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Last active January 25, 2024 15:47
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Mac App Store updates
# App Store playing
import urllib, urllib2, json, plistlib
# Utility function for performing an iTunes-style search
def perform_itunes_search(api_url, query_list=[]):
query_str = urllib.urlencode(query_list)
response_handle = urllib2.urlopen('' % (api_url, query_str))
response = json.loads(
return response
# Utility function for parsing iTunes-style search results for Mac apps
def parse_itunes_result(a_result):
app_info = {'name': a_result['trackName'],
'size': int(a_result['fileSizeBytes']),
'CFBundleIdentifier': a_result['bundleId'],
'CFBundleShortVersionString': a_result['version'],
'adam-id': a_result['trackId'],
'installed-version-identifier': 0}
return app_info
# These two functions are good if you know only partial information about single apps.
# However, the third function is better if you know the right information - in that it can batch lookup
# Look up an application by bundle ID
def lookup_app_bundle_id(bundle_id, raw_result=False):
response = perform_itunes_search('en/lookup', query_list=[('bundleId', bundle_id)])
if response['resultCount'] > 0:
if raw_result:
# Return the data the app store provided, in its entirety
return response
# Otherwise assume the first hit is what we want and return information relevant to updates
return parse_itunes_result(response['results'][0])
# Lookup an application by name
# This is much less reliable than the bundle ID lookup, avoid when possible
def lookup_app_name(app_name, raw_result=False):
response = perform_itunes_search('search', query_list=[('term', app_name), ('media', 'software'), ('entity', 'macSoftware')])
if response['resultCount'] > 0:
if raw_result:
# Return the data the app store provided, in its entirety
return response
# Otherwise assume the first hit is what we want and return information relevant to updates
return parse_itunes_result(response['results'][0])
# This function uses the Mac App Store update checker mechanism.
# It can accept a batch collection of apps to lookup information for.
# It works best with information directly from the receipts and bundle of the application itself.
# Specifically, if it can extract the App Store installed version identifier, a response for that application
# will only be generated if the version is older than (or not found in) the newest version in the version history
# known by the App Store.
# For information on extracting this from the receipts of apps, check my project here:
# If you pass '0' for the installed-version-identifier, you will always get a result for the app from the App Store
# update mechanism, which includes the latest installed-version-identifier (and all prior ones)
def check_app_updates(app_info_list, raw_result=False):
# This function expects a list of dicts with, at a minimum, the 'adam-id' key set
# This ID is the unique product identifier for an app on the App Store and can be found in the store URL
# when viewing the app's page in a web browser, like so:
# ^^^^^^^^^
# The other 3 keys that will be passed in the search are: CFBundleIdentifier, CFBundleShortVersionString, and
# installed-version-identifier (explained earlier). Lack of any of these keys will result in a filler value
# being provided which, as long as the adam-id is present, the App Store update mechanism doesn't seem to
# care about.
update_url = ''
request = urllib2.Request(update_url)
# Headers #
# This sets us to the US store. See:
request.add_header('X-Apple-Store-Front', '143441-1,13')
# This indicates we're sending an XML plist
request.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/x-apple-plist')
# This seems to be the minimum string to be recognized as a valid app store update checker
# Normally, it's of the form: User-Agent: MacAppStore/1.3 (Macintosh; OS X 10.9) AppleWebKit/537.71
request.add_header('User-Agent', 'MacAppStore')
# Build up the plist
local_software = []
for an_app in app_info_list:
app_entry = {'CFBundleIdentifier': an_app.get('CFBundleIdentifier', '.'),
'CFBundleShortVersionString': an_app.get('CFBundleShortVersionString', '0'),
'adam-id': an_app['adam-id'],
'installed-version-identifier': an_app.get('installed-version-identifier', 0)}
plist_dict = {'local-software': local_software}
plist_str = plistlib.writePlistToString(plist_dict)
# Build the connection
response_handle = urllib2.urlopen(request)
response =
# Currently returning the raw response
# Initial analysis:
# - It appears that applications that need updating will be under the 'incompatible-items' key
# - 'version-external-identifiers' is a list of historical versions, in order
# - 'version-external-identifier' is the current version
# - 'current-version' is the CFBundleShortVersionString
# - 'bundle-id' is the CFBundleIdentifier
# - 'preflight' is a *very* interesting 'pfpkg'. See details at bottom.
return plistlib.readPlistFromString(response)
Details regarding .pfpkg type:
Non-standard package format, but still a xar archive (just no bom inside). Appears to contain a single "Distribution"
file which an example is included below.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
<installer-gui-script minSpecVersion="2">
<pkg-ref id="com.evernote.Evernote">
<bundle CFBundleShortVersionString="5.4.3" CFBundleVersion="402230" id="com.evernote.Evernote" path=""/>
<product id="com.evernote.Evernote" version="5.4.3"/>
<options customize="never" require-scripts="false" hostArchitectures="x86_64,i386" productKBytes="47573"/>
<os-version min="10.6.6"/>
<line choice="default">
<line choice="com.evernote.Evernote"/>
<choice id="default" title="Evernote" versStr="5.4.3"/>
<choice id="com.evernote.Evernote" title="Evernote" visible="false" customLocation="/Applications">
<pkg-ref id="com.evernote.Evernote"/>
<pkg-ref id="com.evernote.Evernote" version="5.4.3" onConclusion="none" installKBytes="157335">#com.evernote.Evernote.pkg</pkg-ref>
Additional useful URLs:
Cookie analysis from raw headers sent via Mac App Store app:
mzf_odc = x-apple-application-site
mzf_in = x-apple-application-instance
ns-mzf-inst = unique transaction/record handled by instance (?)
X-Dsid = your unique Apple ID numeric identifier (verifiable under Profile page under dev center when logged in)
Pod=44; itspod=44 - unsure
Apparently the x-apple-tz header is UTC offset *60 *60. according to
### New! Search your machine for the App Store information, no need to directly parse receipts
from Foundation import NSMetadataQuery, NSPredicate, NSRunLoop, NSDate
def find_app_store_apps(dirlist=None):
query = NSMetadataQuery.alloc().init()
query.setPredicate_(NSPredicate.predicateWithFormat_('(kMDItemAppStoreHasReceipt = "1")'))
if dirlist:
runtime = 0
maxruntime = 20
while query.isGathering() and runtime <= maxruntime:
runtime += 0.3
if runtime >= maxruntime:
print 'Spotlight search terminated'
app_details = []
for an_app in query.results():
app_metadata = an_app.valuesForAttributes_(an_app.attributes())
app_dict = {}
app_dict['CFBundleIdentifier'] = app_metadata['kMDItemCFBundleIdentifier']
app_dict['CFBundleShortVersionString'] = app_metadata['kMDItemVersion']
app_dict['adam-id'] = app_metadata['kMDItemAppStoreAdamID']
app_dict['installed-version-identifier'] = int(app_metadata['kMDItemAppStoreInstallerVersionID'])
return app_details
### Then try running this :)
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