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Below are the Big O performance of common functions of different Java Collections. | |
List | Add | Remove | Get | Contains | Next | Data Structure | |
---------------------|------|--------|------|----------|------|--------------- | |
ArrayList | O(1) | O(n) | O(1) | O(n) | O(1) | Array | |
LinkedList | O(1) | O(1) | O(n) | O(n) | O(1) | Linked List | |
CopyOnWriteArrayList | O(n) | O(n) | O(1) | O(n) | O(1) | Array | |
Set | Add | Remove | Contains | Next | Size | Data Structure | |
----------------------|----------|----------|----------|----------|------|------------------------- | |
HashSet | O(1) | O(1) | O(1) | O(h/n) | O(1) | Hash Table | |
LinkedHashSet | O(1) | O(1) | O(1) | O(1) | O(1) | Hash Table + Linked List | |
EnumSet | O(1) | O(1) | O(1) | O(1) | O(1) | Bit Vector | |
TreeSet | O(log n) | O(log n) | O(log n) | O(log n) | O(1) | Red-black tree | |
CopyOnWriteArraySet | O(n) | O(n) | O(n) | O(1) | O(1) | Array | |
ConcurrentSkipListSet | O(log n) | O(log n) | O(log n) | O(1) | O(n) | Skip List | |
Queue | Offer | Peak | Poll | Remove | Size | Data Structure | |
------------------------|----------|------|----------|--------|------|--------------- | |
PriorityQueue | O(log n) | O(1) | O(log n) | O(n) | O(1) | Priority Heap | |
LinkedList | O(1) | O(1) | O(1) | O(1) | O(1) | Array | |
ArrayDequeue | O(1) | O(1) | O(1) | O(n) | O(1) | Linked List | |
ConcurrentLinkedQueue | O(1) | O(1) | O(1) | O(n) | O(n) | Linked List | |
ArrayBlockingQueue | O(1) | O(1) | O(1) | O(n) | O(1) | Array | |
PriorirityBlockingQueue | O(log n) | O(1) | O(log n) | O(n) | O(1) | Priority Heap | |
SynchronousQueue | O(1) | O(1) | O(1) | O(n) | O(1) | None! | |
DelayQueue | O(log n) | O(1) | O(log n) | O(n) | O(1) | Priority Heap | |
LinkedBlockingQueue | O(1) | O(1) | O(1) | O(n) | O(1) | Linked List | |
Map | Get | ContainsKey | Next | Data Structure | |
----------------------|----------|-------------|----------|------------------------- | |
HashMap | O(1) | O(1) | O(h / n) | Hash Table | |
LinkedHashMap | O(1) | O(1) | O(1) | Hash Table + Linked List | |
IdentityHashMap | O(1) | O(1) | O(h / n) | Array | |
WeakHashMap | O(1) | O(1) | O(h / n) | Hash Table | |
EnumMap | O(1) | O(1) | O(1) | Array | |
TreeMap | O(log n) | O(log n) | O(log n) | Red-black tree | |
ConcurrentHashMap | O(1) | O(1) | O(h / n) | Hash Tables | |
ConcurrentSkipListMap | O(log n) | O(log n) | O(1) | Skip List |
Hi, can you please add Vector?
How O(1) for adding in arraylist?
Being a list, you always add at the end and having an array as the underlying data structure access is O(1).
If you are asking about having to grow the array and the time in reallocating that memory and copying it, it is done through amortized complexity: each time we add an element that goes beyond the total size of the array, the capacity is doubled. So that way, most of the times you add a new element you just add at the end with O(1) and doing an average, the runtime is constant https://stackoverflow.com/a/45243529/15001063
LinkedList remove is only O(1) if you use its iterator. standard
is O(n)
Thankyou! Only a small mistake that I think is LinkedList remove is O(N) not O(1) because it first needs to find the node before deleting it.
Check out this link:
thanks !!!
best gist ever!
ArrayDeque's remove - O(n)
, how is that possible?
If you consider,remove(Object o)
, then it's OK to be O(n). But for E remove()
, it is O(1).
For LinkedList, you wrote O(1), I think you consider E remove()
not boolean remove(Object o)
or E remove(int index)
. Because for that two operations, it is O(n).
This is also true for PriorityQueue's Remove(). which should be O(log(n))
remove - O(n)
, how is that possible?
If you consider,remove(Object o)
, then it's OK to be O(n). But forE remove()
, it is O(1).
It comes from shifting all elements to fill in the new empty space left after the element you remove.
From Javadoc,
Most ArrayDeque operations run in amortized constant time. Exceptions include remove, removeFirstOccurrence, removeLastOccurrence, contains, iterator.remove(), and the bulk operations, all of which run in linear time.
So, if you consider amortized, then you can say O(n), but most of the time, it's O(1)
remove - O(n)
, how is that possible?
If you consider,remove(Object o)
, then it's OK to be O(n). But forE remove()
, it is O(1).
For LinkedList, you wrote O(1), I think you considerE remove()
notboolean remove(Object o)
orE remove(int index)
. Because for that two operations, it is O(n). This is also true for PriorityQueue's Remove(). which should be O(log(n))
Sorry I misread it. I thought you meant E remove(int index)
in ArrayDeque which I checked and doesn't exist. E remove()
removes the first element and being a circular queue it's O(1) of course (same as E removeFirst()
and E removeLast()
), while remove(Object o)
, it's O(n) from doing a linear scan O(n) to find the element and then shift all the elements O(n).
I guess @psayre23 chose one of them to keep the formatting of the table?
@psayre23 could you change the file extension to .md and create a good looking table? I feel like a lot of people are using this gist and it would be really good if we got a better looking table than this. I can help you re-write it if you aren't comfortable with markdown too...
Maybe something like this:
shouldn't the worst time complexity for ArrayList add()
operation be O(n) as in the worst case the element might need to be inserted in the middle.
shouldn't the worst time complexity for ArrayList
operation be O(n) as in the worst case the element might need to be inserted in the middle.
I'm guessing the Add operation of the table refers to add(E e) in the ArrayList doc, which inserts an element at the end. I agree that add(int index, E element) it's an O(n) operation due to possibly needing to shift all elements to the right.
very help full thanks
Thanks for this. One correction ..... For Queue, I am pretty sure it is "peek" and not "peak". Cheers.
PriorityQueue remove() without arguments, it calls poll() which is same as o(log n), and remove(Object) internally calls its private methods which uses comparator so it is also O(log n)
good thanks