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Last active January 17, 2016 16:57
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Have you focused specifically on improving your JS skills at any time in the last year? Which resources did you use to help you learn? Of the resources you used, which kind was the MOST helpful? Of the resources you used, which kind was the LEAST helpful? During your learning, which areas have been particularly challenging? What one resource would you recommend to someone trying to learn JS? Why do you recommend it? What one resource would you NOT recommend to someone trying to learn JS? Why do you NOT recommend it? Which technologies do you use in your current role? How long have you been working professionally in web development? How would you rate the improvement of your JS skills in the last year? Have you gotten a new job, a promotion, or new responsibilities since improving your JS skills? Do you consider yourself a minority in tech?
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Books, Help from friends, Help from coworkers, Meetups, Conferences Help from coworkers Books Debugging, Understanding how to apply things to the real world, Lack of mentoring/guidance Video tutorials (short versions like on Egghead) They solve individual problems which you can reference when stuck Books Books are a good way to get a wider understanding but not great for getting started. At least the one's I've read HTML, CSS, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s) 3-5 years 5 No Yes
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Other online resources, Code school (in person), Books, Help from friends, Help from coworkers, Meetups, Conferences Online courses Books Coming up with tasks to try, Understanding how to approach a problem, Understanding how to apply things to the real world, Lack of documentation, Lack of mentoring/guidance! (Full disclosure, I am doing some work for them) The videos are short, informative, to-the-point, and a lot of them are free! Node.js Design Patterns (book) Personally I found the book very dry and inaccessible HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), Other server-side language(s) 1-3 years 8 Yes Yes
Yes Online courses, Other online resources, Books, Help from coworkers, Conferences Online courses Conferences Prototypes and inheritance, Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Callbacks/async HTML, CSS, JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s) 5-10 years 4 No Yes
Yes Books, Help from coworkers, Conferences Books Conferences Choosing a framework, Coming up with tasks to try, Lack of documentation Codecademy Organized lessons with coding and correction. Angular, jQuery, any framework. Learn the basics of JavaScript first. Node, Other server-side language(s) More than 10 years 5 No Yes
Yes Other online resources, MDN, github repos of interesting libraries reading github repos Help from friends Debugging, Using ES6/ES2015 features, Choosing a framework MDN Thoroughness large/popular frameworks they hide the fundamentals and not always written in a comprehensible way (sometimes too clever or advanced) HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s) More than 10 years 8 No Yes
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Books Other online resources Online courses Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Package management (bower, npm, etc.), Choosing a framework, Coming up with tasks to try, Understanding how to apply things to the real world eloquent javascript perfect topics and execution none HTML, CSS, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), Other server-side language(s) 5-10 years 8 Yes No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Books Books Blogs Callbacks/async HTML, CSS, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s) More than 10 years 4 No No
Yes Blogs, Other online resources, Meetups Meetups Conferences Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Choosing a framework, Coming up with tasks to try, Understanding how to apply things to the real world Concise explanation of various new features. HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s) 5-10 years 8 No No
Yes Blogs, Other online resources, Code school (in person), Help from friends, Help from coworkers, Meetups Help from friends Meetups Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Package management (bower, npm, etc.), Lack of documentation, Integrating multiple frameworks Find a mentor (Stack Overflow works in a pinch) Having someone who can help your through problems you're having in your own code is hugely helpful. Oftentimes just trying to explain the problem to another person will help you reframe it in your mind in a helpful way. Books/exercises It's hard to connect with rote exercises from a book or tutorial, or to tie them back to a project you're actually working on. HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s) 5-10 years 3 Yes No
Yes Blogs, Books, Help from coworkers, Meetups Blogs Meetups Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Understanding how to approach a problem, Understanding how to apply things to the real world, Lack of documentation, Lack of mentoring/guidance Eloquent JS Great introduction to the language HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s) 3-5 years 6 Yes Yes
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Other online resources, Books Books Blogs Prototypes and inheritance, Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Package management (bower, npm, etc.), Using ES6/ES2015 features, Coming up with tasks to try Buy a good book Fundamental learning Stackexchange Too opinionated better for specific syntax type issues HTML, CSS, Client-side JS, Other server-side language(s) More than 10 years 5 No No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Other online resources Blogs Books Debugging, Lack of mentoring/guidance HTML, CSS, Client-side JS More than 10 years 3 No Yes
Yes Online courses, Books, Help from friends, Help from coworkers, Meetups, Conferences Other online resources Books Prototypes and inheritance, Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Choosing a framework, Coming up with tasks to try, Lack of documentation HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s), Erlang, Ruby 1-3 years 4 Yes Yes
Yes Blogs, Books Blogs Conferences Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Package management (bower, npm, etc.) Build something simple Learn by doing Udemy Course spam HTML, CSS, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.) 5-10 years 5 Yes Yes
Yes Blogs, Other online resources, Help from friends, Help from coworkers, Conferences Blogs Conferences Prototypes and inheritance, Using ES6/ES2015 features, Modules, Coming up with tasks to try, Promises HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), Other server-side language(s) 5-10 years 7 Yes I prefer not to say
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Code school (in person), Meetups, Conferences Code school (in person) Meetups Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Coming up with tasks to try Google HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s) 5-10 years 8 No No
Yes Online courses, Blogs Blogs Online courses Prototypes and inheritance, Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Package management (bower, npm, etc.), Choosing a framework Client-side JS, Other server-side language(s) More than 10 years 3 No No
Yes Online courses, Blogs Online courses Meetups Prototypes and inheritance, Using ES6/ES2015 features, Understanding how to approach a problem, Understanding how to apply things to the real world, Lack of mentoring/guidance Great videos and instruction CSS, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s) 1-3 years 3 Yes No
Yes Online courses, Other online resources, Books Other online resources Books Package management (bower, npm, etc.), Using ES6/ES2015 features, Understanding how to apply things to the real world I enjoy the combination of live coding with real use examples. Can't think of any. NA HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS 3-5 years 6 Yes No
Yes Blogs, Other online resources, Books Books Online courses Understanding all the design patterns and its minimal differences Free js books website Because they are free and pretty good HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.) 5-10 years 7 No I prefer not to say
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Books, Meetups, Conferences Books Meetups Understanding how to apply things to the real world, Callbacks/async, Promises Client-side JS, JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s) 5-10 years 7 Yes No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Help from friends, Help from coworkers, Meetups Meetups Books Data structures (arrays, objects, etc.), Programming fundamentals (conditionals, loops, etc.), Prototypes and inheritance, Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Promises Meetups Inspiration on direction to take Books. Too abstract HTML, CSS, Client-side JS, Other server-side language(s) More than 10 years 4 No No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Other online resources, Code school (in person), Meetups, Conferences Other online resources Conferences Choosing a framework, Coming up with tasks to try, Lack of mentoring/guidance, Callbacks/async Because they have really good and concise videos made by people who really know their stuff. Books Although there are a lot of them and some are good they usually get outdated quickly and there are pretty boring in general. HTML, CSS, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s) 3-5 years 6 No No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Other online resources, Code school (in person), Books, Help from friends Code school (in person) Other online resources Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Understanding how to apply things to the real world, Lack of documentation, Callbacks/async, Promises Eloquent JavaScript Very info dense Node documentation Impenetrable to anyone new to programming HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS I haven't yet! 8 No Yes
Yes Blogs, Help from coworkers, Meetups, Conferences Blogs Conferences Browser differences, Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Choosing a framework, Lack of documentation, Promises The book “Eloquent JavaScript” It a thorough introduction into programming and specifically into functional programming in JavaScript The ECMAScript spec, unfortunately It got more complex with ES5 and ES6, so even for those who want to look “under the hood”, it’s almost inaccessible HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s) 5-10 years 6 No No
Yes Blogs, Other online resources, Help from coworkers Other online resources Help from coworkers Prototypes and inheritance, Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Package management (bower, npm, etc.), Lack of mentoring/guidance HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, Other server-side language(s) 3-5 years 7 No No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Other online resources, Code school (in person), Books, Help from friends, Meetups Code school (in person) Meetups Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Using ES6/ES2015 features, Coming up with tasks to try, Understanding how to approach a problem Front end masters online courses Wide range of courses HTML, CSS, Client-side JS Less than 1 year 6 Yes No
