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Last active October 21, 2024 15:21
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Debug Travis CI config locally using Docker

Debugging Travis CI locally using Docker

This assumes you've got docker-machine installed, running, and can do docker run

1. Get a debug instance running

    docker run --name travis-debug -dit /sbin/init
    docker exec -it travis-debug bash -l

2. As root: Install any packages you need via apt-get

3. su - travis

4. Install travis-build

    rvm install 2.2.5
    rvm use 2.2.5
    gem install travis
    travis version # generates ~/.travis
    cd builds
    git clone
    cd travis-build
    ln -s `pwd` ~/.travis/travis-build
    bundle install

5. Install your code and generate the script

    cd ~/builds
    mkdir $github_user_name
    cd $github_user_name
    git clone${github_user_name}/${github_repo}.git
    cd $github_repo
    # change to the branch or commit you want to investigate
    travis compile > ~/builds/
    cd ~/builds
    # You most likely will need to edit as it ignores matrix and env


  1. Travis CI Docs: Running a container-based Docker Image
  2. StackOverflow: How to reproduce a Travis CI build environment for debugging
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myosher1 commented Sep 11, 2019

I'm trying to follow your instructions but when i do "gem install travis" i get:

travis@ee87ce656105:~$ gem install travis
ERROR: Could not find a valid gem 'travis' (>= 0), here is why:
Unable to download data from - SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=unknown state: tlsv1 alert protocol version (

maybe there is something I missed...?


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purp commented Sep 11, 2019

Hi, @myosher1 … I haven’t revisited this gist for a while, and can’t chase this just now. My first guess would be around version of Ruby. Maybe try with 2.6.4 or anything 2.6.x?

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yijiangh commented Mar 2, 2020

gem install travis

@myosher1 Try the following:

$ gem sources --remove
$ gem sources -a

Found these working like a charm: source here.

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