I run open source projects for Numenta, and we are heavy users of Travis-CI. Most aspects of your service are oustanding. Here is a short list of the ways in which I love Travis-CI:
- Your customer support is immediately responsive, via email and chat.
- Your service integrates wonderfully with all the other services we use.
- Your API is excellent and well-documented.
- The rest of your documentation is also very complete and easy to read.
- You provide an OS X build environment!
- Builds are extremely customizable.
- You're open source.
Some of our projects have many public forks, each with pull-requests against our main repos that generate a lot of builds. Some of our builds are quite complex due to project dependencies and multiple programming languages. The experience has been great, barring one request I would love if you fulfilled.
I've managed to do everything I wanted to do for our open source projects with Github and Travis-CI, incorporating some specific tooling we needed for custom pipeline logic. The only problem is that we just don't get enough build resources for all our projects. When a PR merges on one of our major projects, we need to ensure all other open PRs are rebuilt after the merge. That means if there are 5 open PRs, 6 builds are immediately queued (one for the master branch CI build, and one for each open PR). Because our builds contain 5 jobs within the build matrix, this sucks a lot of resources, and takes quite a bit of time for each build matrix to complete.
I've talked to your support team over email and chat, and there is no way for us to get resources dedicated to our organization. We will gladly pay you monthly if you give us dedicated build resources! Circle-CI, for example, has a monthly plan that includes dedicated build resources. This would be perfect! Your Travis-Pro product doesn't help an open source project like us at all. What we need are more resources, not private builds. And we'll happily pay you if you can provide it.
There must be others out there using and loving Travis-CI, but struggling with the same resource deficiencies we are. If so, please join your name to the comments below. The more people Travis-CI knows wants this type of service, the more likely they are to eventually provide it. If you want to help spread the word, please retweet this from your Twitter account.
Matt Taylor
Numenta Open Source Community Flag-Bearer
Yes please!