Yes Blogs, Other online resources, Books, Help from coworkers, ECMAScript specification Help from friends Books Prototypes and inheritance, Coming up with tasks to try, Understanding how to approach a problem, Understanding how to apply things to the real world, Callbacks/async YDKJS books I like Kyle W3Schools They gloss over details and make sweeping generalizations. They're not terrible, but they're not great either. HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.) 3-5 years 8 Yes No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Help from friends, Help from coworkers, Meetups, Conferences Blogs Help from coworkers Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Using ES6/ES2015 features, Choosing a framework, Coming up with tasks to try, Lack of documentation Help from a mentor This remains the best way to learn whatever programming language Blogs Specific to JavaScript: everyone has his opinion, it can be hard to a newcomer to tell if it's worthy (on the other hand, with some experience, they are really helpful when you search for answers on specific problems) HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s) More than 10 years 8 Yes Yes
Yes Blogs, Other online resources, Books Other online resources Blogs Using ES6/ES2015 features, Coming up with tasks to try MDN Thoroughness HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, Other server-side language(s) 3-5 years 5 Yes Yes
Yes Online courses, Blogs Blogs Meetups Prototypes and inheritance, Choosing a framework, Promises 3-5 years 7 Yes Yes
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Books, Conferences Books Online courses Coming up with tasks to try Maintainable JavaScript Because is easy to read it Frameworks Because frameworks come and go all the time HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.) 3-5 years 8 Yes I prefer not to say
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Books, Help from coworkers, Conferences Help from coworkers Conferences Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Using ES6/ES2015 features, Coming up with tasks to try, Understanding how to apply things to the real world, Lack of mentoring/guidance Blogs Ability to focus on one issue, code examples, comments books not interactive enough, code examples are harder to do properly HTML, CSS, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), Other server-side language(s) 1-3 years 7 Yes No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Books, Help from coworkers, Conferences Online courses Conferences Prototypes and inheritance, Understanding how to approach a problem, Understanding how to apply things to the real world, Callbacks/async, Promises HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s) 5-10 years 6 No No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Other online resources youtube Help from coworkers Prototypes and inheritance, Using ES6/ES2015 features, Understanding how to apply things to the real world, Callbacks/async, Promises HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s) More than 10 years 6 No Yes
Yes Online courses, Other online resources Online courses Books Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Choosing a framework, Promises It's rad Books They're whack and expensive HTML, CSS, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s) 5-10 years 8 Yes No
Yes Blogs, Other online resources, Books, Help from coworkers Help from friends Books Browser differences, Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Package management (bower, npm, etc.), Modules, Promises HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s) More than 10 years 6 No No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Books, Meetups Online courses Meetups Understanding how to apply things to the real world Tony alicia udemy course I'm not a fan of udemy in general, but Tony's courses are perfectly paced and very digestable Random terrible youtube videos Lots of them out there by people who have no idea how to teach HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, Other server-side language(s) 3-5 years 7 No No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Help from friends, Help from coworkers, Meetups, Conferences Blogs Books Coming up with tasks to try, Understanding how to approach a problem, Understanding how to apply things to the real world, Lack of documentation, Lack of mentoring/guidance HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s) 3-5 years 6 Yes No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Code school (in person), Books, Meetups Code school (in person) Meetups Debugging, DOM scripting, Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.) Eloquent JavaScript Written for the lay person, and has exercises. Meetups They're great for community, but not for intense learning. HTML, CSS, Client-side JS Less than 1 year 10 Yes No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Other online resources, Meetups, Conferences Other online resources Blogs Using ES6/ES2015 features, Understanding how to approach a problem, Callbacks/async MDN Thorough documentation, examples, and support matrices W3schools They're shiesty HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), Other server-side language(s) 5-10 years 8 No No
Yes Blogs, Other online resources, lots of experimenting examples from, w3 schools javascript documentation Data structures (arrays, objects, etc.), Debugging w3 schools very basic, step by step, good depth of javascript fundamentals coverage no response not applicable HTML, CSS, Client-side JS 5-10 years 8 No No
Yes Blogs, Other online resources Blogs Other online resources Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Package management (bower, npm, etc.), Choosing a framework, Callbacks/async, Promises HTML, CSS, Client-side JS 3-5 years 4 No No
Yes Blogs, Other online resources, Help from friends, Help from coworkers Other online resources Blogs Package management (bower, npm, etc.), Using ES6/ES2015 features, Modules, Callbacks/async "example ___ project" github repos I think it's easier for a beginner to tinker with a working project than to write something completely from scratch. talks or meetups Talks/meetup presentations can move really quickly and usually cover niche topics, so I think they're a better resource for folks who already have some experience. HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), Other server-side language(s) 5-10 years 8 Yes Yes
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Books, Help from friends, Help from coworkers, Meetups, Conferences Blogs Books Prototypes and inheritance, Debugging, Using ES6/ES2015 features, Promises Videos plus coding exercises Mdn Not for beginners HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.) 5-10 years 7 Yes No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Other online resources, Help from coworkers Online courses Other online resources Syntax fundamentals, Programming fundamentals (conditionals, loops, etc.), Prototypes and inheritance, Using ES6/ES2015 features, Understanding how to apply things to the real world HTML, CSS, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), Other server-side language(s) 5-10 years 5 No No
Yes Online courses, Other online resources, Books, Meetups Other online resources Help from coworkers Browser differences, Understanding how to approach a problem, Understanding how to apply things to the real world, Lack of mentoring/guidance, Callbacks/async HTML, CSS, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s) 1-3 years 4 No Yes
Yes Blogs, Other online resources, Help from friends, Help from coworkers Blogs Help from friends Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Using ES6/ES2015 features, Callbacks/async, Generators Client-side JS, JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.) I haven't yet! 5 No No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Conferences Online courses Blogs Debugging, Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Choosing a framework, Lack of documentation You don't know Js HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), Other server-side language(s) 3-5 years 10 Yes Yes
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Books, Meetups Online courses Meetups Prototypes and inheritance, Using ES6/ES2015 features, Choosing a framework, Modules, Promises Code schools javascript road trip course Mixture of videos and exercises was more effective than reading books / articles. HTML, CSS, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s) More than 10 years 5 No No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Other online resources, Help from friends, Help from coworkers, Meetups Blogs Meetups Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Understanding how to approach a problem, Lack of mentoring/guidance Dan Abramov's tutorials on redux Great for thinking of programming in a functional way, even if you dont use redux. He actually shows you how the library functions are implemented codeschool etc it's essentially answering a quiz when the answer is in front of you rather than writing a program. HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s) 5-10 years 8 Yes I prefer not to say
Yes Online courses, Books Online courses Help from coworkers Syntax fundamentals, Programming fundamentals (conditionals, loops, etc.), Debugging, Using ES6/ES2015 features, Coming up with tasks to try HTML, CSS, Client-side JS 1-3 years 3 No Yes
Yes Online courses, Other online resources, Help from coworkers Hard to qualify Programming fundamentals (conditionals, loops, etc.), Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Package management (bower, npm, etc.), Understanding how to approach a problem Concise, modern. I would love something as good, but in bok from HTML, CSS, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s) 5-10 years 4 No No
Yes Blogs, Help from friends, Help from coworkers, Conferences Help from friends Blogs Lack of documentation, Lack of accurate information Conferences! (CascadiaFest) Well curated talks, great community of inclusion, all around awesome people. books Javascript changes so quickly, most of the time the books are out of date with inaccurate ways of doing things. HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s) 5-10 years 7 No Yes
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Books, Meetups, Conferences Online courses Meetups Using ES6/ES2015 features, Understanding how to apply things to the real world Code School Casual attitude, short(ish) bits of info (about 5-7 minutes per video), and just very well done. Honestly, I don't think I'd ever say this. There are things that don't work for me, but different people learn via different methods. If I have to pick one, meetups. So - I have to imply meetups are bad, but if your goal is to learn, a meetup may not be focused on a technique to help you improve. I go to meetups more to be introduced to new tech and ideas, not necessarily for general improvement. HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.) More than 10 years 5 No No
