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Created December 30, 2011 19:46
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Testing addresses for Utopia service
#txt = $("h1.street-address").text() #fron Trulia
txt = "56 East 7720 S, Midvale UT 84047" #bad
txt = "268 Park St, Midvale UT 84047" #good
htmler = ""
p = new RegExp re1+re2+re3+re4+re5+re6+re7,["i"]
m = p.exec txt
queryString = "{escape m[1]}&unit=&city=#{escape m[2]}&state=#{escape m[3]}&zip=#{escape m[4]}"
console.log queryString
url: ""
method: "POST"
success: (data)->
htmler = data
unfortunatelyExists = htmler.indexOf("Unfortunately")
if unfortunatelyExists > -1
console.log "No Utopia.", unfortunatelyExists
console.log "Yes Utopia!", unfortunatelyExists
data: queryString
Copy link

Dude, if you're going to write some CoffeeScript, do it right, yo:

#txt = $("h1.street-address").text() #fron Trulia
txt = "56 East 7720 S, Midvale UT 84047" #bad
txt = "268 Park St, Midvale UT 84047" #good

htmler = ""
p = ///
  (.*?)             # whats this do?
  .*?               # whats this do?
  ((?:[a-z][a-z]+)) # etc.
m = p.exec txt

queryString = "{escape m[1]}&unit=&city=#{escape m[2]}&state=#{escape m[3]}&zip=#{escape m[4]}"

console.log queryString

  url: ""
  method: "POST"
  success: (data)->
    htmler = data
    unfortunatelyExists = htmler.indexOf("Unfortunately")
    if unfortunatelyExists > -1
      console.log "No Utopia.", unfortunatelyExists
      console.log "Yes Utopia!", unfortunatelyExists
  data: queryString

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