A problem we regularly face in this industry is an abundance of choice. We have a plethora of tools, frameworks, languages, abstractions and platforms. Choice is ultimately good for competition and innovation, however when faced with too many choices, we can feel paralysis. Rather than making a choice we feel frozen and alone with the indecision of having too many options in front of us. This isn’t necessarily an industry problem — it’s a human problem.
JavaScript has “Yet another framework syndrome” (how many solutions do we have for MVC, template rendering or data-binding?),
Front-end Choice Paralysis: http://addyosmani.com/blog/front-end-choice-paralysis/
Must Read Books!
Recommended Books!
How do I think in AngularJS if I have a jQuery Background: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14994391/how-do-i-think-in-angularjs-if-i-have-a-jquery-background?rq=1
Test-Driven Development with JavaScript: http://enterprisewebbook.com/ch7_testdriven_js.html
JavaScript Test Frameworks Comparison: https://github.com/thegrtman/javascript-test-framework-comparison
- http://addyosmani.com/blog/checking-in-front-end-dependencies/
- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11459475/should-i-check-in-node-modules-to-git-when-creating-a-node-js-app-on-heroku
- http://google-styleguide.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/javascriptguide.xml
- https://github.com/airbnb/javascript
- https://github.com/styleguide/javascript/1.0
Jasmine is a Behavior Driven Development testing framework for JavaScript. It does not rely on browsers, DOM, or any JavaScript framework.
A JavaScript test-runner built with Node.js. Made by the Angular team. You can use any assertion-library you want with it. Karma Getting Started - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVw8N3hTfCI
Isolating your AngularJS frontend development from the backend (REST API) can allow potentially separate teams develop independently. Agreeing on the REST API can then allow both teams develop in parallel, agreeing to implement/use the REST service the same way.
AngularJS backend-less development example # 1