Yes Online courses, Books, Help from friends Help from friends Other online resources Coming up with tasks to try, Understanding how to approach a problem, Understanding how to apply things to the real world Get the fundamentals without caring about the newest and hippest framework. HTML, CSS, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s) 3-5 years 8 Yes No
Yes Blogs, Books, Conferences Blogs Conferences Prototypes and inheritance HTML, CSS, Client-side JS, Other server-side language(s) Less than 1 year 9 No No
Yes Blogs, Other online resources, Books, Help from friends, Help from coworkers, Meetups Help from coworkers Books Package management (bower, npm, etc.), Promises Pluralsight It has a lot of videos (not all great, but a good resource still) HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s) 5-10 years 8 No No
Yes Blogs, Books, Help from coworkers Help from coworkers Online courses Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Choosing a framework HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.) 5-10 years 8 Yes No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Books Online courses Books Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Package management (bower, npm, etc.) HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, Other server-side language(s) More than 10 years 7 Yes No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Other online resources, Books Blogs Other online resources Prototypes and inheritance, Understanding how to apply things to the real world, Lack of mentoring/guidance Wes Bos Good teaching methods HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), Other server-side language(s) 3-5 years 7 Yes No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Other online resources, Books, Meetups Online courses Online courses Coming up with tasks to try, Understanding how to approach a problem, Lack of mentoring/guidance Plural sight cources Plethora of tutorials and screencasts Books I think the f you have an understanding of js or at least programming books may be helpful, but to someone new, the act of hearing someone walk through js seemed so much easier to comprehend. HTML, CSS, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), Other server-side language(s) 5-10 years 4 Yes No
Yes Blogs, Other online resources, Conferences, Code Katas Code Katas Blogs Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Package management (bower, npm, etc.), Coming up with tasks to try HTML, CSS, Client-side JS 5-10 years 9 Yes No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Other online resources, Help from friends Documentation - I try to always read the manual. Help from friends Understanding how to approach a problem, Understanding how to apply things to the real world, Lack of documentation, Lack of mentoring/guidance Always read the documentation. It gives you a lay of the land and let's you build out a mental model of what can exist, even if you don't fully understand most of it. Asking questions via Twitter. Asking questions on Twitter is fun, and can be good for your social networking and general sense of connectedness to people. But, it's not a great medium for technical conversations, especially those that center around the philosophy of choices and approaches.... at least not in my experience. HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), Other server-side language(s), Graphics programs (Fireworks) More than 10 years 4 No No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Other online resources, Books Books Blogs Browser differences, Modules, Lack of documentation, Lack of mentoring/guidance eloquentjavascript It is really awesome learning javascript from this book. Don't read blog posts from everywhere, they can be misleading. Moreover you may left potentially important stuff. Client-side JS, JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.) 1-3 years 8 Yes Yes
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Books, Help from friends, Help from coworkers Online courses Help from coworkers Lack of mentoring/guidance HTML, CSS, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s) 5-10 years 4 No No
Yes Blogs, Other online resources Blogs Other online resources Promises HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s) 5-10 years 7 No Yes
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Books, Help from friends, Help from coworkers, Meetups, Conferences Blogs Meetups Understanding how to approach a problem, Lack of documentation, Lack of mentoring/guidance, Promises Node, Client-side JS 5-10 years 7 Yes No
Yes Blogs, Books, Help from coworkers Help from coworkers Blogs Prototypes and inheritance HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s) 3-5 years 5 No No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Other online resources, Books Blogs Other online resources Data structures (arrays, objects, etc.), Prototypes and inheritance, Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Using ES6/ES2015 features, Choosing a framework HTML, CSS, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s) 5-10 years 3 No I prefer not to say
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Other online resources Online courses Other online resources Syntax fundamentals, Prototypes and inheritance, Coming up with tasks to try, Understanding how to apply things to the real world, everyone's definition of 'beginners' is completely different. HTML, CSS, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), Other server-side language(s) More than 10 years 3 No Yes
Yes Blogs, Other online resources, Help from coworkers Help from coworkers Poorly written Documentation (esp: Flux related)! Choosing a framework, Lack of documentation, Promises Code School or another online resource It is exceptionally well written. Blogs Too opinionated; Opinions seem to vary too much, change too frequently HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s), grunt, transitioning to gulp 5-10 years 6 No I prefer not to say
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Other online resources, Books Blogs Other online resources Understanding how to apply things to the real world, Lack of documentation, Promises Understanding ES6 by Nick Zackas I think it's the best resource for learning the new syntax. Has practical examples. The spec. It's written for engine designers, not JS devs. HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s) More than 10 years 8 Yes No
Yes Blogs, Other online resources, Help from friends, Help from coworkers, Meetups, Conferences Other online resources Conferences Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Choosing a framework, Understanding how to apply things to the real world HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s) 3-5 years 7 No No
Yes Blogs, Other online resources, Books, Help from coworkers Books Other online resources Using ES6/ES2015 features, Lack of documentation This series of books leads to a deep understanding of internal mechanism of JavaScript. HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s) 5-10 years 6 No I prefer not to say
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Help from coworkers Blogs Online courses Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Coming up with tasks to try, Understanding how to approach a problem, Lack of documentation, Lack of mentoring/guidance Excellent in-depth tutorials by high quality trainers. Outdated hard cover books. self explanatory HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s) More than 10 years 5 No No
Yes Blogs, Other online resources Blogs Books Using ES6/ES2015 features, Modules, Understanding how to approach a problem, Understanding how to apply things to the real world HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s) More than 10 years 6 No No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Books, Meetups Books Online courses Lack of documentation HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s) More than 10 years 6 No No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Other online resources, Conferences Other online resources Blogs Understanding how to approach a problem, Understanding how to apply things to the real world, Lack of documentation, Lack of mentoring/guidance, Promises Because a lot of people don't know about it, but it has very in depth articles. MSDN Microsoft's documentation often leads people in circles to outdated material. HTML, Node, Client-side JS, JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s) 5-10 years 4 Yes Yes
Yes Blogs, Other online resources, Help from friends, Help from coworkers, Meetups, twitter and github and personal experiements experiements Conferences Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Package management (bower, npm, etc.), Modules experiment without care of failure every day it's how I've learned and continue to learn old blogs, enterprise Java/C# shops old blogs are out of date, and enterprise Java/C# don't do front-end dev HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s) More than 10 years 5 Yes No
Yes Blogs, Books, Meetups, Conferences Books Online courses Coming up with tasks to try Best concepts explained in a simple way HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), Other server-side language(s) 3-5 years 8 Yes I prefer not to say
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Other online resources, Books, Meetups Online courses Meetups Programming fundamentals (conditionals, loops, etc.), Coming up with tasks to try, Lack of mentoring/guidance JavaScript and JQuery: Interactive Front-End Web Development by Jon Duckett Simple, yet comprehensive. Fantastic for visual learners. Numerous examples. Eduonix courses on Udemy Project-based instruction is wonderful. However, their primary instructor rarely explains the reasoning behind his approaches, techniques or patterns. This leads the newbie down the uber-unproductive path of simply copying code. None of the above I haven't yet! 7 No Yes
Yes Online courses, Help from friends, Help from coworkers, Conferences Help from coworkers Conferences Browser differences, Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Coming up with tasks to try, Understanding how to apply things to the real world Being supported in your role at work Nothing beats having someone patient to help you solve the problems you have and give you guidance for how to research your issues. Conferences Conference talks can have extremely misled information unless the speaker really is an expert. Some people build talks on one experience and it doesn't translate beyond it. HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s) 5-10 years 8 Yes Yes
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Other online resources, Books Other online resources Online courses Browser differences, Lack of documentation MDN (for improving) Concise information and enough data for almost all methods/keywords etc. that you can easily search further as required None n/a HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), Other server-side language(s) 5-10 years 7 No No
