $clients->count() . ' client(s) with no uuid.');
var_dump('Found ' . $admins->count() . ' admin(s) with no uuid.');
// Generate uuids for clients.
$clients->each(function (Client $client) {
$client->uuid = Uuid::uuid4();
var_dump('Generated uuid ' . $client->uuid . ' for client id ' . $client->id);
// Generate uuids for admins.
$admins->each(function (Admin $admin) {
$admin->uuid = Uuid::uuid4();
var_dump('Generated uuid ' . $admin->uuid . ' for admin id ' . $admin->id);
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robetus commented Nov 21, 2017

Place in /admin directory and run while logged in as admin.

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