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Created January 29, 2018 18:01
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Node REPL kit
const path = require('path')
const reload = require('require-reload')//(require)
const watch = require('node-watch')
const replhist = require('repl.history')
const watchFile = (gname, reqPath) => {
const pth = path.join(__dirname, reqPath)
const load = () => {
console.log(`reloading ${gname} from ${pth}`)
// set as global so they are available in the repl
global[gname] = reload(pth)
watch(pth, {}, load)
// set up hot reloads here:
watchFile('mod', './index.js')
// require additional libs as globals here:
// global.r = require('ramda') // <3
// in case we want it
global.reload = reload
// set history up
process.env.NODE_REPL_HISTORY = './'
// launch, also capture ref to the repl, in case we want it later
// ensure global context is used so hot reloading actually works in repl
global.repl = require('repl').start({useGlobal: true})
// also enable history, which doesn't work by default programmatically
replhist(repl, path.join(__dirname, '.repl_history'))
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