Yes Books, and your JS assessment Books Choosing a framework, Understanding how to approach a problem, Understanding how to apply things to the real world, Lack of mentoring/guidance, Promises Nicholas Zakas books Goes in-depth about how JS features can be used and explains well for someone who has some experience in programming HTML, CSS, Client-side JS, PHP/Symfony I haven't yet! 7 No I prefer not to say
Yes Blogs, Books, Help from friends, Help from coworkers, Meetups, Conferences Blogs Meetups Coming up with tasks to try HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s) 3-5 years 8 Yes No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Other online resources, Code school (in person), Books Code school (in person) Online courses Lack of mentoring/guidance, Promises, Anything more than "basic" examples It has a wide variety of books for beginners which suit different "types" of people. 1: & 2: 1: I'm a snob. 2: Don't want to put them off. HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), Other server-side language(s), Ansible / Docker More than 10 years 6 No Yes
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Help from coworkers Help from coworkers Online courses Choosing a framework, Coming up with tasks to try Node, Client-side JS, Other server-side language(s) 5-10 years 7 Yes No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Books, Help from friends, Conferences Books Blogs Using ES6/ES2015 features, Promises You don't know js It's good Js documentation It's rubbish HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s) 5-10 years 8 No No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Other online resources, Code school (in person), Books, Meetups Online courses Other online resources Data structures (arrays, objects, etc.), Prototypes and inheritance, Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Package management (bower, npm, etc.), Lack of mentoring/guidance Freecodecamp Community Stack overflow Too much complicated HTML, CSS, Client-side JS 1-3 years 7 No No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Help from coworkers, Conferences Blogs Conferences Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Package management (bower, npm, etc.), Understanding how to approach a problem, Lack of mentoring/guidance - interactive repl lets you dive into code right away - introduction course is pretty fun - there are videos for beginner and intermediate developers - there's also accompanying html/css courses don't know HTML, CSS, Client-side JS More than 10 years 6 Yes No
Yes Blogs, Books, Help from coworkers Blogs Books Prototypes and inheritance, Lack of documentation HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.) 1-3 years 7 Yes No
Yes Blogs, Other online resources, Books Blogs Books Prototypes and inheritance, Using ES6/ES2015 features, Coming up with tasks to try It's and awesome starting point. HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.) 5-10 years 8 Yes No
Yes Blogs, Books, Help from coworkers, Meetups, Conferences Books Blogs Programming fundamentals (conditionals, loops, etc.), Choosing a framework, Understanding how to approach a problem, Understanding how to apply things to the real world, Lack of documentation Get your fundamentals right, then start doing stuff Because I have the feeling JS is being done by the hipster-kiddo's, who are quick in tooling, but lack fundamental knowledge of programming and architecture. A framework is nice to have, but the world needs proper solutions, not new frameworks. HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s) 5-10 years 3 No No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Help from friends, Help from coworkers, Conferences Blogs Online courses Choosing a framework, Lack of documentation Stackoverflow If its not on stackoverflow, you're doing it wrong Codeschool Useful to get a basic grasp, but often teaches wrong best practices and there a fee alternatives HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s) 1-3 years 9 Yes No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Books Online courses Books Prototypes and inheritance, Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Choosing a framework, Coming up with tasks to try, Understanding how to apply things to the real world Codecademy It is free and will give them an idea of what js is about. Franeworks Before you get started with frameworks learn the language HTML, CSS, Client-side JS, Other server-side language(s) Less than 1 year 6 Yes No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Other online resources, Books Other online resources Books Prototypes and inheritance website. Simple explanation of complex topics. Books by any super star authors including John Resig or Nicholas Zakas They are mostly dogma and prejudice. Client-side JS, Other server-side language(s) More than 10 years 6 No No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Books Online courses Conferences Choosing a framework, Understanding how to approach a problem, Understanding how to apply things to the real world, Lack of mentoring/guidance YDKJS book series Concise and clear explanation. Explains the why behind JS concepts HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS 5-10 years 7 Yes No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Other online resources, Meetups Blogs Meetups Prototypes and inheritance HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s) 5-10 years 8 Yes I prefer not to say
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Books, Meetups Online courses Meetups Using ES6/ES2015 features, Choosing a framework, Modules, Coming up with tasks to try, Lack of mentoring/guidance Udacity Really great explanations with examples to practice and solutions. Not too low level - can learn something more advanced. HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), Other server-side language(s) I haven't yet! 9 No Yes
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Other online resources, Books, Conferences Other online resources Conferences Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Using ES6/ES2015 features, Modules, Coming up with tasks to try Can't recommend just one! n/a Can't say n/a HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), Other server-side language(s) More than 10 years 6 No Yes
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Other online resources, Books, Meetups, Conferences Online courses Blogs Browser differences, Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Package management (bower, npm, etc.), Lack of mentoring/guidance Codeschool Interactive, live coding ? ? HTML, CSS, Client-side JS, Other server-side language(s) More than 10 years 8 No No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Other online resources, Books, Help from friends, Help from coworkers Help from coworkers Other online resources Syntax fundamentals, Browser differences, Using ES6/ES2015 features, Lack of documentation, Lack of mentoring/guidance HTML, CSS, Client-side JS, Other server-side language(s) 3-5 years 4 No Yes
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Code school (in person), Books Books Code school (in person) Programming fundamentals (conditionals, loops, etc.), Coming up with tasks to try, Understanding how to approach a problem, Understanding how to apply things to the real world, Lack of mentoring/guidance Ullman's Modern Javascript & a mentor Easy to understand and apply UNM Continuing Education classes Instructor was NOT prepared and not very good at explaining. HTML, CSS, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s) More than 10 years 6 No Yes
Yes Blogs, Other online resources, Help from friends, Meetups, The Node documentation itself; a lot of the Stream stuff is pretty extensive, for example. Other online resources Meetups Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Lack of documentation, Callbacks/async, Streams. Definitely Streams. "You Don't Know JS" (, starting from "Up & Going" It starts from scratch, is careful, deliberate and very thorough. w3schools Sometimes wrong, but always at the top of the google results. HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s) 5-10 years 4 No No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Books Blogs Online courses Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Coming up with tasks to try, Lack of documentation Google for "Kyle Simpson Javascript" He has every type of education available, teaches core concepts really well, most of his best resources are free, and he engages his community directly Ember.js It isn't javascript, it's a classical OO in disguise, and reinforces bad techniques, keeps those in the dark... in the dark. Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), Other server-side language(s), Docker, Vagrant More than 10 years 7 Yes No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Other online resources, Help from coworkers Online courses Other online resources Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Callbacks/async Egghead Short form, good devs Don't remember name Design from 99 to prevent download HTML, CSS, CSS preprocessor(s), Other server-side language(s) More than 10 years 5 Yes I prefer not to say
Yes Online courses, Books, Help from coworkers, Meetups Help from coworkers Meetups Programming fundamentals (conditionals, loops, etc.), Debugging, Understanding how to approach a problem, Understanding how to apply things to the real world, Lack of mentoring/guidance A mentor It helped the most to not only see how to do something but be able to ask questions immediately. NA HTML, CSS, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s) 5-10 years 5 No No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Help from friends, Meetups, Conferences Online courses Books Using ES6/ES2015 features, Coming up with tasks to try, Understanding how to approach a problem, Understanding how to apply things to the real world, Lack of mentoring/guidance HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), Other server-side language(s) More than 10 years 8 No No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Other online resources, Books, Help from coworkers Help from coworkers Online courses Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Understanding how to approach a problem, Understanding how to apply things to the real world, Lack of mentoring/guidance, Callbacks/async HTML, Node, Client-side JS, Other server-side language(s) More than 10 years 8 Yes I prefer not to say
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Other online resources, Books Blogs Books Coming up with tasks to try, Understanding how to apply things to the real world, Lack of documentation, Lack of mentoring/guidance, Unit testing non-trivial things with lots of dependencies. I recommend not for beginner *programmers*, but beginners to modern JS. It reminds me of the Rails Tutorial c.2011. It goes wide, not deep: it brings in a LOT of outside stuff not considered "fundamental" to JS. It is realistic. It uses TDD. It doesn't gloss over important things for pedagogical reasons. It doesn't have the "draw the owl" problem. It holds your hand, but it doesn't shield your eyes. Codecademy or anything of the sort People don't learn programming by doing cute little exercises in their browser. They learn it by writing programs. HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s) 5-10 years 7 No No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Other online resources, Books, Meetups Online courses Meetups Understanding how to approach a problem, Understanding how to apply things to the real world, Callbacks/async, Promises, Architecture HTML, CSS, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), Other server-side language(s) More than 10 years 1 No Yes
