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Created August 7, 2013 00:12
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This is to practice tail recursion by creating a method that splits text after 80 characters long and adds the next line over. split80(...) works but it is not tail recursive. newSplit80(...) attempts that.
* Recursive split text to lines of 80 characters
def split80(text: String): String = {
if (text.length <= 80) {
} else {
text.substring(0, 80) + "\n" + split80(text.substring(80))
* Recursive split text to lines of 80 characters
def newSplit80(text: String): String = {
def loop(acc: String, line: String): String = {
if (acc.length <= 80)
loop(acc.substring(80), acc + line)
loop(text, "\n")
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