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Created May 5, 2017 08:45
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Set the date of a JLR SDD V145 Diagnostics Virtualbox VM to a known date using python3 script
#! /usr/bin/env python3
# Script to reset JLR SDD VM time back
# Note the limited install authentication access is only valid within a 24 hour period
# The VM date must be within this period, not before (system date tamper detected error)
# and not afterward (expired error)
import sys
from datetime import datetime, date
from subprocess import call
# Warning
print('\nWARNING: The JLR SDD Virtual Machine MUST be shutdown!!\n')
# VM Name
vmname = 'WinXP JLR Diagnostics'
# Y, M, D expires at 3rd May 2017 11.37PM
reqd = date(2017, 5, 3)
print('Setting JLR SDD VM date to {}\n'.format(reqd.strftime('%d %B %Y')))
nowd =
# Get the time difference from now:
tdiff = reqd - nowd
elapsedms = int(tdiff.total_seconds()*1000)
def run(cmd):
"Helper function to run shell command"
args = {'stdout': sys.stdout, 'stderr': sys.stderr, 'shell': True}
ret = call(cmd, **args)
print('\n{}, returned: {}\n---------\n'.format(cmd, ret))
cmd = 'VBoxManage setextradata "{}" "VBoxInternal/Devices/VMMDev/0/Config/GetHostTimeDisabled" 1'.format(vmname)
cmd = 'VBoxManage modifyvm "{}" --biossystemtimeoffset {}'.format(vmname, elapsedms)
print('\nPress Enter to continue...')
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