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Created December 2, 2009 21:23
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void numtest( double learnparas[], int numhid, int emax, int usevalid, int wopt, char *tstr, char *vstr, char *ustr )
// test network on the numerical problem
// specified are the learning rate, momentum, number of hidden neurpons
// emax is max number of epochs for learning
// if usevalid then stop training when SSE on validation set starts to rise
// wopt is seed used to initialise random number generators used to initialise weights
// data files names are in tsr, vstr and ustr
ifprint = 0, // maximum number of epochs, epochs so far and ifprint
esofar = 0; // epochs so far SHLUD NAWT NEED THISS
och = ' ';
printf( "numhid: %d\n emax: %d\n usevalid: %d\n wopt: %d\n tstr: %s\n ustr: %s\n", numhid, emax, usevalid, wopt, tstr, vstr, ustr );
srand( wopt );
datasets train ( tstr, "training" );
datasets unseen ( ustr, "unseen");
LinActLayer *net = MakeNet( 'N', numhid, train );
passdata( net, train, 0 );
passdata( net, unseen, 0 );
for( int ct = 0; ct < emax; ct++ )
printf( "[%d] ", ct );
learndata( net, train, learnparas, ifprint );
passdata( net, train, 0 );
passdata( net, train, 0 );
passdata( net, unseen, 0 );
esofar = esofar + emax - 1;
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