Yes Blogs, Books, Help from coworkers, Conferences Blogs Help from coworkers Prototypes and inheritance, Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Package management (bower, npm, etc.), Lack of mentoring/guidance, Promises Javascript: The good parts It's a good starting point to start taking the language seriously HTML, CSS, Client-side JS, Other server-side language(s) 5-10 years 8 No No
Yes Blogs, Other online resources, Help from friends, Help from coworkers Blogs Help from coworkers Browser differences, Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Understanding how to approach a problem, Lack of documentation Mdn It's the one place all JS documentation reside Node, Client-side JS, JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.) 5-10 years 8 No No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Other online resources, Books, Help from coworkers Blogs Books Coming up with tasks to try, Understanding how to approach a problem, Understanding how to apply things to the real world, Lack of documentation, Lack of mentoring/guidance Really depends on which area of JS... but generally speaking, Stackoverflow or MDN Stackoverflow because you get specific answers to specific questions, you also get experience with being part of a community. MDN because they're really good at providing specifications and much easier to read than w3c. I've noticed that MDN's documentation is starting to become outdated. Good thing is that users can submit fixes. HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s) 3-5 years 6 No Yes
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Other online resources, Books Books Online courses Understanding how to approach a problem, Understanding how to apply things to the real world, Lack of mentoring/guidance Blog posts/books written by Eric Elliott or Kyle Simpson They go very in depth and are easy to understand. Online courses (non-beginners) For someone who is not a beginner in JS, online courses don't seem to have much value. I haven't found many good ones that aren't geared towards beginners. Node, Client-side JS, AS3 I haven't yet! 7 No Yes
Yes Online courses, Other online resources, Books, Meetups Online courses Books Understanding how to apply things to the real world, Lack of mentoring/guidance, jargon and vocabulary used by experienced professionals makes it hard to understand what is expected of me, what is being described, and/or how to make an analogy to make it make sense? i believe some experts are unaware. i prefer a three headed monster, online-course approach i was going form tutorial to tutorial and while i understood the basics, wasn't getting very far. soon enough, i had a system in place learning from three different resources, the same topic, at the same time. the different courses and site curriculum really helped get me up to speed, IMO book(s) they're bulky, difficult to read and copy char for char. plus, if they suck you're stuck w/ it and having to have paid for it. some are out of date, etc., etc. there's some really good ones, but its just plain hard to learn from a programming book - although, it can be done. HTML, CSS, Client-side JS 1-3 years 10 No Yes
Yes Blogs, Other online resources, Help from coworkers Other online resources Meetups Browser differences, Using ES6/ES2015 features, Choosing a framework, Lack of mentoring/guidance It helps you practice Javascript, and by looking at others' solutions you can see how to improve your own solution next time. None Can't think of anything... HTML, CSS, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Angular 3-5 years 7 Yes Yes
Yes Blogs, Conferences, Trial/error Trial/error Conferences Understanding how to approach a problem, Understanding how to apply things to the real world Typescript It's ES6 syntax while converting to ES5, so ready to use everywhere. Blog examples It's interesting but never touches a solution to a real problem HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s) 5-10 years 6 Yes Yes
Yes Blogs, Other online resources, Books, Help from coworkers Help from coworkers Books Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Coming up with tasks to try, Understanding how to apply things to the real world, Lack of documentation Find someone better than you who's willing to answer your questions. It's often hard to articulate what you're struggling with, talking it out with someone can make it clear. CSS, Node, Client-side JS, JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s) 3-5 years 9 No No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Books, Help from coworkers Online courses Help from coworkers Browser differences, Lack of documentation Your baseline for front-end developers blog post Fairly exhaustive, still gives high level overview. I'd recommend pluralsight/online courses for specifics. HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s) 5-10 years 7 Yes No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Other online resources, Books, Help from coworkers, Looking at code at work. OSS Books Help from coworkers Coming up with tasks to try, Lack of mentoring/guidance HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), Other server-side language(s) More than 10 years 5 No No
Yes Other online resources, Books Books Other online resources Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Package management (bower, npm, etc.), Choosing a framework, Modules Programming JavaScript Applications This was the most helpful overall this year, put things in good perspective. Haven't read enough to answer this yet Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s) 5-10 years 8 No Yes
Yes Blogs, Other online resources, Help from coworkers, Meetups Other online resources Conferences Tooling and ecosystem when approaching a new framework (e.g. React) MDN It is (usually) correct W3cschools It is usually incorrect and obsolete HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), Other server-side language(s) More than 10 years 7 Yes No
Yes Blogs Blogs Online courses Prototypes and inheritance, Debugging, Understanding how to approach a problem, Promises, iterating through a list of items with async processing on each item nodejitsu blog posts are concise and cover one issue decently enough to get up and running Ember.js Framework is broken by design, no progressive enhancement. HTML, CSS, Client-side JS, Other server-side language(s) More than 10 years 7 No No
Yes Blogs, Help from friends, Help from coworkers Help from coworkers Blogs Debugging, DOM scripting, Using ES6/ES2015 features, Lack of documentation, Lack of mentoring/guidance Twitter Lots of smart people post blogs Client-side JS Less than 1 year 6 No No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Books, Help from coworkers, I made a harp site and some alias' that lets me make a new website really easily to have a new playground to learn on. Help from coworkers Online courses Coming up with tasks to try, Understanding how to approach a problem, Understanding how to apply things to the real world, Lack of documentation, Lack of mentoring/guidance A Smarter Way to Learn JavaScript book, and making 100 websites I think the repetitious projects in ASWtLJS along with breaking each data structure / thing to learn into a microscopic concept was helpful. But beyond language basics it doesn't help learn like what Backbone does. Or why people are freaking out about Angular 2 and React in both positive and negative ways. Blindly taking courses. Paying gobs of money to people to maybe not learn the language completely. As mentioned above, it doesn't apply to anything that an employer would stress beyond language fundamentals. HTML, CSS, CSS preprocessor(s) 1-3 years 5 No No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Other online resources, Books, Help from friends, Help from coworkers, Meetups, Conferences Help from friends while working/debugging work and personal projects Online courses Data structures (arrays, objects, etc.), Prototypes and inheritance, Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Modules, Callbacks/async Doing JavaScript code practice problems with tests (like Exercism) You can isolate specific functions and patterns you want to try out. Frameworks and framework-driven tutorials. Way too much to learn at once. HTML, CSS, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s), Ruby on Rails, React 1-3 years 5 No Yes
Yes Blogs, Meetups, Conferences Conferences bah Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Lack of documentation Mentoring Its the quickest shortcut Everything that is NOT based on ES6 exclusively Learning about historical artefacts should not be a priority in the start HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s) More than 10 years 6 No No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Other online resources, Code school (in person), Books, Help from friends, Help from coworkers, Meetups, Conferences Conferences Other online resources Data structures (arrays, objects, etc.), Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Choosing a framework, Coming up with tasks to try, Lack of documentation "You Don't Know JS" by @getify It's a good read that covers fundamentals really well HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), Other server-side language(s) 1-3 years 8 Yes No
Yes Online courses, Blogs Online courses Help from coworkers Syntax fundamentals, Data structures (arrays, objects, etc.), Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Package management (bower, npm, etc.), Using ES6/ES2015 features Succinct W3schools It's crap HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s) Less than 1 year 6 Yes No
Yes Blogs, Books, Conferences Books Code school (in person) Callbacks/async, Promises HTML, CSS, Node 1-3 years 4 No No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Books, Pluralsight Books Blogs Understanding how to approach a problem, Understanding how to apply things to the real world books (in particular the 'you don't know js' series and pluralsight HTML, CSS, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), Other server-side language(s) More than 10 years 8 Yes No
Yes Blogs, Other online resources, Books, Help from friends, Meetups Other online resources Meetups Prototypes and inheritance, Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Package management (bower, npm, etc.), Choosing a framework, Which camp to listen to. (Different opinions.) Eric Elliot (while occasionally problematic) has been very prolific in writing and collecting JS resources. Also, he has a lot of experience and his work (blogs and book) taught me more about the benefits of prototypical OO over classical OO (for ore advanced stuff). Can't think of any one place off hand besides... Getting stuck into wars about frameworks, libraries, toolchain, etc. It is hard but just picking one tool (which ever it is) and going with it and learning how it works will help inform you own opinions and give you insight into others. HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s) 5-10 years 7 Yes I prefer not to say
