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Created November 8, 2017 21:38
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import map from 'lodash/map';
import Promise from 'bluebird';
function isNode({ key, type, linkType } = {}) {
return (key === 'sys' && type === 'Link' && (linkType === 'Entry' || linkType === 'Asset'));
// TODO: combine these somehow
function walk(node, FN, depth = 10, mapper = map) {
if (typeof node !== 'object' || depth === 0) return;
return mapper(Object.entries(node), ([key, values]) => {
if (values === null) return;
if (isNode({ ...values, key })) {
return walk(FN(node), FN, depth - 1, mapper);
return walk(values, FN, depth, mapper);
function walkAsync(node, FN, depth = 10, mapper = {
if (typeof node !== 'object' || depth === 0) return;
return mapper(Object.entries(node), async ([key, values]) => {
if (values === null) return;
if (isNode({ ...values, key })) {
return walkAsync(await FN(node), FN, depth - 1, mapper);
return walkAsync(values, FN, depth, mapper);
export { walk, walkAsync };
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