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<title>Rebane's Discord Colored Text Generator</title> | |
<meta charset="UTF-8"> | |
<meta name="description" content="Rebane's Discord Colored Text Generator"> | |
<meta name="author" content="rebane2001"> | |
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<body> | |
<h1>Rebane's Discord <span style="color:#5865F2">Colored</span> Text Generator</h1> | |
<div class="container"> | |
<h3>About</h3> | |
<p>This is a simple app that creates colored Discord messages using the ANSI color codes available on the latest Discord desktop versions.</p> | |
<p>To use this, write your text, select parts of it and assign colors to them, then copy it using the button below, and send in a Discord message.</p> | |
<h3>Source Code</h3> | |
<p>This app runs entirely in your browser and the source code is freely available on <a href="https://gist.github.com/rebane2001/07f2d8e80df053c70a1576d27eabe97c">GitHub</a>. Shout out to kkrypt0nn for <a href="https://gist.github.com/kkrypt0nn/a02506f3712ff2d1c8ca7c9e0aed7c06">this guide</a>.</p> | |
</div> | |
<h2>Create your text</h2> | |
<button data-ansi="0" class="button style-button">Reset All</button> | |
<button data-ansi="1" class="button style-button ansi-1">Bold</button> | |
<button data-ansi="4" class="button style-button ansi-4">Line</button> | |
<br><br> | |
<strong>FG</strong> | |
<button data-ansi="30" class="button style-button ansi-30-bg"> </button> | |
<button data-ansi="31" class="button style-button ansi-31-bg"> </button> | |
<button data-ansi="32" class="button style-button ansi-32-bg"> </button> | |
<button data-ansi="33" class="button style-button ansi-33-bg"> </button> | |
<button data-ansi="34" class="button style-button ansi-34-bg"> </button> | |
<button data-ansi="35" class="button style-button ansi-35-bg"> </button> | |
<button data-ansi="36" class="button style-button ansi-36-bg"> </button> | |
<button data-ansi="37" class="button style-button ansi-37-bg"> </button> | |
<br><br> | |
<strong>BG</strong> | |
<button data-ansi="40" class="button style-button ansi-40"> </button> | |
<button data-ansi="41" class="button style-button ansi-41"> </button> | |
<button data-ansi="42" class="button style-button ansi-42"> </button> | |
<button data-ansi="43" class="button style-button ansi-43"> </button> | |
<button data-ansi="44" class="button style-button ansi-44"> </button> | |
<button data-ansi="45" class="button style-button ansi-45"> </button> | |
<button data-ansi="46" class="button style-button ansi-46"> </button> | |
<button data-ansi="47" class="button style-button ansi-47"> </button> | |
<br><br> | |
<div class="flex"><div id="textarea" contenteditable="true">Welcome to <span class="ansi-33">Rebane</span>'s <span class="ansi-45"><span class="ansi-37">Discord</span></span> <span class="ansi-31">C</span><span class="ansi-32">o</span><span class="ansi-33">l</span><span class="ansi-34">o</span><span class="ansi-35">r</span><span class="ansi-36">e</span><span class="ansi-37">d</span> Text Generator!</div></div> | |
<br> | |
<button class="button copy">Copy text as Discord formatted</button> | |
<br> | |
<br> | |
<small>This is an unofficial tool, it is not made or endorsed by Discord.</small> | |
<div class="tooltip">Tooltip</div> | |
<script type="text/javascript"> | |
const textarea = document.querySelector("#textarea"); | |
const copybtn = document.querySelector(".button.copy"); | |
const tooltip = document.querySelector(".tooltip"); | |
const tooltipTexts = { | |
// FG | |
"30": "Dark Gray (33%)", | |
"31": "Red", | |
"32": "Yellowish Green", | |
"33": "Gold", | |
"34": "Light Blue", | |
"35": "Pink", | |
"36": "Teal", | |
"37": "White", | |
// BG | |
"40": "Blueish Black", | |
"41": "Rust Brown", | |
"42": "Gray (40%)", | |
"43": "Gray (45%)", | |
"44": "Light Gray (55%)", | |
"45": "Blurple", | |
"46": "Light Gray (60%)", | |
"47": "Cream White", | |
}; | |
// Some basic escaping of pasted HTML tags, not ideal but good enough for this situation. | |
