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Created August 21, 2014 13:07
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Nicely grouped transaction logging in JS Console for Om apps
(ns app
(:require [om.core :as om :include-macros true]))
(defn log-tx [tx-data root-cursor]
(let [{:keys [path old-value new-value]} tx-data
c js/console]
(doto c (.group (str "TRANSACTION " path)) (.groupCollapsed "OLD"))
(prn (pr-str old-value))
(doto c (.groupEnd) (.group "NEW"))
(prn (pr-str new-value))
(doto c (.groupEnd) (.groupEnd))))
(defn render
[root state app debug?]
(when debug?
(om/root app
(cond-> {:target root
:shared {:config (assoc (:config state) :debug? debug?)}}
debug? (assoc :tx-listen log-tx))))
;; (render (.getElementById "app") {:config {...} ...} app-component :debug)
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