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Last active August 11, 2023 08:44
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  • Save richardcornish/4676556 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save richardcornish/4676556 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Enough Git for your résumé in 100ish lines

Git notes


  1. Install Git
  2. Create a GitHub account
  3. Open Terminal /Applications/Utilities/


git config --global "Your Name"
git config --global "[email protected]"
git config --global color.ui true
git config --list

Create a repository

Create the remote repository at GitHub as My Project.

Create the local repository.

mkdir -p ~/Code/myproject/ && cd ~/Code/myproject/
git init
echo "# My Project" >
git add  # Or `git add .` for adding all
git commit -m "First commit"
git remote add origin [email protected]:myusername/My-Project.git
git push -u origin master  # subsequently `git push`

Go to (or refresh page).

Ignore stuff

echo "*.DS_Store" > .gitignore
git add .gitignore
git commit -m "Added ignore file"

Get a repository

git clone [email protected]:theirusername/Their-Project.git`

Update a repository

git pull origin master

Feature branches

Add new feature branch:

git checkout -b my-new-feature-branch  # `-b` is shortcut for creating and switching to new branch
# work on new feature
git status
git add new-file.html
git rm worthless-file.html
git commit -m "First edit for the feature"
# work some more
git add more.min.js
git diff --staged
git commit -m "Second edit for the feature"
# You could push my-new-feature-branch out to remote if collaborating with others
# git push origin my-new-feature-branch

Update with new feature branch:

git checkout master
git pull origin master
git merge someone-elses-new-feature-branch
git push origin master

If master is ahead of you:

# You could `git pull && git push`...but "merge commits" are ugly
git fetch  # you should be on master
git checkout my-new-feature-branch
git rebase master
git checkout master
git merge my-new-feature-branch

If you have conflicts:

git fetch  # you should be on master
git rebase
# fix conflicts
git add broken_file.html
git rebase --continue

Delete new feature branch:

git checkout master
git branch -d my-new-feature-branch
git push origin --delete my-new-feature-branch  # deletes remote branch
git remote prune origin  # deletes remote branch more


git tag  # list tags
git tag -a v0.0.2 -m "Version 0.0.2"  # add new tag
git push --tags  # push new tags
git checkout v0.0.1  # checkout tag

Undo mistakes

git reset --soft HEAD^  # Undoes last commit, files are back to staged
git reset --hard HEAD^  # Undoes last commit, and undoes the edits of those files! Nuclear option!


git status  # Show (un)tracked/(un)staged files
git branch  # Show branches and which one you're on
git branch -r  # List all remote branches
git remote show origin  # Show all remote branches
git log  # Show the commits, or `git log --graph` for pretty
git show thelonggitlognumber1234567890  # Show old versions of files
git diff  # Show diff between tracked and last commit
git diff thelonggitlognumber1234567890  # Show diffs between file versions
git blame file.html  # Show author of change

Fork someone's work

# Go to GitHub project, click Fork
git clone
cd cool-forked-project
git remote add upstream
git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/master
# Visit your repo webpage to send pull request


  • You have a local copy of the repository, which complements local development with rails s/python runserver
  • Branching for new features is easier than SVN
  • Faster/smaller in size than SVN
  • Just remember to visualize the local/remote + branch/master way of thinking

Good links

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Double plus good.

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Akhi1 commented May 20, 2015

that's pretty handy....thanks!

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