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Last active October 2, 2021 14:36
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Config file for Kint (php debug helper). More info:
/* ####################################################################
* Original, changes welcome:
* More info:
* Add this file to the `autoload.files` configuration in composer.json:
* "autoload": {
* "psr-4": {
* "App\\": "src/"
* },
* "files": [
* "config/kint.php" <--------------- this line
* ]
* },
* Or, if you don't use Composer, just include this file anywhere after Kint is included.
* ################################################################## */
# don't kill the vibe if something's wrong
if (!class_exists('Kint\Renderer\RichRenderer')) {
# disable the weird fold on the bottom of the page and just display Kint where it was called.
Kint\Renderer\RichRenderer::$folder = false;
# make it usable on php frameworks of 2021+
Kint\Parser\BlacklistPlugin::$shallow_blacklist[] =
# Everywhere a file path is displayed you can click on it to open directly in PhpStorm
# Requires plugin
# Phpstorm -> Settings -> Plugins -> Marketplace -> Remote Call.
Kint\Kint::$file_link_format = 'phpstorm://open?file=%f&line=%l';
# show full (not edited) path to files so I can click em in console
Kint\Kint::$app_root_dirs = [
realpath($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']) => realpath($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']),
# add convenient shorthand aliases
if (!function_exists('kd')) {
* Alias of Kint::dump(); die; is compatible with symfony & laravel (it leaves their dd helper alone)
function kd()
$args = func_get_args();
call_user_func_array(['Kint', 'dump'], $args);
Kint::$aliases[] = 'kd';
if (! function_exists('ss')) {
function ss()
if (! Kint::$enabled_mode) {
return 0;
$stash = Kint::$enabled_mode;
Kint::$enabled_mode = Kint::MODE_TEXT;
$args = func_get_args();
$out = call_user_func_array(['Kint', 'dump'], $args);
Kint::$enabled_mode = $stash;
return $out;
Kint::$aliases[] = 'ss';
if (!function_exists('sd')) {
function sd()
$args = func_get_args();
call_user_func_array('ss', $args);
Kint::$aliases[] = 'sd';
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