- Steven Pemberton: HTTP Must Die!
- Jean-Charles Verdié: Sisyphus and Standards
- Bart van Leeuwen: Why the Web Can Make my Life as a Professional Firefighter Safer
- Jérémie Astori: cryptic: Encryption and partitioning on Ubuntu
- Håkon Lie: Paging the Web
- Nishanth Babu: India on the Web
- Mark Sadecki: Canvas Accessibility
- Chaals Neville: Good Intentions
- Taisuke Fukuno: How To Create Creators
- Robin Berjon: Web Ants
- Léonie Watson: Design like we give a damn!
- Dr. Stanley Dards: The Real Origin of the Web
The room is Seattle, which is one of the rooms in the corridor behind the Starbucks that's at the back of the hotel's main lobby.
We will start at 18:05. Be there or be square.
We have 12 talks, which is two more than we normally fit inside an hour. I will therefore be strict about the 4 minutes.
There are no microphones, be prepared to project your voice.