Yes Online courses, Books, Help from coworkers Help from coworkers Books Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Promises Comprehensive redux/react tutorial - full stack HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS Less than 1 year 4 No Yes
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Other online resources, Books Books Other online resources Prototypes and inheritance, Modules, Understanding how to approach a problem, Promises It's good... Its's recomended for start, but I think is better have some background HTML, CSS, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.) Less than 1 year 8 Yes I prefer not to say
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Books Online courses Meetups Choosing a framework, Understanding how to approach a problem, Lack of documentation Shirt videos but informative W3 schools It's crap HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.) 5-10 years 5 Yes Yes
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Other online resources, Code school (in person), Books, Help from friends, Help from coworkers Code school (in person) Online courses Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Package management (bower, npm, etc.), Coming up with tasks to try, Understanding how to approach a problem Enspiral Dev Academy Wellington NZ It was a fantastic school! HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s) Less than 1 year 10 Yes No
Yes Blogs, Other online resources, Meetups, Conferences Failure Blogs Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Package management (bower, npm, etc.), Coming up with tasks to try, Lack of documentation, Lack of mentoring/guidance HTML, CSS, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), Other server-side language(s) 3-5 years 6 Yes No
Yes Blogs, Other online resources, Meetups Other online resources Meetups Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Package management (bower, npm, etc.), Choosing a framework, Understanding how to approach a problem, Understanding how to apply things to the real world HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS 1-3 years 8 No No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Other online resources Online courses Other online resources Browser differences, Understanding how to approach a problem, Understanding how to apply things to the real world, Callbacks/async, Promises MDN It it a great language reference. HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, Other server-side language(s) I haven't yet! 3 Yes I prefer not to say
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Other online resources, Books, Meetups, Conferences Blogs Meetups Prototypes and inheritance, Understanding how to apply things to the real world, Lack of mentoring/guidance, Callbacks/async, Promises Online courses When they're well done, good breakdown of material and opportunities for practice Meetups Topics not as described or not applicable to my problems; not that useful for networking either HTML, CSS, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), Other server-side language(s) 5-10 years 8 Yes Yes
Yes Online courses, Books Online courses Books Prototypes and inheritance, Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Lack of mentoring/guidance Stack Overflow Wealth of experience Not sure None. No role I haven't yet! 5 No No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Other online resources, Books Other online resources Blogs Data structures (arrays, objects, etc.), Debugging, Understanding how to approach a problem, Understanding how to apply things to the real world codewars helps apply what you have learned through books/tutorials to real problems and helps bring together how a language can really work. blogs there are a lot of blogs that don't have the correct information , you may have wasted time trying to comprehend something that is irrelevant and end up more confused than when you started. If you do use blogs you need to be sure they are from a person who is reputable and experienced. HTML, CSS, Client-side JS 1-3 years 5 No Yes
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Other online resources Other online resources Books Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Package management (bower, npm, etc.), Choosing a framework, Coming up with tasks to try HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.) Less than 1 year 8 No No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Books Books Other online resources Lack of documentation HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s) 5-10 years 6 No I prefer not to say
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Other online resources, Meetups Online courses Conferences Prototypes and inheritance, Coming up with tasks to try, Understanding how to apply things to the real world, Promises HTML, CSS, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s) 3-5 years 8 Yes No
Yes Blogs, Other online resources, Help from friends, Help from coworkers, Stack Overflow Help from coworkers Other online resources Prototypes and inheritance, Debugging, Understanding how to approach a problem, Lack of mentoring/guidance, Promises HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.) 5-10 years 9 No No
Yes Blogs, Help from coworkers, code reviews Blogs Other online resources Debugging, Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Modules, Lack of documentation, Callbacks/async A great entry point and process for getting feet wet with Any specific framework documentation So the person could begin with development and JS fundamentals before exploring frameworks HTML, CSS, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s) 5-10 years 7 No No
Yes Other online resources Other online resources Conferences Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Lack of mentoring/guidance, Promises HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s) More than 10 years 4 Yes No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Books, Conferences Blogs Conferences Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.) Egghead videos They're good, shrug old books probably janky HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s) More than 10 years 3 No No
Yes Blogs, Other online resources, Help from friends, Help from coworkers, Conferences Other online resources Conferences Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Understanding how to approach a problem, Understanding how to apply things to the real world It covers JS as a programming language, not so much as a "Here's how you handle events in a browser". It's incredibly dated, not maintained at all, and even at its release point, it had some inaccuracies and gross simplifications HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), Other server-side language(s) More than 10 years 3 Yes No
Yes Blogs, Other online resources, Documentation Documentation Other online resources Browser differences, Coming up with tasks to try Mozilla Developer Network Up to date, good docs, good website W3Schools w3fools HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s) 5-10 years 5 No I prefer not to say
Yes Blogs, Other online resources, Books, Help from friends, Help from coworkers Blogs Books Prototypes and inheritance, DOM scripting, Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Callbacks/async, Promises Stack Overflow search Because so many of your questions are the exact questions that have already been answered Meetups I've never found one that didn't intimidate me while learning, many JS topics were a little too advanced for me HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, Other server-side language(s) 1-3 years 6 No Yes
Yes Blogs, Other online resources, Books, Meetups Other online resources Books Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Package management (bower, npm, etc.), Lack of documentation HTML, CSS, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s) More than 10 years 8 No No
Yes Blogs, Other online resources, Books Blogs Books Prototypes and inheritance, Coming up with tasks to try, Understanding how to approach a problem, Lack of documentation, Lack of mentoring/guidance codepen easy to see what is happening as your write w3schools not reliable documentation, appears high in search HTML, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), Other server-side language(s) 5-10 years 6 No No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Code school (in person), Books, Help from coworkers Code school (in person) Books Debugging, Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Choosing a framework HTML, CSS, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.) Less than 1 year 10 Yes Yes
Yes Blogs, Help from friends, Help from coworkers, Meetups, Conferences Help from friends Help from coworkers Debugging, Browser differences, Package management (bower, npm, etc.), Coming up with tasks to try, Lack of mentoring/guidance HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, Other server-side language(s) 5-10 years 6 Yes No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Other online resources, Help from friends, Help from coworkers, Meetups, Conferences Other online resources Conferences Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Package management (bower, npm, etc.), Understanding how to apply things to the real world, Lack of documentation, Lack of mentoring/guidance Video series on The chapters in series are often short and focused, which means someone new won't have to learn too much at once HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s) 5-10 years 8 Yes I prefer not to say
Yes Blogs, Other online resources Blogs Other online resources Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.) Blogs on how to do `x` with `listOfLibsIAccidentallyChose` I already know how to program but getting the "big picture" on how to configure & get everything that isn't the code working is really hard to do with the choice available. HTML, CSS, Client-side JS, Other server-side language(s) Less than 1 year 7 Yes No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Books Online courses Books Debugging, Callbacks/async, Promises Online courses where you can work at your own pace Being able to rewatch videos is huge in helping someone to grasp a new concept. Conferences It's an expensive way to get started! Unless someone else is footing your bill, start smaller. HTML, CSS, Client-side JS, Other server-side language(s) More than 10 years 10 Yes Yes
