#The Problem In the way of replacing ListViews with RecyclerView I hit this obstacle where there is no onItemClickListener in RecyclerView ??? And when googled, I found almost all the posts saying we have to implement this using the GestureDetector. And some of them had used interfaces which is what I too thought of using in the first place. But even they were so much confusing and complex to understand.
- Interfaces (Donot worry if you never used one. But they are very simple concept) - CustomItemClickListener.java
- ViewHolder Adapter - ItemsListAdapter.java
- ViewHolder Item Class - ItemsListSingleItem.java
- The RecyclerView Itself - ItemsList (See Setting up the RecyclerView)
Consider for example you have a list of thumbnails and a title to be listed. I would do the following to keep stuff simple and working. :)
Checkout the sample project here
Muchas Gracias 👍