textarea.oninput = () => { | |
const base = textarea.innerHTML.replace(/<(\/?(br|span|span class="ansi-[0-9]*"))>/g,"[$1]"); | |
if (base.includes("<") || base.includes(">")) textarea.innerHTML = base.replace(/<.*?>/g,"").replace(/[<>]/g,"").replace(/\[(\/?(br|span|span class="ansi-[0-9]*"))\]/g,"<$1>"); | |
}; | |
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/61237402 | |
document.addEventListener('keydown', event => { | |
if (event.key === 'Enter') { | |
document.execCommand('insertLineBreak') | |
event.preventDefault() | |
} | |
}); | |
document.querySelectorAll(".style-button").forEach((btn) => { | |
btn.onclick = () => { | |
if (!btn.dataset.ansi) { | |
textarea.innerText = textarea.innerText; | |
return; | |
} | |
const selection = window.getSelection(); | |
const text = window.getSelection().toString(); | |
const span = document.createElement("span"); | |
span.innerText = text; | |
span.classList.add(`ansi-${btn.dataset.ansi}`); | |
const range = selection.getRangeAt(0); | |
range.deleteContents(); | |
range.insertNode(span); | |
range.selectNodeContents(span); | |
selection.removeAllRanges(); | |
selection.addRange(range); | |
}; | |
btn.onmouseenter = () => { | |
if (!(btn.dataset.ansi > 4)) return; | |
const rect = btn.getBoundingClientRect(); | |
tooltip.style.display = "block"; | |
tooltip.innerText = tooltipTexts[btn.dataset.ansi]; | |
tooltip.style.top = `${rect.top - 36}px`; | |
tooltip.style.left = `${rect.left - tooltip.clientWidth/2 + btn.clientWidth/2}px`; | |
}; | |
btn.onmouseleave = () => { | |
tooltip.style.display = "none"; | |
}; | |
}); | |
function nodesToANSI(nodes, states) { | |
let text = "" | |
for (const node of nodes) { | |
if (node.nodeType === 3) { | |
text += node.textContent; | |
continue; | |
} | |
if (node.nodeName === "BR") { | |
text += "\n"; | |
continue; | |
} | |
const ansiCode = +(node.className.split("-")[1]); | |
const newState = Object.assign({}, states.at(-1)); | |
if (ansiCode < 30) newState.st = ansiCode; | |
if (ansiCode >= 30 && ansiCode < 40) newState.fg = ansiCode; | |
if (ansiCode >= 40) newState.bg = ansiCode; | |
states.push(newState) | |
text += `\x1b[${newState.st};${(ansiCode >= 40) ? newState.bg : newState.fg}m`; | |
text += nodesToANSI(node.childNodes, states); | |
states.pop() | |
text += `\x1b[0m`; | |
if (states.at(-1).fg !== 2) text += `\x1b[${states.at(-1).st};${states.at(-1).fg}m`; | |
if (states.at(-1).bg !== 2) text += `\x1b[${states.at(-1).st};${states.at(-1).bg}m`; | |
} | |
return text; | |
} | |
let copyCount = 0; | |
let copyTimeout = null; | |
copybtn.onclick = () => { | |
const toCopy = "```ansi\n" + nodesToANSI(textarea.childNodes, [{ fg: 2, bg: 2, st:2 }]) + "\n```"; | |
navigator.clipboard.writeText(toCopy).then(() => { | |
if (copyTimeout) clearTimeout(copyTimeout); | |
const funnyCopyMessages = copybtn.innerText = ["Copied!", "Double Copy!", "Triple Copy!", "Dominating!!", "Rampage!!", "Mega Copy!!", "Unstoppable!!", "Wicked Sick!!", "Monster Copy!!!", "GODLIKE!!!", "BEYOND GODLIKE!!!!", Array(16).fill(0).reduce(p => p + String.fromCharCode(Math.floor(Math.random() * 65535)),"")]; | |
copybtn.style.backgroundColor = (copyCount <= 8) ? "#3BA55D" : "#ED4245"; | |
copybtn.innerText = funnyCopyMessages[copyCount]; | |
copyCount = Math.min(11, copyCount + 1); | |
copyTimeout = setTimeout(() => { | |
copyCount = 0; | |
copybtn.style.backgroundColor = null; | |
copybtn.innerText = "Copy text as Discord formatted"; | |
}, 2000) | |
}, (err) => { | |
// We don't need to stop the users if they get a little too excited about the button | |
if (copyCount > 2) return; | |
alert("Copying failed for some reason, let's try showing an alert, maybe you can copy it instead."); | |
alert(toCopy); | |
}); | |
} | |
</script> | |
</body> | |
</html> |
I would recommend adding
white-space: pre-wrap;
font-size: 0.875rem;
line-height: 1.125rem;
text-indent: 0;
to #textarea
in the css to make it match discord's code block more accurately.