Yes Blogs, Books, Help from coworkers, Meetups Blogs Meetups Programming fundamentals (conditionals, loops, etc.), Prototypes and inheritance, Using ES6/ES2015 features, Understanding how to approach a problem, Understanding how to apply things to the real world ydkjs it's good. google search resulting stack overflow answers. answer with the top vote.... if you don't know how to do something, that google search probably is leading you to a very wrong answer. HTML, CSS, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), Other server-side language(s), js build tools, package stuff 5-10 years 7 No No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Other online resources, Books Books Online courses Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Using ES6/ES2015 features, Lack of documentation Axel knows JS by heart and is great at explaining concepts and syntax HTML, Node, Client-side JS, Other server-side language(s) More than 10 years 7 No No
Yes Online courses, Other online resources, Conferences Online courses Other online resources Promises Frontend Masters Affordable and very very deep content Stack Overflow Q&A is the bucket of fish; I'd rather have the pole HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s) More than 10 years 7 No No
Yes Blogs, Other online resources, Books, Help from coworkers, Conferences Blogs Blogs Browser differences, Coming up with tasks to try, Lack of documentation eloquent javascript easily approachable escalation of ideas and syntax documentation. It's usually not approachable by people new to the language HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s) 5-10 years 7 Yes No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Books, Help from coworkers Blogs Conferences Browser differences, Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Understanding how to approach a problem, Understanding how to apply things to the real world, Lack of documentation The Good Parts It's a relatively quick overview of the language and what you should avoid Conferences They're great for discovering new things but tend to lack the depth that other mediums can offer HTML, CSS, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.) 1-3 years 7 Yes No
Yes Blogs, Other online resources, Conferences Other online resources Blogs Prototypes and inheritance, Choosing a framework, Modules Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) Thoroughness and good examples. HTML, CSS, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), Other server-side language(s) 5-10 years 6 Yes No
Yes Blogs, Other online resources Other online resources Online courses Prototypes and inheritance, Debugging, Modules, Lack of mentoring/guidance, Callbacks/async Get a mentor Because when I've had one I've done well, when I haven't I've stagnated. Guitar magazines No JS in 'em HTML, CSS, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), Other server-side language(s) 5-10 years 3 Yes No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Books, Help from friends, Help from coworkers, Conferences Books Conferences Debugging, DOM scripting, Coming up with tasks to try, Callbacks/async, Promises Clear, concise lessons Learning JavaScript by Shelley Powers Factual errors HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, Other server-side language(s) 5-10 years 10 Yes Yes
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Other online resources, Help from friends, Conferences Online courses Other online resources Choosing a framework, Modules, Coming up with tasks to try, Lack of mentoring/guidance, Promises HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s) More than 10 years 7 No No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Books, Help from friends, Help from coworkers, open source code repo's open source code repo's Help from friends Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Coming up with tasks to try, Understanding how to apply things to the real world, Lack of mentoring/guidance Javascript: The Good Parts If you can only have one resource, take the one that at least tells you what you NEED to know random blogs There is so much assumed knowledge when following someone else's tutorial. Build tooling, package management, general module architecture. If you don't have any knowledge of any of this it gets overwhelming fast. Plus you're not really learning anything from it you're just following a recipe. HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s), Objective-C (iOS), Java (android) 1-3 years 8 No No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Help from friends, Help from coworkers Help from coworkers Meetups Prototypes and inheritance, Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Coming up with tasks to try, Understanding how to apply things to the real world Online Courses For the most part I feel like online courses are very useful for people just learning HTML, CSS, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s) 3-5 years 7 Yes No
Yes Other online resources, Books Other online resources Meetups Understanding how to approach a problem, Understanding how to apply things to the real world MDN HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.) 5-10 years 10 No No
Yes Blogs, Other online resources, Help from coworkers, Meetups, Conferences Blogs Meetups Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Promises w3schools Shallow explaining and contrived examples HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s) More than 10 years 5 Yes No
Yes Other online resources, Books, Help from friends, Help from coworkers, documentation documentation Help from coworkers Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Lack of documentation, Callbacks/async HTML, CSS, Other server-side language(s) 3-5 years 6 No I prefer not to say
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Other online resources Other online resources Online courses Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Choosing a framework, Coming up with tasks to try, Understanding how to apply things to the real world, Lack of mentoring/guidance HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS More than 10 years 7 No No
Yes Blogs, Other online resources Other online resources Conferences Syntax fundamentals, Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Lack of documentation HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.) More than 10 years 9 No No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Other online resources, Help from friends, Help from coworkers, Meetups, Conferences Other online resources Meetups Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Choosing a framework, Understanding how to approach a problem, Lack of documentation, Lack of mentoring/guidance HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s) 3-5 years 3 No No
Yes Blogs, Other online resources, Help from coworkers Blogs Books Prototypes and inheritance, Debugging twitter JS-people HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.) 5-10 years 8 Yes No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Other online resources, Books Books Online courses Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Lack of documentation Book You can learn at your own pace HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s) More than 10 years 7 Yes No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Books, Help from coworkers Online courses Help from coworkers Prototypes and inheritance, Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Choosing a framework, Coming up with tasks to try, Lack of mentoring/guidance HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s) 3-5 years 9 Yes No
Yes Blogs, Other online resources, Books Other online resources Books Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Understanding how to apply things to the real world MDN Clear and comprehensive Blogs Usually out of date HTML, CSS, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s) More than 10 years 6 No No
Yes Blogs, Meetups, Conferences, videos videos Other online resources Prototypes and inheritance, Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), generators HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s) 5-10 years 8 No No
Yes Blogs, Books, Help from friends, Help from coworkers, Meetups, Conferences Blogs Help from friends Prototypes and inheritance, Debugging, Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Using ES6/ES2015 features, Promises Conferences & meetups Networking/watching conferences is fundamental, it keeps you curious and willing to learn something you didn't know about, every time. Plus, you may meet a bunch of new different people with different backgrounds/culture! Stackoverflow it may get very opinionated without any reason but " faith" wars HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), Other server-side language(s) 5-10 years 8 Yes Yes
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Other online resources, Books, Conferences Blogs Books Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Choosing a framework HTML, CSS, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s) 5-10 years 7 No No
Yes Blogs, Other online resources, Books, Help from friends, Help from coworkers, Meetups, Conferences Books Conferences Choosing a framework, Lack of mentoring/guidance HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, Other server-side language(s) More than 10 years 5 Yes No
Yes Blogs, Other online resources, Websites with sample problems, like CodeWars Other online resources Blogs Debugging, DOM scripting, Browser differences Lots of sample problems of varying difficulty and focus w3schools Not official, has had problems in the past, basically a worse MDN HTML, CSS, Client-side JS, Other server-side language(s) 1-3 years 8 Yes No
Yes Blogs, Other online resources Other online resources Blogs Browser differences, Choosing a framework, Lack of documentation stackoverflow Usually your question has been asked already. HTML, CSS, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), Other server-side language(s) More than 10 years 8 No No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Help from friends Online courses Other online resources Prototypes and inheritance, Debugging, Browser differences, Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Lack of documentation dedicated approaches for different skill levels stack overflow too uneven HTML, CSS, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), Other server-side language(s) More than 10 years 5 No No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Other online resources, Help from coworkers They all kind of suck Online courses Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Package management (bower, npm, etc.), Choosing a framework, Lack of documentation, Lack of mentoring/guidance Take an in person course You can ask questions when stuff breaks Reference documents Too complex, no context. HTML, CSS, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), Other server-side language(s) More than 10 years 1 No Yes
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Code school (in person), Books, Help from friends, Meetups, Conferences Help from friends Books Programming fundamentals (conditionals, loops, etc.), Prototypes and inheritance, Understanding how to approach a problem, Callbacks/async, Promises everything is one place, and it's available offline. Thus, even with shitty internet, you can always check up on something. Node, Client-side JS, Other server-side language(s) 1-3 years 9 Yes Yes
