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Johan Sköld rhoot

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# IDA (disassembler) and Hex-Rays (decompiler) plugin for Apple AMX
# WIP research. (This was edited to add more info after someone posted it to
# Hacker News. Click "Revisions" to see full changes.)
# Copyright (c) 2020 dougallj
# Based on Python port of VMX intrinsics plugin:
# Copyright (c) 2019 w4kfu - Synacktiv
xantiagoma /
Last active January 18, 2025 12:47
Map tiles
MatthewVance / unbound.conf
Last active May 6, 2024 21:18
Config for running Unbound as a caching DNS forwarder (performance settings optimized for Raspberry Pi 2).
# Time to live maximum for RRsets and messages in the cache. If the maximum
# kicks in, responses to clients still get decrementing TTLs based on the
# original (larger) values. When the internal TTL expires, the cache item
# has expired. Can be set lower to force the resolver to query for data
# often, and not trust (very large) TTL values.
cache-max-ttl: 86400
0chroma / VFIO Setup
Last active October 21, 2024 15:28
Windows 10 VFIO QEMU Setup

VFIO Setup Guide

I play games regularly, and the sad reality is that it forces me to use Windows on my desktop. There's a Linux installation on there, but rebooting into it is such a massive interruption that I usually just move over to my laptop for programming. Working on a laptop leads to all sorts of ergonomic issues, and it felt like a massive waste to not develop on the desktop hardware I invested so much in. So after extensively researching what the VFIO community has been doing, I've deleted my Windows installation and moved all my gaming into a virtual machine on a Linux host.

Normally VMs are too slow for gaming, but thanks to a feature called VFIO you can run games at near-native performance by passing graphics cards and USB controllers directly to a virtual machine. The only requirement is that your board supports IOMMU, which most modern systems have. In this guide I'll wal

NSExceptional /
Last active November 14, 2024 02:25
The Xcode Build Settings Reference in a searchable document, as of Xcode 8.3.2

Build settings reference

Active Build Action (ACTION)

A string identifying the build system action being performed.


The locations of any sparse SDKs that should be layered on top of the one specified by Base SDK (SDKROOT). If more than one SDK is listed, the first one has highest precedence. Every SDK specified in this setting should be a "sparse" SDK, for example, not an SDK for an entire macOS release.

Alternate Install Group (ALTERNATE_GROUP)

fntlnz /
Last active January 23, 2025 20:35
Self Signed Certificate with Custom Root CA

Create Root CA (Done once)

Create Root Key

Attention: this is the key used to sign the certificate requests, anyone holding this can sign certificates on your behalf. So keep it in a safe place!

openssl genrsa -des3 -out rootCA.key 4096
bdash /
Last active July 29, 2020 03:09
Excerpt from Hopper pseudocode from __dynamic_cast in libc++abi.dylib
if ((*(int8_t *)guard variable for __dynamic_cast::use_strcmp == 0x0) && (___cxa_guard_acquire(guard variable for __dynamic_cast::use_strcmp, rsi, rdx, rcx, r8, r9) != 0x0)) {
rsi = *_NSGetProgname();
rcx = 0x1;
if (strcmp("Adobe Illustrator", rsi) != 0x0) {
rsi = *_NSGetProgname();
rdx = 0x13;
rcx = strncmp("Adobe Photoshop CS5", rsi, rdx) == 0x0 ? 0x1 : 0x0;
*(int8_t *)__dynamic_cast::use_strcmp = rcx;
___cxa_guard_release(guard variable for __dynamic_cast::use_strcmp, rsi, rdx, rcx, r8, r9);
denji /
Last active January 10, 2025 06:16 — forked from spikebike/client.go
Simple Golang HTTPS/TLS Examples
Generate private key (.key)
# Key considerations for algorithm "RSA" ≥ 2048-bit
openssl genrsa -out server.key 2048

# Key considerations for algorithm "ECDSA" ≥ secp384r1
# List ECDSA the supported curves (openssl ecparam -list_curves)
idan / gist:3135754
Created July 18, 2012 11:50
A Sample Post

Hello there! This is a sample post for, a super-lightweight writing soapbox for hackers.

Now look up. Further. Above the post title. See that grey text with the gist ID?

Now back to me. That grey text is a link! Open that sucker in a new tab to see the source for this post. Also, I'm on a horse.

This is a major heading

If you peek at it with a web inspector, you'll see that it is a second-level heading. You can use first level headings, but they'll look just like the second level ones, and the gods of the HTML5 outlining algorithm will frown upon you.