At the very least, white-space: pre-wrap;
should be set because currently the text box handles whitespace characters differently from discord's code block, making it difficult to work with some types of ascii art.
white-space: pre-wrap; font-size: 0.875rem; line-height: 1.125rem; text-indent: 0;
+1 to this, looks way better!
@FrostBird347 Thanks, added!
I do not want to accuse anyone of stealing, but I have found a repo with the same webpage. Just wanted to let you know: https://github.com/crossface001/discord-colored-text-generator
I was pushed 1 day after this gist was created.
I do not want to accuse anyone of stealing, but I have found a repo with the same webpage. Just wanted to let you know: github.com/crossface001/discord-colored-text-generator
I was pushed 1 day after this gist was created.
I know it is very, very likely, but I don't think I am in the position of actually accusing someone (the two people might know each other and worked on the project together). But it is very suspicious indeed.
@rebane2001 you will probably be able to file a takedown request for https://github.com/crossface001/discord-colored-text-generator/commit/d4435839b9c89e41a9c2d1d0379485355420aa5d here: https://support.github.com/contact/report-abuse?category=report-abuse&report=other&report_type=unspecified
While I don't like that @crossface001 just took my code and only changed the name without leaving credit, I stand by the license (The Unlicense) I apply to my code, which means I will not issue a takedown or anything of that sort. This code is free for anyone to use however they please (and while I do appreciate crediting where appropriate, it is not required).
Really great work! A "rainbow" button could possibly be a nice addition.
Really great work! A "rainbow" button could possibly be a nice addition.
nice idea
can some help with this because if i send it from a desktop and look at it form my iphone instead of the colors i see the code behind it.
does anyone know how to see the colors or is that something can,t because of mobile platform?
can some help with this because if i send it from a desktop and look at it form my iphone instead of the colors i see the code behind it. does anyone know how to see the colors or is that something can,t because of mobile platform?
Discord mobile doesn't support that yet, neither Android or iOS
This would be a great API, if anyone can make that it would be nice. Amazing work!
I never knew Discord supported ANSI. Amazing!
Would it be possible to allow stacking backgrounds and foregrounds?
You already can, make sure you're only selecting text inside or outside a different formatting, not from inside to out.
discord colored text is now removed?
discord colored text is now removed?
What's your discord client version (+ mobile etc?)
No? What's your discord client version (+ mobile etc?)
My bad, was using VenCord and it has a plugin to revamp codeblocks. That was the cause to me not being able to see it. Colors still work.
Could you add a tooltip to the colour buttons that shows the name of that colour? It'd make this much easier for colourblind people to use, myself included.
@QEStudios Great idea, some of these colors are pretty ambiguous on some screens anyways. Added the tooltips, hope it helps!
really nice work done, also makes it better ur estonian
estonia meantioned RAHHHHH
can you add more text colors please i work on a server announcements for dedicated server's and i like to use other colors insted of the same one after it's been used
@rebane2001 Thanks, that's really helpful! :3
Hey @rebane2001 Nice code but SpicyDevs has skidded from you saying they created it..
Heres the proof https://textcord.pages.dev/
Very shameful of them
Hey @rebane2001 Nice code but SpicyDevs has skidded from you saying they created it.. Heres the proof https://textcord.pages.dev/
I don't know if they changed it after the above comment was made, but SpicyDevs' page now— at least —shows "based on" and links back to @rebane2001. That's credit where credit's due, right?
PS - I absolutely love this generator. Thanks, @rebane2001 <3!
this is such a great website! I am working on a discord bot that can change text colors, and this is where I learned about ANSI escape codes. Thank you, this is awesome!
Nice work!