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Forked from Ap0c/sudoku.hs
Last active July 11, 2024 13:30
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Implementation of sudoku in Haskell, from the FP reading group.
module Sudoku where
type Row a = [a]
type Matrix a = [Row a]
type Digit = Char
type Grid = Matrix Digit
-- sample3 is unsolvable
sample1, sample2, sample3 :: Grid
sample1 = ["2....1.38"
sample2 = [".9.7..86."
sample3 = ["1..9.7..3"
digits :: [Digit]
digits = ['1'..'9']
sudoku :: Grid -> [Grid]
sudoku = filter valid . expand . choices
valid :: Grid -> Bool
valid g = all nodups (rows g)
&& all nodups (cols g)
&& all nodups (boxs g)
rows :: Matrix a -> Matrix a
rows = id
cols :: Matrix a -> Matrix a
cols [r] = [ [d] | d <- r ]
cols (r:rs) = zipWith (:) r (cols rs)
boxs :: Matrix a -> Matrix a
boxs = map ungroup . ungroup . map cols . group . map group
-- we can check that `boxs` is an involution, assuming `cols` is:
-- boxs . boxs = map ungroup . ungroup . map cols . group . map group .
-- map ungroup . ungroup . map cols . group . map group
-- { functor laws }
-- = map ungroup . ungroup . map cols . group . map (group . ungroup) .
-- ungroup . map cols . group . map group
-- { group . ungroup = id, twice }
-- = map ungroup . ungroup . map cols . map cols . group . map group
-- { cols . cols = id and functor law }
-- = map ungroup . ungroup . group . map group
-- { group . ungroup = id, twice and functor law }
-- = id
group :: [a] -> [[a]]
group [] = []
group r = take 3 r : group (drop 3 r)
ungroup :: [[a]] -> [a]
ungroup = concat
-- this is O(n^2) but since n = 9, it beats any constant
-- factor of a logarithmic solution
nodups :: Eq a => [a] -> Bool
nodups [] = True
nodups (x:xs) = nodups xs && x `notElem` xs
-- naive choices: each blank cell can receive
-- any valid digits, while filled cells can only
-- receive what they already have
choices :: Grid -> Matrix [Digit]
choices = map (map choose)
where choose '.' = digits
choose d = [d]
-- naive expansion: we just compute the cartesian product
-- for each row, giving us a grid where each row is made of
-- all possible rows, then we compute the cartesian product
-- of all the rows and get the list of all possible grids
expand :: Matrix [Digit] -> [Grid]
expand = cp . map cp
-- cartesian product, e.g.
-- cp [[a,b],[c,d]] = [[a,c],[a,d],[b,c],[b,d]]
cp :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
cp [] = [[]]
cp (xs:xss) = [ y:ys | y <- xs, ys <- xss' ] where xss' = cp xss
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