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Last active March 23, 2022 16:07
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Colorize PowerShell's adb output
# Change execution policy: Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process Unrestricted
# Run this script, and then 'adb logcat | color-logcat'
Function global:color-logcat {
Process {
if ($_) {
$color = "White"
$fgcolor = "Black"
if($_ -match [regex]"\s[V]\s") {
$color = "Gray"
#$fgcolor = "DarkBlue"
elseif($_ -match [regex]"\s[D]\s") {
$color = "Green"
#$fgcolor = "DarkBlue"
elseif($_ -match [regex]"\s[I]\s") {
$color = "Cyan"
#$fgcolor = "DarkBlue"
elseif($_ -match [regex]"\s[W]\s") {
$color = "DarkYellow"
#$fgcolor = "Blue"
elseif($_ -match [regex]"\s[E]\s") {
$color = "Red"
#$fgcolor = "Blue"
elseif($_ -match [regex]"\s[F]\s") {
$color = "Magenta"
#$fgcolor = "Blue"
# Removes date
write-host $_.Remove(0,6) -foregroundcolor $color -backgroundcolor $fgcolor
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