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Forked from dhh/tracker_blocking.rb
Created March 4, 2021 16:34
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Current list of spy pixels named'n'shamed in HEY, as of April 23, 2020
module Entry::TrackerBlocking
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
has_many :blocked_trackers
email_service_blockers = {
"ActiveCampaign" => /lt\.php(.*)?l\=open/,
"AWeber" => "",
"Bananatag" => "",
"Boomerang" => "",
"Campaign Monitor" => /cmail(\d+)\.com\/t\//,
"Cirrus Insight" => "",
"Close" => "",
"Constant Contact" => "",
"ContactMonkey" => "",
"ConvertKit" => "",
"Critical Impact" => "",
"Emarsys" => "",
"Gem" => "",
"Getnotify" => "",
"GetResponse" => "",
"GrowthDot" => "",
"FreshMail" => /\/o\/(\w){10,}\/(\w){10,}/,
"Front" => /app\.frontapp\.com\/(.*)?\/seen/,
"Hubspot" => /t\.(hubspotemail|hubspotfree|signaux|senal|sidekickopen|sigopn)/,
"iContact" => "",
"Intercom" => [ "", "" ],
"Litmus" => "",
"Mailchimp" => "",
"Mailgun" => /email\.(mailgun|mg)(.*)?\/o/,
"Mailjet" => "",
"Mailspring" => "",
"MailTrack" => [ "", "" ],
"Mandrill" => "",
"Marketo" => "",
"MixMax" => /(email|track)\.mixmax\.com/,
"Mixpanel" => "",
"NetHunt" => /nethunt\.co(.*)?\/pixel\.gif/,
"Newton" => "",
"Outreach" => "api/mailings/opened",
"phpList" => "",
"Polymail" => "",
"Postmark" => "",
"Return Path" => "",
"Sailthru" => "",
"Salesforce" => "",
"SendGrid" => "wf/open?upn",
"Sendy" => "/sendy/t/",
"Streak" => "",
"Superhuman" => "",
"Thunderhead" => "",
"Tinyletter" => /tinyletterapp\.com.*?open\.gif/,
"YAMM" => "yamm-track.appspot",
"Yesware" => "",
"Zendesk Sell" => ""
}.collect { |service, pattern|, pattern) }
specialized_blockers = [, ]
# Need to make sure GenericSmallPixel is always the last one on the list. Otherwise, it could catch pixels for some
# of the services we're explicitly tracking.
TRACKING_BLOCKERS = email_service_blockers + specialized_blockers + [ ]
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