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Last active November 25, 2022 10:19
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Powerdns sql to Bind zone files
#!/bin/env php
* @license BSD (2 clause) <>
* creates /tmp directory and exports all powerdns sql zones into bind zone files
* to run replace first 3 varibles and then run: :~# php pdns2bind.php
$pdns_db = [ 'host' => 'localhost', 'user' => 'root', 'pass' => 'passw0rd', 'name' => 'powerdns' ];
$zone_ns = [ '', '' ];
$zone_adm = '';
$zones = [];
$db = new mysqli( $pdns_db['host'], $pdns_db['user'], $pdns_db['pass'], $pdns_db['name'] );
if( $q = $db->query( 'SELECT * FROM domains' ) ) {
while( $r = $q->fetch_assoc() ) {
$d = strtolower( $r['name'] );
if( $q1 = $db->query( 'SELECT * FROM records WHERE domain_id=' . $r['id'] ) ) {
$x = [ 'A' => [], 'AAAA' => [], 'CNAME' => [], 'NS' => [], 'MX' => [], 'TXT' => [], 'PTR' => [] ];
while( $r1 = $q1->fetch_assoc() ) {
$r1['name'] = strtolower( $r1['name'] );
switch( $r1['type'] ) {
case 'A':
$x[ $r1['type'] ][] = [ $r1['name'], $r1['content'] ];
case 'AAAA':
$x[ $r1['type'] ][] = [ $r1['name'], $r1['content'] ];
case 'CNAME':
$x[ $r1['type'] ][] = [ trim( str_replace( $d, null, $r1['name'] ), '.' ), strtolower( $r1['content'] ) ];
case 'NS':
$x[ $r1['type'] ][] = strtolower( $r1['content'] );
case 'MX':
$x[ $r1['type'] ][] = [ (int)$r1['prio'], strtolower( $r1['content'] ) ];
case 'TXT':
$x[ $r1['type'] ][] = [ trim( str_replace( $d, null, $r1['name'] ), '.' ), $r1['content'] ];
case 'PTR':
$x[ $r1['type'] ][] = [ $r1['name'], $r1['content'] ];
$zones[ $d ] = $x;
if( is_array( $zones ) && count( $zones ) > 0 ) {
$p = './tmp/';
if( !is_dir( $p ) ) {
if( !mkdir( $p ) ) {
die( 'Unable to make tmp directory' . PHP_EOL );
if( count( $zones ) > 0 ) {
foreach( $zones as $d => $r ) {
$x = ' ';
$t = [ '$TTL 43200', null, '@ IN SOA ' . $zone_ns[0] . '. ' . $zone_adm . '. (', $x . time(), $x . '7200', $x . '3600', $x . '604800', $x . '43200 )', null ];
foreach( $zone_ns as $x ) {
$t[] = ' IN NS ' . $x . '.';
$t[] = null;
foreach( $r['MX'] as $x ) {
$t[] = ' IN MX ' . str_pad( $x[0], 5, ' ', STR_PAD_RIGHT ) . $x[1] . ( is_numeric( substr( $x[1], -1, 1 ) ) ? null : '.' );
$t[] = null;
foreach( $r['A'] as $x ) {
$t[] = str_pad( $x[0] . '.', 32, ' ', STR_PAD_RIGHT ) . ' IN A ' . $x[1];
foreach( $r['AAAA'] as $x ) {
$t[] = str_pad( $x[0] . '.', 32, ' ', STR_PAD_RIGHT ) . ' IN AAAA ' . $x[1];
$t[] = null;
foreach( $r['CNAME'] as $x ) {
$t[] = str_pad( $x[0], 32, ' ', STR_PAD_RIGHT ) . ' IN CNAME ' . $x[1] . '.';
$t[] = null;
foreach( $r['TXT'] as $x ) {
$t[] = str_pad( $x[0], 32, ' ', STR_PAD_RIGHT ) . ' IN TXT ' . $x[1];
foreach( $r['PTR'] as $x ) {
$t[] = str_pad( $x[0] . '.', 32, ' ', STR_PAD_RIGHT ) . ' IN PTR ' . $x[1];
file_put_contents( $p . $d . '.zone', implode( PHP_EOL, $t ) . PHP_EOL );
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