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Last active December 24, 2020 22:59
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Intrinsic Time implementation, from the Alpha Engine whitepaper
class IntrinsicTimeBar:
reversal: False
direction: None
time: None
high: None
low: None
def __init__(self, time, high: float, low: float, direction=None, reversal=False):
self.reversal = reversal
self.direction = direction
self.time = time
self.high = high
self.low = low
class IntrinsicTimeChart:
maxPercentageChange = None
maxLength = None
lengthNow = 0
OnStep = None
upper = None
lower = None
def __init__(self, max_percentage_change: float, length=2):
self.maxPercentageChange = max_percentage_change
self.maxLength = max(2, length)
self.window = []
self.upper = None
self.lower = None
def __AddBar(self, new_bar: IntrinsicTimeBar):
self.window.insert(0, new_bar)
length = len(self.window)
if length > self.maxLength:
self.lengthNow = length
if self.OnStep:
def NewCandlestick(self, time, bar):
if self.upper == None:
self.upper = bar['Open']
self.lower = bar['Open']
self.NewPrice(time, bar['Open'])
# process high and low in order of proximity from the open
ohlc_order = [
('High', abs(bar['Open'] - bar['High'])),
('Low', abs(bar['Open'] - bar['Low']))
for prop in [t[0] for t in sorted(ohlc_order, key=lambda t: t[1])]:
self.NewPrice(time, bar[prop])
self.NewPrice(time, bar['Close'])
def NewPrice(self, time, price: float):
self.upper = price if self.upper == None else max(price, self.upper)
self.lower = price if self.lower == None else min(price, self.lower)
allowable_change = (self.upper + self.lower) * \
0.5 * self.maxPercentageChange
possible_high = self.lower + allowable_change
possible_low = self.upper - allowable_change
surpassed_high = price > possible_high
surpassed_low = price < possible_low
if not surpassed_high and not surpassed_low:
new_level = None
new_bar = IntrinsicTimeBar(
time, self.upper, self.lower, direction=None, reversal=False)
if surpassed_high:
new_bar.high = new_level = possible_high
new_bar.direction = 'u'
if self.lengthNow > 0 and self.window[0].direction == 'd':
new_bar.reversal = True
elif surpassed_low:
new_bar.low = new_level = possible_low
new_bar.direction = 'd'
if self.lengthNow > 0 and self.window[0].direction == 'u':
new_bar.reversal = True
raise Exception('the impossible has happened')
self.upper = new_level
self.lower = new_level
self.NewPrice(time, price)
qb = QuantBook()
spy = qb.AddEquity("SPY")
days = 360
history = qb.History(qb.Securities.Keys, days, Resolution.Daily)
import pandas as pd
import mplfinance as mpf
from IntrinsicTime import IntrinsicTimeChart
itc = IntrinsicTimeChart(0.03, days + 1)
# write every new bar into table struct at IT run-time
new_table = {"Date":[], "Open": [], "High": [], "Low": [], "Close": []}
def writeBarToTable(bar):
if bar.direction == 'u':
itc.OnStep = writeBarToTable
# push price history into IT
for index, row in history.iterrows():
bar = TradeBar()
bar.Open = row['open']
bar.High = row['high']
bar.Low = row['low']
bar.Close = row['close']
itc.NewCandlestick(index[1], bar)
# plot intrinsic time series
df = pd.DataFrame(new_table)
df.index = df["Date"]
mpf.plot(df, type='candlestick')
# plot historical price as OHLC
spy = history.loc['SPY']
spy.rename(columns={"open": "Open", "high": "High", "low": "Low", "close": "Close", "volume": "Volume"}, inplace=True)
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