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Created April 11, 2023 22:37
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feedback interactions based on loop
import { describe, test, expect } from "vitest";
import { CreateLoop } from "./CreateLoop";
* - add a before all hook
* - add a after all hook
* - add a before state set hook
* - add a after state set hook
* - abiity to preprocess arguments
describe("CreateLoop", () => {
test("you can create one", () => {
const loop = new CreateLoop({ name: "test", tasks: [] }, {});
expect(loop.getState()).toEqual({ name: "test", tasks: [] });
// can add an action
test("you can add an action", () => {
const loop = new CreateLoop(
{ name: "test", tasks: [] },
test: {
execute: (state, args) => { = args;
// you can run a task to alter the state
test("you can run a task to alter the state", async () => {
const loop = new CreateLoop(
{ name: "A", tasks: [["changeName", "B"]] },
changeName: {
execute: (state, args) => { = args;
expect(loop.getState()).toEqual({ name: "B", tasks: [] });
// you can run a task to alter the state (async)
test("you can run a task to alter the state (async)", async () => {
const loop = new CreateLoop(
{ name: "A", tasks: [["changeName", "B"]] },
changeName: {
execute: async (state, args) => {
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 100)); = args;
expect(loop.getState()).toEqual({ name: "B", tasks: [] });
// you can control behavior with after hook
test("you can run something after a task", async () => {
const loop = new CreateLoop(
{ i: 10, tasks: [["decrement", null]] },
decrement: {
execute: (state, args) => {
state.i -= 1;
after: (state) => {
if (state.i > 0) {
state.tasks.push(["decrement", null]);
expect(loop.getState()).toEqual({ i: 0, tasks: [] });
test("you can exit early by wiping the task list", async () => {
const loop = new CreateLoop(
{ i: 10, tasks: [["decrement", null]] },
decrement: {
execute: async (state, args) => {
state.i -= 1;
after: (state) => {
if (state.i === 5) {
state.tasks = [];
} else if (state.i > 0) {
state.tasks.push(["decrement", null]);
expect(loop.getState()).toEqual({ i: 5, tasks: [] });
test("an action can preprocess arguments with a preexecute fn", async () => {
const loop = new CreateLoop(
{ i: 10, tasks: [["decrement", 1]] },
decrement: {
preexecute: (state, args) => {
// force the argument to be 10 instead of 1
return 10;
execute: async (state, args) => {
state.i -= args;
expect(loop.getState()).toEqual({ i: 0, tasks: [] });
import produce, { Draft } from "immer";
import cli from "@clack/prompts";
interface RequiredState {
tasks: [string, any][];
type Action<State extends RequiredState> = {
* This is a function that runs before the execute function. It can be used to
* validate the arguments, or to do some other work before the execute function
preexecute?: (state: Draft<State>, args: any) => any | Promise<any>;
* This is the function that actually alters the state
execute: (state: Draft<State>, args: any) => void | Promise<void>;
type Options<State extends RequiredState> = {
* This is a function that runs after the state has been updated
* in the execute function. It can be used to do some other work
* after the execute function
after?: (state: Draft<State>) => void | Promise<void>;
const baseActions: Record<string, Action<RequiredState>> = {};
const defaultOptions: Options<RequiredState> = {};
export class CreateLoop<T extends RequiredState> {
state: T;
actions: Record<string, Action<T>>;
options?: Options<T>;
state: T,
actions: Record<string, Action<T>>,
options?: Options<T>
) {
this.state = state;
this.actions = { ...baseActions, ...actions };
this.options = { ...defaultOptions, ...options };
getState() {
return this.state;
getActions() {
return Object.keys(this.actions).sort();
async next() {
const [task, ...tasks] = this.state.tasks.slice();
this.state = { ...this.state, tasks };
let [actionKey, actionArgs] = task;
const action = this.actions[actionKey];
if (action) {
if (action.preexecute) {
let result = await produce(this.state, async (draft) => {
return action.preexecute(draft, actionArgs);
// if result is defined, use it as the actionArgs
if (result !== undefined) {
actionArgs = result;
this.state = await produce(this.state, async (draft) => {
await action.execute(draft, actionArgs);
} else {
throw new Error(`Action ${actionKey} not found`);
if (this.options?.after) {
this.state = await produce(this.state, async (draft) => {
await this.options.after(draft);
async run() {
while (this.state.tasks.length > 0) {
export async function loop<
State extends RequiredState,
ActionKey extends string
>(state: State, userActions: Record<ActionKey, Action<State>>) {
cli.intro("Welcome to the loop");
// add null task if tasks empty
if (state.tasks.length === 0) {
state.tasks.push(["NULL", null]);
let currentState = state;
const actions = { ...baseActions, ...userActions };
while (currentState.tasks.length > 0) {
console.log(JSON.stringify(currentState, null, 2));
const currentTask = currentState.tasks.pop();
const [actionKey, actionArgs] = currentTask;
const action = actions[actionKey];
if (action) {
const newState = await produce(currentState, async (draft) => {
await action.execute(draft, actionArgs);
// confirm new state
console.log(JSON.stringify(newState, null, 2));
const result = await cli.confirm({
message: "Apply new state?",
if (result) {
currentState = newState;
console.log("Made it here!");
console.log(JSON.stringify(currentState, null, 2));
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