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Conferences Online courses Books Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Package management (bower, npm, etc.), Modules, Coming up with tasks to try, Understanding how to apply things to the real world egghead / other online courses bite-sized, really approachable books they tend to fix you on particular code, and not way of thinking HTML, CSS, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), Other server-side language(s) 3-5 years 5 No No
Yes Blogs, Other online resources, Books, Help from coworkers Other online resources Books Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Package management (bower, npm, etc.), Understanding how to approach a problem, Understanding how to apply things to the real world, Lack of mentoring/guidance HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s) 5-10 years 7 No No
Yes Online courses, Blogs Online courses Help from coworkers Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Package management (bower, npm, etc.), Using ES6/ES2015 features Eloquent js book I read it long ago but still I think about stuff from it every day HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Couchdb, pouchdb 3-5 years 6 No No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Books, Help from friends, Help from coworkers, Meetups, Conferences Help from coworkers Online courses Prototypes and inheritance, Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Package management (bower, npm, etc.), Callbacks/async, Promises Eloquent JavaScript Fun & accessible Online tools like codecademy Too easy to get stuck and too hard to get help HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s) 3-5 years 8 Yes No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Help from coworkers, Meetups Online courses Meetups Coming up with tasks to try, Lack of documentation, Lack of mentoring/guidance HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s) 5-10 years 8 No No
Yes Blogs, Books, Conferences Books Conferences Debugging, Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Lack of documentation Node 5-10 years 9 Yes No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Other online resources, Books, Help from friends, Help from coworkers, Meetups, Conferences Blogs Online courses Choosing a framework, Lack of documentation, Lack of mentoring/guidance Blogs More insights and detailed Code school Only for beginners haven't done programming before HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.) 3-5 years 10 Yes Yes
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Other online resources, Books, Help from friends, Help from coworkers Online courses Code school (in person) Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Choosing a framework, Modules, Callbacks/async, Promises Mozilla Developer Netword Updated HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s) 1-3 years 8 Yes Yes
Yes Blogs, Other online resources, Books, Help from coworkers Help from coworkers Blogs Debugging, Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Package management (bower, npm, etc.), Choosing a framework, Insane churn in the JS world. Hacker News Because as a group they seem to only be interested in new shiny things and not mature well-documented things. HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), Other server-side language(s) More than 10 years 6 No No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Books, Help from coworkers, Conferences Online courses Conferences Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Package management (bower, npm, etc.), Modules, Lack of mentoring/guidance Fresh, concise, relevant videos that teach a topic enough to get you to explore & try things on your own. Physical Books The technical nature of books becomes outdated so quickly that by the time you read it, the techniques within are probably usurped by something else & you'll already be behind. HTML, CSS, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), Other server-side language(s) 5-10 years 7 Yes No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Other online resources, Books Blogs Other online resources Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Understanding how to apply things to the real world Excellent instructors up to date content Meetups They are more about exposure than in depth learning HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.) 5-10 years 8 Yes Yes
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Books, Help from coworkers, Meetups, Conferences Help from friends Blogs Debugging, Browser differences, Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Package management (bower, npm, etc.) Friends They know. Blogs So error prone because of litle accountability and outdated quickly HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s) 1-3 years 5 Yes No
Yes Blogs, Other online resources, Meetups, Podcasts Blogs Meetups Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Package management (bower, npm, etc.), Choosing a framework, Modules HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s) 5-10 years 7 No No
Yes Blogs, Help from friends, Meetups, Conferences Blogs Online courses Lack of documentation Mdn Its exhaustive W3schools Its wrong HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s) More than 10 years 9 No No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Other online resources, Books, Help from friends Other online resources Online courses Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Coming up with tasks to try, Promises HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s) More than 10 years 4 Yes No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Code school (in person), Books, Help from friends, Help from coworkers, Meetups Help from coworkers Online courses Debugging, Coming up with tasks to try, Understanding how to apply things to the real world, Callbacks/async Having a job thay uses it I always really struggled with JS until I had a job where I had to use it. I know that's not true for everyone but it was a big hurdle for me. The internet. There's a reason JS is referred to as the wild west and that's lack of standards which means there is a lot of misleading info out there HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), Other server-side language(s) 1-3 years 8 No Yes
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Other online resources Other online resources Blogs Prototypes and inheritance, Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Promises Code wars You can compare your code to others HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), Other server-side language(s) 5-10 years 8 No No
Yes Blogs, Help from coworkers, Conferences Blogs Conferences Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Package management (bower, npm, etc.) jsfiddle you need to try things and learn by doing HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s) 5-10 years 7 Yes Yes
Yes Blogs, Books, Help from coworkers, Study code bases Books Help from coworkers Browser differences, Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Coming up with tasks to try Patience is a resource.. It takes time and commitment, regardless of chosen learning method. Experienced coworkers/friends They have forgotten how it is to not know and might steer you in an unnecessarily complicated direction. HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s) 1-3 years 10 Yes No
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Other online resources, Help from coworkers Online courses Conferences Prototypes and inheritance, Browser differences babel website Great introduction to ES6 Random blogs! You never know if it is correct or not. HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s) 5-10 years 9 Yes No
Yes Other online resources, Books, Help from friends, Meetups Conferences Online courses Promises Find reliable blog Blogs can be very resourceful and can point you to books, other blogs, courses, conferences. People blog on informal, easy language, easier to understand than books. HTML, CSS, Client-side JS 1-3 years 6 No Yes
Yes Blogs, Books, Conferences Books Online courses Get familiar with abstraction like `Event Loop` It's easy, good to introduction. (but deep understanding is not obtained) Join cunfference It is useful to collect the information, but it does not lead to learning. HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s) 3-5 years 7 Yes Yes
Yes Blogs, Other online resources Other online resources Blogs Browser differences, Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Choosing a framework, Understanding how to approach a problem, Understanding how to apply things to the real world google search answers everything HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s) 1-3 years 7 No I prefer not to say
Yes Online courses, Blogs, Other online resources Other online resources Blogs DOM scripting, Browser differences, Using ES6/ES2015 features, Choosing a framework, Understanding how to apply things to the real world Some stufd i just understood after read there and nowhere else It is poor and superfitial HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, Other server-side language(s) 5-10 years 7 Yes No
Yes Blogs, Other online resources, Books Other online resources Books Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Using ES6/ES2015 features, Modules, Callbacks/async, Promises MDN helpful HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.) 1-3 years 7 No I prefer not to say
Yes Blogs, Other online resources Blogs Blogs Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.) HTML, CSS, Client-side JS, Other server-side language(s) 5-10 years 5 No No
Yes Blogs Books Online courses Data structures (arrays, objects, etc.) HTML, CSS, Node, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s) Less than 1 year 6 Yes Yes
Yes Blogs, Other online resources, Help from friends, Help from coworkers, Meetups Help from coworkers Meetups Prototypes and inheritance, Debugging, Package management (bower, npm, etc.), Choosing a framework, Lack of community consensus on how to solve a problem Don't Because Javascript is a hateful language built on inconsistency and half-hearted solutions. Meetups Everyone just spends the whole time gushing about Yet Another Framework that only solves 20% of your problem. HTML, CSS, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s), Other server-side language(s) More than 10 years 5 Yes No
Yes Online courses, Other online resources, Books, Help from coworkers Books Online courses DOM scripting, Lack of documentation Client-side JS Less than 1 year 7 No No
Yes Blogs, Other online resources, Help from coworkers, Conferences Blogs Conferences Prototypes and inheritance, Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Promises Mozilla Developer Network Best reference HTML, CSS, Client-side JS, JS transpiler(s) (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.), Other server-side language(s) 5-10 years 8 No No
Yes Blogs, Books Books Online courses Build tooling (grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, etc.), Using ES6/ES2015 features HTML, CSS, Client-side JS, CSS preprocessor(s) 1-3 years 3 No No
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